Twin flame ascesion report: we are rapidly moving towards the grand conjunction of 2020

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this great moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity.
There are so many monumental shifts that are taking place currently within the collective consciousness of humanity, as well as on an individual level, particularly for all of those who identify as Starseeds, Star Beings.
We would like to take a moment to offer a prayer of sincere gratitude to all of you who have sacrificed all of the comfort and limitations of the third-dimensional realm, in order to open and activate the higher dimensional codes within you.
Dearest ones, if only you could see from our perspective just how far you have come, evolutionarily speaking, you would be so blown away at the progress that you are all making personally and collectively.
The energies are now massively building towards the 21st of December. Prior to that, we have the 12:12 Master Portal. This is potentially the most significant numerological portal day of 2020.
Many beings all around the world and indeed the universe, will be gathering on this monumental day, in order to assure that the forces of light are imposing their agenda on the individual and personal collective, as opposed to the old powers that were using the potency of these numerological dates to align with their nefarious intentions.
As we have spoken about in this ascension report, the earth is aligning with the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter In the constellation of Aquarius on the 21st of December.
Many astrologers are purporting that this is indicative of the true dawning or indeed morning, we should say, of the age of Aquarius.
All of the long count calendars end between this time period of 2012 and 2020, and this refers to the end of time as we know it- The end of time as a third-dimensional linear construct, and instead the birthing of nonlinear time within the zero point field of consciousness.
As soon as one consciousness Returns home to the zero-point field one automatically remember that all timelines operate concurrently within the present moment of now, and as avatar beings, it is our duty and responsibility to attune to those higher dimensional realms of consciousness, in order to navigate our through those realms In order to correct timelines if necessary, and manifest timelines if necessary.
It is our sacred duty and responsibility as Avatar beings, to work consciously with timelines, but we can only do that once our consciousness has fully returned home to the zero-point field.
That is why all the work that I share is supporting everyone to truly awaken from the delusional nightmare of the notion that time is a third-dimensional linear construct.
Please, brothers and sisters, know that you are all doing so extremely well and we are so proud of you from the higher dimensional realms, and things are moving much, much faster than what we anticipated.
The energies are now massively building towards the 12:12 spiritual Mastery Portal.
We would like to inform you that our beloved channel, Jen McCarty, has been guided to host a global transmission on this day. In this transmission, we will be specifically working to stabilize with our 12th-dimensional master Avatar self into the earthly matrix field.
We will also be working with our 12 strand DNA and the numerological potency of that day, to assist the individual and collective to transform from the two strand scrambled DNA back to its 12 strand perfected diamond formation.
This is absolutely huge work that we are being called to do for the collective brothers and sisters, and please know that we are the forerunners of this great shift, and the work that we achieve in the transmission will be filtered down to all future generations to come.
In this transmission, we will also be focusing on establishing your vibration with your higher self. All those who come forward to be part of this transmission will receive an extremely auspicious gift with regards to them stepping fully into their spiritual mastery codes. Please see below for the full details on how to book on to the transmission.
We would just like to take a moment now to speak about the current energetics that are affecting the next wave of twin flame unions.
Please know that the energies that are pouring into the earth's atmosphere are absolutely unprecedented and are causing and activating huge shifts within the DNA structuring of humanity.
This is ensuring that psychic telepathic spiritual gifts are now coming online for many individuals, particularly divine masculines who have been deeply in denial about the true identity of their true and eternal Divine.
Please know that these particular masculines are receiving specific upgrades at the moment particularly in the dream time. They are being bombarded with visitations from their Divine feminine in the dream time. And it is getting to the point where they simply cannot deny the navigational genius of their heart which is very clearly indicating that bliss can only be achieved with one specific person that being their true divine feminine counterpart.
To all Divine feminines reading these words it is highly recommended that you empower your telepathic connection with your divine masculine In these current energies, and please remember to send him comforting and reassuring messages reminding him that you both live under the same stars and you can both see the same moon.
let him know that he is not alone in this matrix that his best friend has incarnated with him this will help you so much to build the etheric bridge that will enable this union to Manifest very quickly on the physical plane.
Please know, It is my greatest honor to serve you all brothers and sisters, and I very much look forward to hosting my one day retreat that will take place on the 21st of December, whereby I will be joined by my favorite special guests, Laura Eisenhower, Magenta Pixie, and Charlie Freak. Who will be sharing some profound Wisdom about the energies of this extremely auspicious day
This will be an extremely powerful day, whereby we will all come together to prepare for the huge shifts that are taking place as we move into the age of Aquarius.
Please see below for the full details on how to book onto this one day retreat.
In love and eternal light,
Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
12:12 spiritual mastery transmission
The 1212 transmission will take place on the 12th of December at 9:09 p.m. UK time.
In this transmission, we will be specifically working to stabilize with our 12th-dimensional master Avatar self into the earthly matrix field.
We will also be working with our 12 strand DNA and the numerological potency of that day, to assist the individual and collective to transform from the two strand scrambled DNA back to its 12 strand perfected diamond formation.
This is absolutely huge work that we are being called to do for the collective brothers and sisters, and please know that we are the forerunners of this great shift, and the work that we achieve in the transmission will be filtered down to all future generations to come.
In this transmission, we will also be focusing on establishing your vibration with your higher self. All those who come forward to be part of this transmission will receive an extremely auspicious gift with regards to them stepping fully into their spiritual mastery codes.
We are also being strongly guided to to assist the Guardians of the planet to stabilise the Earth into the 5th dimensional matrix field through assisting in the final boost of releasing this planet out of it's long ordained quarantine.
Here is the link to book if you are viewing this on a mobile device
Please use this link if the pay now boxes do not work
or this one
If you are unable to pay the full price to join the ceremony please email me at and I will send you the link to make a donation
one day spiritual preparation retreat on winter solstice
Please come and join me Jen McCarty on a one-day spiritual rejuvenation and preparation retreat on the 21/12/20 From 2 pm UK time till 8 pm UK time
This day marks the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius as Saturn and Jupiter transit at 0° Aquarius on this highly auspicious day.
It is so important that as many of us are stabilized lighthouses at this time of the great shift and this one-day retreat will be a profound opportunity for you to deepen and stabilize into life-changing spiritual practices.
in this one day retreat there will be lots of *extremely high vibrational talks from me assisting everyone to come home to 5th-dimensional consciousness *I will also be sharing yin yoga and* lots of sacred music *I will be sharing the Hanuman Chalisa which is a powerful prayer to the Hindu God Hanuman and* I will be sharing with everyone my experiences of working with the mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAYA the sacred mantra that Fully and completely activated my kundalini Awakening when I was age 21, and I will be initiating you all to work with this life-changing mantra.
I have invited guests to come along on this day to share their wisdom I have invited Laura Eisenhower, Charlie freak, and Magenta Pixie WHO HAVE ALL AGREED.
*in our time together we will go extremely deep into the transformation of our carbon form into our crystalline form and
*we will be fully anchoring the age regeneration process
*As well as activating the full miracle magnet codons within our DNA .there’s much more that will be revealed in due course.
the cost to take part in this event is £333 with a concessionary price of £222 and £111 if you are not working... there is also the option to pay in installments.
here is the link to book onto the 1 day retreat
If you wish to pay in installments please Please email to choose that option, and as soon as you have finished the final payment please email all of your receipts to and my assistant Zoe will send you the link to join the zoom meeting
please make sure that you have completed all payments by the 20th of December 2020
Thanks to the many brothers and sisters who have requested I have now set up my own patreon page with very exciting offerings.Here is the link if you feel guided to support me on the patreon platform.
Dearest brothers and sisters, I have received a very strong message from Great spirit to set up a Patreon page. As many of you are aware who have been following my work for some time - as a light warrior I have now officially gone into stealth mode and I’m spending all my time researching and delivering extremely important high-level Intel with regards to the current collapse of the old elite system that has ruled our world.Every day I receive hundreds of messages and emails from all over the world thanking me for my profound service to humanity and many people asking if I have a Patreon account as they are deeply called to support me and my work.I will be offering a three-tier system:The first tier is £33 a month which will give you access to One of my most incredibly powerful life changing Ascension upgrading tools....The second tier which will be £22 will give you access to One of my powerful life changing MP3s that I am constantly bringing through..The third tier will be a donation of your own choosing simply because you wish to support me in doing this great work for mother father God.
All of my contact details on social media
Here is the link to book onto the 12.12 ceremony
Here is the link to join me on mighty network work I will be posting all my content on here from now on
Here is the link to join me on telegram
Here is the link to book onto the next global ceremony
here is the link to sign up for my 1 day retreat
Here is the link to my youtube channel
Here is the link to sign up to my mailing list
here is the link to join my amazing facebook
here is the link to find me on twitter:
Here is the link to support me on patreon ......
Here is the link to follow me on MEWE
Here is the link to follow me on Parler
Here is the link to make a donation
To contact me please email