Twin Flame Ascension report: Sun in Virgo, mercury retrograde, Aries north node, harvest time.....

Dearest, beautiful brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you of evolving humanity. We have just come out of the extraordinarily potent and powerful Lion's Gate, which happens every year when the sun enters the constellation of Leo.
This has been an extremely powerful and life-changing period for many of us, particularly in the Ascension community. Many of us have witnessed a profound transformation and huge upgrades in the last few weeks. This is all coupled with the North Node moving into the powerful position of Aries and the South Node going into Libra.
The North Node in Aries has had a huge effect on the ascending collective's relationship with their own sovereignty, their own I Am presence, and many, many people have been deeply awakening and embodying their I Am presence at a level, unlike anything anyone has ever known.
We are now in a position where our sun is moving into the beautiful and sacred constellation of Virgo. During these times, we in the Northern Hemisphere start experiencing the days becoming shorter and the nights becoming longer, as well as the days becoming cooler.
The Virgo energies are synonymous with spiritual and physical harvest. There are many, many of us in the community that are going to be reaping extraordinary spiritual rewards in this period of the sun being in Virgo.
The harvest time is symbolic of the fact that the seeds were planted in healthy soil and have taken root and are now bearing fruit. Of course, this refers to both physical seeds and spiritual seeds. As we evolve, we carry more wisdom, more enlightenment, and more power in our consciousness, and this intensity will continue to increase on our evolutionary trajectory.
We are rapidly approaching the 9/9 completion gateway, and I have been guided to host a powerful online ceremony to mark this momentous numerological portal. In this ceremony, we will be working with the energies of snake medicine. As we know, snakes have the ability to shed old layers of skin entirely, revealing a brand new skin underneath. We will work with snake medicine to complete a cycle of old limiting programming and beliefs that many of us have inherited from our parents and education system. We will release many limiting old beliefs that are simply lies fed to humanity to keep their consciousness stuck at lower levels.
We will experience a powerful shedding ceremony, working with the formation of our brand new skin, synonymous with wisdom, love, and true spiritual power. The new skin will hold the codes for our embodiment of our "I Am" presence and the remembrance of the power we all hold within our sacred imagination to activate and create heaven on earth. This ceremony will be extraordinarily potent, and it is crucial for the ground crew to come forward and be part of this potent event.
Remember beloveds, we are the vanguards of the current planetary ascension, leading the way on a consciousness level for all of our brothers and sisters.
In the 9/9 ceremony, we will also work with the waters of the earth. A nefarious plan is currently in place to introduce graphene oxide into the water supply—a blatant attack on humanity that must be stopped. We will ensure this does not happen and work with the water divas residing in the higher dimensional realms, who are guardians of the waters on earth. We will collaborate with the consciousness of the water divas to ensure our water remains pure, especially our drinking water, freed from all poisonous chemicals such as fluoride, chloride, and graphene oxide. We will work with the deeply beautiful and auspicious energies of the 9/9 gateway to end this attack on humanity and initiate a cycle of health and wellbeing for the collective.
I'm deeply grateful to receive so many amazing messages from so many in our community. Many people write to me after the transmissions, sharing that they have received contact from their twin flame. This happened on a significant scale after the 8/8 transmission, indicating that we are indeed in a gateway of collective twin flame recognition and reunification.
This current period which we'll see us going into Mercury retrograde will have a deeply intense effect on many twin flames particularly the Divine masculines who will be faced with many patterns in their consciousness that have kept them out of alignment vibrationally with sacred Union with their twin flame. Please know that this mercury retrograde is going to be such a blessing for all in the twin flame community
Remember who you truly are beloveds. If you can see it in your imagination, it exists in the spiritual realms. If you desire something, on a spiritual level, it is already yours. Therefore, claim your desires as already done and stand in conviction and faith, knowing they are coalescing in the higher realms for you to experience their fulfilment on the physical plane.
You are the most powerful force in creation. You house the mind of God within your own divine consciousness.
I'm so grateful to be part of this community. I'm thrilled that the event is happening group has been fully reactivated. Please come and join the group if you haven't yet—I will post the link below. I'm also very excited that spots for my Bali retreat are filling up rapidly. There are a couple of spots available.
This retreat offers an exquisite opportunity for us to visit the amazing island of the gods and immerse ourselves in the Avalon Magdalene energies and transmissions shared on this sacred land.
Please see below for the booking details for the Bali retreat.
Additionally, It would mean the absolute world to me if you could please support my music on Spotify.
You can deeply support me by sharing the reels I post, follow me on Spotify, stream my music, and help me reach a wider audience.
If anyone has music contacts, please feel free to share my beautiful sacred music with them.
in love and eternal light,
Jenji and the White Wolf tribe.
9.9 online ceremony
The 9:9 completion ceremony will take place at 8.08 pm UK time on the 9th of September 2023
in this powerful ceremony we will work with snake medicine to shed old and old skins pertaining to Old beliefs that have been passed on from our ancestry
it is extremely powerful to work with symbology as this is the precise language of the subconscious mind
we will be working to establish a brand new skin based upon the embodiment of the I am presence encompassing full faith and rememberance of who we are on the Eternal spiritual plaines
In the 99 ceremony we will also work with the water divas to ensure that our water supply is protected by the nefarious old controllers who are threatening to put graphine oxide into the water supply
we will partake in an extraordinary protocol to ensure the Eternal protection of our sacred godly Waters
I have been guided to change the location of where the transmission will be
it is very important that when you sign up you make sure that you read the PDF which will give you full instructions to join the ceremony.
it is quite likely that the PDF file will be in your spam folder,
Please feel free to email me at cosmic, and I will send you the PDF with all of the instructions please do not email me five minutes before I go live please make sure that you have all of the links to join the call 24 hours before the ceremony starts love Jen
Bali retreat
Dearest brothers and sisters it gives me great pleasure to announce that registration for my Bali retreat is open.
The retreat will take place on the 11th, 12th, 13th and and finish on the 14th of December.
Myself and Somesh have spent a lot of time creating this beautiful page for you all which explains in great detail a lot of information about the retreat
as soon as you book, your name will go into a list and you will be contacted in due course with important information regarding the upcoming retreat.
There are currently 12 spots available.
You are being offered the earlybird price because you are part of the pre-book list
as soon as the retreat goes live to my wider community the full price will be activated.
All of this is explained in th email/landing page
I love you all. I can't wait to share my love of Bali with you
every day when I'm not in Bali I miss it. I grieve it and I long for it. I am so delighted to share with you all - the utter exquisite glory of mother Bali. Love Jen
Music links
Here is the Spotify link
Here is the link to the music video
Fairy ring links
Band camp
I have Just bought through a very powerful book breaking down the dense Teachings of the amazing mystic Neville Goddard the book is on special offer at the moment to everyone in my community here is the link..
Little book of neville Goddard quotes
All Jens links
💕twin flame work book
The journey to union audio
❤️Divine actor I am audio:
the untended alter
Law of attraction little instruction book
Divine actor I am universal link
Little book of neville Goddard quotes