Twin flame, Ascension report: The power and potency of this Shivartri Gateway 8.3.24

Dearest Beloved's Greetings of the Most High.
Unprecedented quantities of light are now currently bombarding the earthly plane, and many of you have been experiencing very unusual symptoms recently, mainly dizziness, nausea and exhaustion
It's crucial at this moment that we inform you about the significance of the upcoming Shivartri portal that will bear witness to the sacred marriage ceremony of Shiva and Parvati in the powerful Holy mountain of Arunachala.
All those that come forth to participate in the ceremony will receive a direct blessing through their crown chakra, sending them a boost of divine light, particularly towards their ancestral lineage, their divine union, and their abundance codes.
The sacred marriage of Shiva and Parvati is deeply connected to the anchoring of the fifth dimensional template, which is deeply connected to the portal of Arunachala in southern India.
I will be hosting a transmission for Shivartri on Friday 8th march at 4:44 PM UK time.
This is one of the most important, powerful and sacred ceremonies I have ever been guided to facilitate, and there will be such infinite auspicious blessings made available energetically and vibrationally for all the beautiful souls who are spiritually aligned to participate in this phenomenal ceremony.
Please know that in the ceremony we are also going to be experiencing an abishika of the Shiva Lingham.
This is directly connected to a divine masculine upgrade protocol and will massively affect your own personal relationship with your divine masculine and will send codes through his psychic field to assist him to atone, purify, and completely reset his sexuality codes.
Many twin souls are coming into divine recognition in this gateway, and this is deeply connected to the Equinox portal, which will take place between the 20th and the 22nd of March.
There are no words that can adequately express the importance of this soul gathering for the collective twin soul on mass recognition and union timeline, which is currently taking place.
A specific message now for the divine masculine:,
"You are urged to try a different approach to life in the third dimension. You have been heavily indoctrinated to believe that the most pertinent and on point guidance for your life path comes from the logical mind, but nothing could be further from the truth. The mind has been created to be the servant of the heart and put into action the knowing and promptings of the heart consciousness. Many of you have been addicted to the realm of rationality, to the utter detriment of the heart.
Many of you in this gateway will encounter Tests sent forth from your higher self to see if you have learned this lesson and you will be presented with an opportunity to take a leap of faith and take heed of the guidance of your heart consciousness.
It's time now to place a microphone on your heart. Listen intently and deeply and take actions upon the guidance that it is offering you.
Your heart is the GPS system that has been meticulously encoded to deliver you to your heart's most rapturous destiny.
Sisters, sing to your divine masculine. Sing to him that you are here and that you reside inside of heart and his kundalini energy.
Sing to him that all is well and God's love is all that is children of Gaia.
We see your future timelines and the joy and the bliss we are bearing witness to is beyond all of your wildest prayers.
Om namah shivaya
The shivartri transmission
The shivartri transmission will take place at 4:44 PM UK time on Friday, the 8th of March, which is also International Women's Day and the day that I created the amazing group The event is happening.
I deeply look forward to gathering with so many of you who are deeply connected to this potent Hindu lineage, knowing that this is deeply connected to the profound upgrade of the entire mass divine masculine consciousness. We are doing such phenomenal work to assist in the upgrade of the masculine consciousness collectively and individually and all those who come forward to be part of this transmission will receive a direct blessing.
Here is the link to book onto the transmission if you are reading this on a mobile device
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I have Just bought through a very powerful book breaking down the dense Teachings of the amazing mystic Neville Goddard the book is on special offer at the moment to everyone in my community here is the link..
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