Twin flame ascension report: huge cycles completing, Aries energy incoming

Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity.
We are at a very exciting place in the astrological cycle, as we are now galloping rapidly towards the Equinox Gateway. We are all experiencing the monumental shift as Saturn moves from Aquarius to Pisces, meeting the sun that is already in Pisces.
Please know that this is a very valuable time for all of us to take inventory of thought forms and mental patterns and emotional patterns that are no longer serving us.
This has been a very intense time for many of us on the spiritual path, as we have been experiencing a bombardment of solar activity that penetrates deeply into the unconscious programming for many of us.
The higher our spiritual vibration, the more we sign up as volunteers to clear the collective unconscious programming. (However, we are not victims to that and it is always appropriate to speak to your higher self and end that contract if that is appropriate for you).
It is important to realise that this has brought about an extremely intense period of unconscious rumblings for many of us.
Now is such a great time for us to work with the energy of Pisces, which is connected to endings, completions, and letting go on a very deep level.
The Pisces aspect of the soul is the elder who is about to return back to source energy and let go of their physical body.
Pisces is symbolic in nature, showing us that this is the time for us to let go of anything that is no longer serving us. The sun is about to reach its equinox point on the 20th of March. This is so exciting and monumental and a moment that all of our ancestors waited patiently for throughout the ecliptic wheel.
We are on the verge of experiencing the sun moving into the beautiful sign of Aries, which is the newborn baby of the Zodiac. The spark of energy that is activated when anti-matter becomes matter.
Aries holds all of the power of the eternal soul and it's ensuing journey through its evolutionary cycle, as mirrored by the sun moving through each sign of the Zodiac every 365 days of the year.
I have been inspired to host a transmission to deeply work with the powerful energies of Pisces and Aries. We will do a huge letting go ceremony, gathering up all of the unconscious rubble that many of us have experienced being stirred up in the last few weeks and months. And we will do a collective ceremony to let go of this, these old earth thought forms and patterns.
We will come together to celebrate the return of the rising sun in the sign of Aries, and hold an exceptional spiritual celebration in the higher realms marking this most monumental occasion that our ancestors would have been so excited about in ancient days.
In this transmission, we are also going to focus on the reclamation of all of our churches and cathedrals that were literally stolen by the Jesuits and the Vatican in the days gone by.
It is time that we rise as humanity and take back these institutions that have been taken over and are drowning in heinous acts of sexual abuse towards our most precious children.
The depth of lies and corruption that runs through those institutions has only been allowed to carry on due to humanity's silence, acquiescence, and ignorance.
But we are awake, and we are claiming back our spiritual centres and taking over our churches and cathedrals, filling them with light, laughter, and true healing frequencies again. Restoring all of the original organs and bells back to their original glory and activating the generator capacity nature of all these phenomenal buildings.
Please see below for the full details on the Equinox Transmission.
My deepest advice to everyone right now is to take nothing personally, especially your thoughts. Stay in observer mode. Do not give into fear and doubt. Breathe, meditate, anchor yourself on the earth. Ground yourself as much as you possibly can.
We are completing a huge monumental cycle, and we are doing it with our spiritual eyes wide open. You are holding the light and consciousness for all of humanity. Go easy on yourself at this most monumental time.
Please come and join us, beautiful spiritual family, for this exquisitely divine Equinox Transmission.
It will be my most profound honour to welcome you into our core ground crew,
In love and eternal Light, Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
The Equinox Transmission
The Equinox Transmission will take place on the 20th of March at 8:08 PM UK time.
In this transmission, we will experience a profound letting go of any spiritual and emotional baggage that we have been holding onto in this last solar cycle. And we will experience a ceremony of truly welcoming the sun, externally and internally within our own beings as we mark the beginning of this extraordinary new cycle as our sun is placed on its equinoctial point.
In this transmission, we will also be reclaiming every single spiritual institution on the earth that has been taken over by nefarious and malevolent forces. It is absolutely essential that the ground crew shows up on their grid points for this powerful, sacred world ceremony. It is my deepest honor to welcome you all to the core ground crew. See you all there, brothers and sisters.
This powerful work is offered on an energetic exchange basis and there is a bursary fund, and no one is ever turned away from the sacred work. I look forward to being with you all on the equinox
, in love and eternal light, Jen.
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