Dear beautiful brothers and sisters.
We come forward in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity.
We have just come out of the extremely potent and life-changing 7/7 Portal, and the energies that have been pouring into the Earth due to the alignment with the star system Sirius have been unprecedented.
We are also in the aftermath of the extremely powerful and potent full moon in Capricorn which has affected everybody in the ascending community.
This powerful full moon has brought up huge remnants of individual and collective shadow aspects which need to be transmitted and brought home to divine light.
There is a huge emphasis currently on really deeply feeling our feelings in order to transmit them and make different choices that are not based on unconscious programming.
Please know that as we align on a planetary basis towards the 8.8 portal the energies are definitely going to intensify as the light of the sirius Sun continues to burn down on us illuminating our paths and exposing all of our shadows.
Every year around the time of this portal, the pyramids and the Sphinx line up with the central Sirius sun. This activates a dispensation of spiritual light into the Earth's atmosphere, enabling us all to radically heal ourselves of core trauma and truly stabilize and become one with our higher self.
This 7/7 Portal is potentially the most powerful Sirian Gateway we have experienced as a collective consciousness.
We did phenomenal work in the 7/7 transmission, particularly with the area in Switzerland, where there were nefarious activity taking place. We removed the statue of the God Shiva, which was put there for malevolent purposes. And we replaced it with a statue of Yeshua and Magdalene, symbolic of sacred union, divine love, and creation energy in its most potent form.
We also activated a ladder of golden light into the heavens and we opened up an angelic portal, ensuring that the angelic realm would be the guardians and protectors of this sacred site. I am very confident that the work that we did in the 7/7 transmission has 100% sealed this portal closed forever, and no malevolent or nefarious energies will be allowed to enter into Earth's atmosphere from this portal.
The energies now are moving towards the Magdalene Feast day and the day out of time. This is an opportunity for us to deeply honour the sacred divine feminine and to hold a ceremony whereby she, the Queen of Heaven, is fully honoured for all the amazing gifts that she brings to us on an internal level and an external level.
We will be working with the energies of Mary Magdalene and the sacred Magdalene flame that burns within all of us, men, women, and children. And we will be working to empower, stimulate, and stabilise that flame at its highest, most optimum level.
In the Magdalene Feast Day ceremony, we will ensure that the divine feminine energy is anchored into all of the sacred sites on the Earth and that the true divine feminine codes can be experienced, released, and activated within all divine feminines incarnated alive.
There are many other wondrous aspects to the Magdalene transmission, which will be revealed in due course.
This is a huge twin flame gateway that we are currently in, and I am constantly receiving emails about people finally receiving contact from their twin flame after a period of separation.
Everyone on the twin flame path must work deeply with the Law of Assumption. Whatever you are assuming is the reality that you are co-creating with your twin flame.
If you want to have a shift in your experience, then shift your assumptions. Assume that your twin flame is available now, is following you on social media, and is preparing to contact you.
The more you can stand in the vibration of assumption, the more you fast-track your sacred union.
Please see the 7/7 transmission. I speak deeply about the Law of Assumption and how to apply this to our lives.
Always remember that we are the ones that we have been waiting for and praying for. We are the Galactics returned back to this lifetime to fulfil the promise to restore the Earth back to its golden age glory.
Each of us has been handpicked due to our specific spiritual gifts. And we are all here at this time to ensure victory for Mother Earth and all her children. Have no fear.
Fear is the absence of love.
Only love exists.
I hope to see you all on the Magdalene transmission on the 22nd of July.
Please see below for all the details, in love and eternal light, Jenji and the White Wolf tribe.
The Magdalene transmission will take place at 7:07 PM on the 22nd of July 2022.
In this transmission we will deeply honour the sacred divine feminine and hold a ceremony whereby she, the Queen of Heaven, is fully honoured for all the amazing gifts that she brings to us on an internal level and an external level.
We will be working with the energies of Mary Magdalene and the sacred Magdalene flame that burns within all of us, men, women, and children. And we will be working to empower, stimulate, and stabilise that flame at its highest, most optimum level. In the Magdalene Feast Day ceremony, we will ensure that the divine feminine energy is anchored into all of the sacred sites on the Earth and that the true divine feminine codes can be experienced, released, and activated within all divine feminines incarnated alive.
deeply honour the sacred divine feminine and to hold a ceremony whereby she, the Queen of Heaven, is fully honoured for all the amazing gifts that she brings to us on an internal level and an external level.
Everyone that signs up to the Magdalene feast a transmission will receive a profound upgrade of their Divine feminine core vibration and will receive a profound activation of the Magdalene flame burns within.
Once this Flame is activated we become one with our higher self, we experience greater levels of synchronicity, more fortuitous meetings, being at the right place at the right time, we experience an alignment with soulmates of our destiny and attract greater levels of abundance and so much more
There are many other wondrous aspects to the Magdalene transmission, which will be revealed in due course.
Please know that this powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis, there is a bursary fund, and no one is ever turned away.
As soon as you sign up you will receive a PDF document in your inbox please check spam and promotion as well if you cannot access the PDF file please email me at
here is the link to book onto the magdalene feast day transmission
Sometimes on wix the pay now buttons do not work if that is the case please use this PayPal link and email me at and request the PDF with the zoom link
Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters, it gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting my first ever container entitled, "Write your first book." The container will start on the 14th of June and run for three weeks. It is my absolute deepest honor to share with you the incredible skills that I have learned from bringing through four books. When I wrote my first book, I made a lot of mistakes that were costly and time-consuming, but I'm so glad that happened as it taught me the quickest, efficient and most streamlined way to birth a book into the world.
In this course, I will cover accessing many various aspects of the Creation and will share with you every process that you need to be able to birth your first book We will cover issues such as:
Discovering your muse,
Finding your message,
Attaining profound clarity on exactly what it is that you are here to share with the world.
I will share with you all of the tech that I used,
I will share with you all of the apps,
I will share with you all of the amazing digital support that I used in order to bring through this book.
We will talk about the physical creation of the book into an actual document.
I will share with you design skills, design tools.
I will share with you all of the phenomenal hacks that I've discovered that have enabled me to bring through a book very quickly and efficiently.
if you have any issues with the payment button please use this paypal link below to send £1111
Ascension Accelertation Club
I have decided that I am going to be much less active on facebook,and I am going to be creating an exclusive membership site for people in the community that really really deeply want to grow on a spiritual level, who want to be part of the Ascension conversation and want to deeply transform into the crystalline Light-body.
I don’t have time anymore for people that just want to dip into spirituality and dip back out of it back into their 3-D journalistic reality and I think that what is going on with my social media is pointing me in this direction, I really need to focus now with people truly absolutely want to do the deep spiritual work to fully stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness - to become the embodied lighthouse that they promised their soulmates they would be.
So for that reason I am going to be creating an exclusive membership site
The benefits of the membership will be:
access to me and my teachings
First invitation to all my retreats workshops and containers
Special discounted prices for people in the membership program
The ability to exponentially expand your spiritual vibration and attain spiritual mastery
It will give everyone close proximity to me and I will offer the opportunity to ask questions
Benefits are coming home to a spiritual community feeling the love and connection of all the members of the community who are unified in our commitment to be part of the ground crew
Being part of the membership will assist you to stabilise in fifth dimensional consciousness
We will have guest speakers and teachers who will come and share their teachings
You will be surrounded by people that are very deeply committed to their spiritual work and stabilising their spiritual vibration
we will lose a lot of people that are not committed to their Ascension and just want to dip their toes in spirituality, whilst remaining fully anchored in 3-D. this group membership will not be a vibrational match to people like that
There are so many valuable things that will come out of being part of this membership I can’t wait to launch it
watch out for an email i will be sending it out soon
the first 10 people to join will receive a signed copy of my book
Manifestation Mastery limited edition
All Jens links
EMAIL list