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Twin flame Ascension report: Multi dimensional chess game being played.. Humanity is winning

Dearest brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now, in this moment of your time, with much news to share with you, ever evolving humanity. There are so many profound shifts taking place on the world stage at the moment and we come here to remind you that a multidimensional chess game is being played out.

This is a long-term agenda that is reaching its final culmination, and what is required is awake humanity to hold the line. By holding the line, we are referring to activating your full spiritual mastery codes, which knows that the present moment is the arrival point for the soul consciousness.

The master understands that present moment awareness is the key to navigating all of the shifts and changes that are happening within the collective at the moment.

It would serve you well to find a spiritual practice that will enable you to masterfully align your consciousness with the present moment and understand that it must take priority over all thoughts related to the past and the future. This is how we hold the line.

This is an extremely important conjecture to be reminded that faith is a choice.

Faith is not something that comes naturally to us in the third dimension, as it requires us to place our belief in the unseen realm, in the realm of energetics, in the realm of quantum manifestation.

However, may I remind you that faith is the superpower that you own and possess, and it would serve you well to cultivate ways to find ways to deepen your faith codes.

One of my favourite ways to do that is by going on rampages of gratitude and maintaining a very high vibration, committing to a visualization process, and acting as if that which I wish to manifest has already manifested.

There are so many manifestation protocols that are available to you. I highly recommend aligning yourself with a protocol that will keep your faith codes pumping out at a very high optimum level.

The energies are now building up to the 12:12 gateway. This is an extremely powerful, potent and important gateway collectively, as 12 represents the master code.

The upcoming 12.12 transmission is deeply connected to the 9:9 completion ceremony, whereby we bore witness to the anchoring of the golden age timeline.

In the 1212 transmission, we are being called to work with the 12 predominant sacred sites on the Earth to empower the new Earth timeline to anchor into the main 12 sacred sites on the Earth.

This is connected to 12 sacred portal points within our own psyche and physical vessel.

In the 12.12 we will be activating all of these points.

It is very important that we all remember that we are all micros of the macro, and as we ground and anchor the new Earth codes within our own consciousness and vessel, we accelerate the timeline whereby we experience that as a collective.

In the 1212 transmission, we will also be working with the 12th dimensional oversoul aspect of your soul consciousness. This is an extremely powerful and potent aspect of one's multidimensional avatar self. And there are so many mysteries that are held within the twelfth dimension, which will be revealed to all of us who participate in the 12:12 transmission.

We will also be working with our 12 strand DNA, which, as mentioned previously, is the gateway to our 144 strand multidimensional DNA.

This transmission is being brought forth particularly for the 144,000 illumined twin flames.

Taking part in this transmission will assist you to stabilize in butterfly consciousness, fifth dimensional consciousness, Christ consciousness.

The transmissions are getting more and more potent and powerful as we move along this ascension corridor. And the reviews that I have received from the 11:11 transmission are virtually impossible for me to process.

People are experiencing miraculous contact with their twin, divine recognition, the manifestation of profound abundance and alignment with their higher self at a level they have never ever known before.

Participating in the transmissions is extremely good for our spiritual maintenance, as we enter into a force field of enlightened brothers and sisters who are aligning their will with the will of mother, father, God.

This accelerates the potency of our visualizations and intentions and manifestations.

Please see below for the full details on how to book onto the 12.12 transmission.

Please note, I will also be hosting a 12:12 transmission after party where we will be given an opportunity to go even deeper into the exploration of the 12:12 spiritual mastery codes.

Please rest assured brothers and sisters, this is a period whereby many twin flames are coming into recognition of each other.

All of the astrology is hugely supporting the collapsing of old paradigm karmic relationships that were built upon the vibration of lack and scarcity.

The astrology is hugely supporting the collapse of these old paradigm relationships. And this is clearing a space for the new paradigm, new Earth ascension partner relationships to manifest.

It is an absolute joy for me to bear witness to all the emails that I am being sent regularly of people in our community finally, after eons, reuniting with their twin flame.

Please understand that this is happening on a prolific scale now, unlike anything I have ever known.

If you are reading these words, I invite you to really deeply take a moment to send love to your twin flame via your telepathic heart portal to let them know that you are preparing to be with them, and that your heart is ready to surrender to the love that God has created for you.

In love and eternal light, Jenji and the White Wolf tribe.

12.12 spiritual mastery transmission

The 12 12 spiritual mastery transmission will take place at 7:07 p.m. on the 12th of December 2021…….

In the 1212 transmission, we will also be working with the 12th-dimensional oversoul aspect of your soul consciousness. This is an extremely powerful and potent aspect of one's multidimensional avatar self. And there are so many mysteries that are held within the twelfth dimension, which will be revealed to all of us who participate in the 12:12 transmission.

We will also be working with our 12 strand DNA, which, as mentioned previously, is the gateway to our 144 strand multidimensional DNA.

This transmission is being brought forth particularly for the 144,000 illumined twin flames.

Taking part in this transmission will assist you to stabilize in butterfly consciousness, fifth dimensional consciousness, Christ consciousness.

The transmissions are getting more and more potent and powerful as we move along this ascension corridor. And the reviews that I have received from the 11:11 transmission are virtually impossible for me to process.

In this transmission we will also be working with our galactic brothers and sisters too assure planetary liberation for all the sacred children of the Earth this is a very powerful and Potent ceremony that you are being personally invited to participate in for the greater good of all the generations to come please no I will also be hosting a transmission after party which will give us all an opportunity to dive deeper into the understanding of the spiritual codes that have been shared so generously in the transmission please see the link below to book onto the transmission after party.

I look forward to Gathering with you my beautiful brothers and sisters and serving you in love and light….

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be celebrating angelic Friday by hosting a huge sale on my website everything on my website will be discounted at 50% off including my upcoming containers and I have created lots of angelic bundles for you all here are some of the angelic bundles the cell will last until 9 pm EST on the 26th

Angelic bundle

Miracle healing

twin flame container and spiritual business container for £1111

Pay in full

Pay in instalments

Business container instalments


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