Twin soul Ascension report: The light has already won so many awakening now.

Dearest brothers and sisters,
greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this great moment of your time with much news to share with you ever evolving humanity. This ascension report is being birthed and bought through to you all on the 2nd of January, 2021.
Beloveds, we would like to take a moment now just to put some things into perspective with regards to the monumental year of 2020. On the surface it may seem as though it was a very chaotic year, and it may seem as though the forces of darkness were running a mock with humanity. But, may it be shouted from the furthest rooftops, the head of the deep state monster was cut off in 2017, Here, we are referring to the highest echelons of the deep state pyramidic structure.
What we have been witnessing in 2020 is the lower echelons of the pyramidic monster doing their utmost to harvest as much loosh as possible from humanity. Loosh refers to fear energy that humans feel.
Most of the deep state players that have been on our screens in 2020 are not even real. Most of them have left the planet or are in Gitmo. All of this will be revealed shortly. And it is important that it is reiterated, again, that the movie that was 2020 was played out in order to awaken the vast amount of sleepers on planet Earth. We know this as the white hats had control of the Looking Glass technology (from the roswell crash in 1945) and were able to to know what is ahead in the higher dimensional chess game that is being played.
As many of you are aware, the depth of density within third dimensional consciousness on planet Earth has been shocking to the awakened ones,
This is why the White hat Earth Alliance has been using CGI technology, clones, body doubles, and all sorts, so that the bad players could read from their own White hat script.
This has been in order to expose the tyrannical agenda of the deep state puppets, that humanity may once and for all be awoken from their long deep slumber.
This plan has been working and there are many, many brothers and sisters that have awoken in this year of 2020. And we can honestly say that humanity's collective consciousness is very close to reaching a critical mass of awakened souls.
To all of you who are reading these words, thank you so much for being true to yourself, for remaining authentic, for not being a sheep, for being like a lion and walking in this world with great courage, and zero need for approval from third dimensional caterpillar consciousness humans.
Please know that every one of you that stands true to yourself, you are making a huge contribution, unconsciously, to many of the brothers and sisters who walk past you wearing their masks.
The fact that you are not wearing your mask, shows them that it is possible for them to also not adhere to the wishes of their tyrannical governments, who are simply acting in this way to awaken humanity.
The energies are now massively building up to the 11:1 portal. In the 11:1 portal we are being called to come together in our large global ascension groups in order to accelerate the timeline whereby all off-planet technology is released back to humanity.
It is absolutely imperative that humanity now has access, particularly to the med beds. The current allopathic medicine practices have been nothing short of barbaric, except of course, in emergency situations, whereby allopathic medicine is somewhat appropriate.
But on the whole, the cutting and chopping and general philosophy of allopathic medicine has been deeply and utterly barbaric towards humanity. And this must be corrected, and this will be corrected via the med beds.
The med beds are off-planet technology that have been used on space stations, and also in the moon colonies for quite some time. If you do a little bit of research, you will find that this technology has been made available, but only for an extremely selective part of humanity. But this is all on the precipice of shifting brothers and sisters.
It is so important that we all come together to anchor this timeline.
Last night, I was very blessed to experience the 11:1 transmission, and it was so powerful, and so moving.
In the 11:1 transmission, we are also being guided to work with the higher self of all police officers who are devoting their lives to the premise of following inhumane and irrational orders from their seniors.
This is unacceptable in this stage of the planet's ascension, and it is absolutely imperative that we get as many brothers and sisters in the police force aligned with their soul consciousness as possible.
This is something that has been preordained, and all of the police officers that we will be working with have signed up to receive this blessing.
Also, on the 11:1 transmission, we will be sending a very powerful blessing of courage to the divine masculines who are struggling to remember the glory of their fifth dimensional love story, and have chosen to settle for third dimensional karmic relationships.
The reason why we are being called to work so closely with this group of divine masculines is that unless they take heed of the messages that the universe is giving them, the universe will have to shout louder and louder to get their attention. This could happen in the form of illness or accidents or very dramatic incidences. This is something that we can avoid by doing this work on the higher dimensional planes to support the masculines, to let go of these contracts that are no longer serving them.
We will also be working with huge twin flame blessings for the collective -linking up the timeline of Lemuria Atlantis and 5D Gaia through the sacred union of the twins.
Dearest ones it is so important that we are all reminded of the enormous power that is activated when we come together to align our attention and intention with mother father God's will.
We are each micro versions of the Universe i.e. God in human form which means our consciousness is all-powerful ..when we gather with another soul in unified intention this does not equate to 1 + 1 this actually equates to 1 to the power of 1.
So as we all gather in our large Ascension groups on portal date such as this the power that we activate is absolutely unfathomable to us with our human consciousness suffice to say this is how universes are created.
Please see below for full details on how to book onto this transmission.
Brothers and sisters, we are so grateful to be part of this amazingly powerful ascension community. And I, Jen, am so looking forward to publishing my book on the 14th of February, Valentine's day.
The book will be such an incredible dot connector for so many of you, and I so look forward to sharing this powerful sacred scripture with you all.
It is my deepest prayer that you remember that the fifth dimensional party that your soul is seeking is forever taking place in the present moment of now, which is also known as the zero point field.
You may think you are searching for a guru, a teacher, or a twin flame, but what you are really searching for is to be present in this moment.
Therefore, I would highly recommend committing to a spiritual practice, now, on the second day of 2021, That will enable you to prioritise present moment awareness over the push and pull, and rise and fall of all temporary thought forms..
The quickest way to make God do a happy dance is to simply relax, give all of your burdens back to our creator self, and enter into what could be termed vacation mode.
Whenever we do that, we make mother-father God do a great and wonderful, happy dance.
And this is what this journey is all about.
I hope and pray that you gain inspiration from this message. And I very, very much look forward to gathering with all of you on the 11:1 new earth transmission
in love and light, Jenji and the white Wolf tribe.
The 11:1 new earth transmission
The 11:1 transmission will take place on the 11th of January at 8:21pm aka 20:21 p.m. UK time.
In the 11:1 portal we are being called to come together in our large global ascension groups in order to accelerate the timeline whereby all off-planet technology is released back to humanity.
It is absolutely imperative that humanity now has access, particularly to the med beds. The current allopathic medicine practices have been nothing short of barbaric, except of course, in emergency situations, whereby allopathic medicine is somewhat appropriate.
But on the whole, the cutting and chopping and general philosophy of allopathic medicine has been deeply and utterly barbaric towards humanity. And this must be corrected, and this will be corrected via the med beds.
The med beds are off-planet technology that have been used on space stations, and also in the moon colonies for quite some time. If you do a little bit of research, you will find that this technology has been made available, but only for an extremely selective part of humanity. This is all on the precipice of shifting brothers and sisters.
It is so important that we all come together to anchor this timeline.
Last night, I was very blessed to experience the 11:1 transmission, and it was so powerful, and so moving.
In this transmission, we are also being guided to work with the higher self of all police officers who are devoting their lives to the premise of following inhumane and irrational orders from their seniors.
This is unacceptable in this stage of the planet's ascension, and it is absolutely imperative that we get as many brothers and sisters in the police force aligned with their soul consciousness as possible.
This is something that has been preordained, and all of the police officers that we will be working with have signed up to receive this blessing.
Also, on the 11:1 transmission, we will be sending a very powerful blessing of courage to the divine masculines who are struggling to remember the glory of their fifth dimensional love story, and have chosen to settle for third dimensional karmic relationships.
The reason why we are being called to work so closely with this group of divine masculines is that unless they take heed of the messages that the universe is giving them, the universe will have to shout louder and louder to get their attention. This could happen in the form of illness or accidents or very dramatic incidences. This is something that we can avoid by doing this work on the higher dimensional planes to support the masculines, to let go of these contracts that are no longer serving them.
We will also be working with huge twin flame blessings for the collective -linking up the timeline of Lemuria Atlantis and 5D Gaia through the sacred union of the twins.
When you sign up you will receive a PDF under the name selfy…..please make sure that you download the PDF as soon as you sign up..This is an automatic procedure that happens when you sign up however if you pay by donation please email me at and I will send you the PDF file manually.
it is only people that make a donation that need to email me: everybody else will automatically receive the PDF when they signup
Here is the link to book if you are viewing this on a mobile device
Please use this link if the pay now boxes do not work
or this one
If you are unable to pay the full price to join the ceremony please email me at and I will send you the link to make a donation
One day spiritual rejuvenation retreat
Dearest brothers and sisters I am very strongly guided by spirit to offer the one day spiritual rejuvenation retreat. this was an extremely powerful Gathering whereby shared with everyone in detail about my spiritual Awakening in Himalayas we also shared much sacred music and very very powerful activations assisting in the the Reformation of our 12 Strand DNA patterning this incredible offering so also included guest appearances from magenta Pixie Charlie freak and Laura Eisenhower who shared extremely powerful and Potent information about the energetic shifts that we are all in in I am selling the replay for £33 if you wish to purchase it please use the following link:
and then email me at cosmicgypsy33@ and I will send you the recording.
Thanks to the many brothers and sisters who have requested I have now set up my own patreon page with very exciting offerings.Here is the link if you feel guided to support me on the patreon platform.
Dearest brothers and sisters, I have received a very strong message from Great Spirit to set up a Patreon page. As many of you are aware who have been following my work for some time - as a light warrior I have now officially gone into stealth mode and I’m spending all my time researching and delivering extremely important high-level Intel with regards to the current collapse of the old elite system that has ruled our world.Every day I receive hundreds of messages and emails from all over the world thanking me for my profound service to humanity and many people asking if I have a Patreon account as they are deeply called to support me and my work.I will be offering a three-tier system:The first tier is £33 a month which will give you access to One of my most incredibly powerful life changing Ascension upgrading tools....The second tier which will be £22 will give you access to One of my powerful life changing MP3s that I am constantly bringing through..The third tier will be a donation of your own choosing simply because you wish to support me in doing this great work for mother father God.
Mp3 Activations
Dear Ones I have bought through a series of extremely powerful Mp3 activations that are encoded with vibrations that align you very very swiftly with 5th-dimensional consciousness. Many of the beloveds in the twin flame group I facilitate Are working regularly with the mp3s and are experiencing profound miracles in their twin flame unions... These mp3s are such a sacred gift that are available to all on the twin flame path, I am truly humbled to be the conduit of these activations.. please see below for feedback. the cost for the mp3s is £11.11 each
The activations I have Available are. the 5d aspect of your twin flame.
2. Meet and merge in the zero point field with your twin flame.
3. Anchoring the yeshua and magdalene template onto the earth and yr grid point.
4. Healing and restoring the Atlantis timeline.
5. Very deep inner child healing.
6. Violet waterfall purification
7. Abundance meditation
8. Self worth activation
9. Heal shame and guilt template
10. Heal your relationship with your physical body
11. Light language activation
12. Rebalancing receiving with giving.
13. high angelic immune system white blood cell activation
please cut and paste this link to immediately purchase and download the mp3s
Some feedback from beloveds who have done the mp3s...
Today was super awesome. I meditated for 2 hours or more. I have done the violet waterfall meditation first, then the abundance meditation, following by the atlantis meditation and the transformation we did on the 12.12
It was the best feeling in the world. When I did the atlantis meditation I wasn't sad anymore, but happy for what is going to happen next. I saw us as a couple before the first separation. We were living in LeMUria and were both healers, dressed in white and so divine ️
I am looking forward for what is coming next
Thx Jen ️️️
OK so update I purchased the Abundance activation earlier today. And in the short amount of time after listening to it, I went into a bowling alley to bowl and to the quick stop, each cashier discounted my purchases without me asking!
Needless to say, I am excited to see what abundance I shall receive next!
It works peeps it works lol. Thank you bad Mama Jama Jen!
Beloveds I am receiving the most awe inspiring feedback from all those who have done the abundance meditation... if u are having any issues with your abundance flow on any level I cannot highly recommend this transmission enough... spirit has informed me that the symbols in the meditation literally decode the limited thought patterns that have created the circumstances of lack consciousness... (I'm getting goosebumps as i write this) I have been working with this mediation for 6 weeks now and my abundance levels are 5x higher than they have ever been... it works beloveds... it truly works.. I love u all... I see you... I love you... there is support available for you, please open your hearts and hands to receive it.... om shanti star family....
So the past few days have had a lot of taking in and integrating inside.
I had a session with Jen and her energy is so powerful! She gave me all
The guidance I needed to hear Most importantly helped me determine my twin is my twin, phew hahaha no more confusion thank god.
She is so divinely guided and powerful, it is beautiful to meet her and a blessing to have her help us. I also wanted to tell I have been guided yesterday to give out free reiki sessions in my neighborhood so people could experience reiki since most people here don't know much about it. I did one on my mom's friends yesterday.
When we started she was coughing really badly but I followed Jen s advice to have faith above everything. And almost instantaneously as I went through her neck and chest her lungs cleared and by the end she was feeling really good after feeling crushed for the past few days and her voice was back to normal and her coughing was completely gone. She was so happy she wanted to have me again next week and pay for both sessions. Told her friends because she was so excited by the rapid healing that took place. I feel the abundance blocks are slowly fading away.
Thank you Jen for everything you are doing and all the help. I am so deeply grateful for you guiding us to fast forward our ascension and evolution.
Love you dear sister.
Faith is what we all need to move mountains.
All of my contact details on social media
Here is the link to book onto the 12.12 ceremony
Here is the link to join me on mighty network work I will be posting all my content on here from now on
Here is the link to join me on telegram
Here is the link to book onto the next global ceremony
here is the link to sign up for my 1 day retreat
Here is the link to my youtube channel
Here is the link to sign up to my mailing list
here is the link to join my amazing facebook
here is the link to find me on twitter:
Here is the link to support me on patreon ......
Here is the link to follow me on MEWE
Here is the link to follow me on Parler
Here is the link to make a donation
To contact me please email