Twin flame ascension report: equinox gateway...a very important message for humanity

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time, on the eve of the most extremely important Equinox portal.
As we all know, we are moving into a planetary ascension and the earth is transforming from third dimensional earth to fifth dimensional Gaia.
On numerological and astrological portal dates, the veil between the seen and the unseen realm is virtually obliterated, which means it is absolutely necessary for us to come together as the ground crew in our ascension groups inorder to harness and ground the energies that are pouring into Gaia on that day.
It is very important that we, the ground crew hold our grid points on this day because the old nefarious powers that “were” understand how subtle energetics work, and will often use the sacred energetics of that day for their own nefarious purposes.
Therefore it is absolutely imperative that we, the ground crew unify and come together in our ascension groups and ceremonial spaces to harness the light quota into the earth plane on This most Potent and pertinent Ascension portal.
I will be facilitating a transmission tomorrow at 8:08 PM UK time. In this transmission, we will be opening up extremely powerful Nāḍī's within the physical energetic system which hold the codons to open up the energetics for the golden gate within you.
Once the golden gate within you is open, this opens and activates your fifth dimensional Christic-self to fully vibrationally align with you and your holographic reality.
In order for us to anchor the golden age, we all need to remember that we are micros of the macro and it is up to us to embody the energetic frequencies of the golden gate and the golden age.
In the equinox transmission we will also be working with the higher self of all of the treacherous media minions that have sought to profoundly harm and disturb humanity in the last 20 months. We will be activating a lifechanging and Paradigm shifting ceremony of atonement and soul awakening for all those in the media.
It's absolutely imperative that if you showed up for the 9/9 transmission, that you carry on building up your spiritual muscles and show up for this transmission.
This transmission is the most important transmission we as the ground crew have ever been called to do.
We are at such an important crux in the ascension of Gaia, and we must reach the critical mass tipping point.
We can only reach critical mass tipping point when the ground crew come together on our grid points on energetic portal dates such as the Equinox.
In the 9/9 transmission, we anchored the golden age timeline and we spoke about the fact that in order for us to experience the golden age timeline, we have to have an energetic shift and become an embodiment of the golden age.
The Equinox transmission will be much more deepening into this energetic shift and all those that come forward to be part of this transmission will receive an extremely powerful and auspicious blessing for their own individual ascension journey.
All the work that we do is intricately connected to the reunification of the 144,000 illumined twin flames.
And of course we will be working with the higher self of the 144,000 twin flames.
We are also being guided to clear a number of specific distortions in the energetic grid which will be revealed in due course.
Please see below on full details on how to book onto the Equinox Transmission.
I have never sent out such a powerful call as this to my spiritual community.
I very much look forward to gathering with many of you that have booked on to join me at the transmission after party where I will speak in greater depth and channel deeper information about the Evolutionary significance of the Equinox gateway.
The equinox transmission
The equinox transmission will take place on the 22nd of September at 8:08 pm UK time.
In this transmission, we will be working with the Galactic‘s and the ascended beings to open the golden gate to the golden age timeline
we are all micros of the macro and in order to open the golden gate to the golden age timeline externally we have to open those golden gates internally, so in this transmission, we will be opening the internal gates to our higher Christic fifth-dimensional self, and activating an auspicious blessing for the entire collective in this vibration.
we are also being guided to work with the Higher Self of all brothers that are currently working in the mainstream media.
We will be activating an atonement ritual that will enable them to awaken from the extreme atrocities they are perpetuating within their industry. this promises to be the most powerful and important ceremony thus far and is deeply and intricately connected to the important work that we did on the 9:9 transmission.
it is imperative that the ground crew show up for this level of planetary service as we are doing this for all our brothers and sisters awakened, non awakened, and for all the future generations to come.
I’ve been guided by my spirit team to host an after-party transmission.
In the after-party transmission, we will go deeper into the teachings/ transmission and downloads enabling us to open up to fully receive the enlightenment codes that are being offered in this ceremony
the after-party transmission was so incredibly life-changing for all of us I highly recommend you gift yourself this extremely auspicious spiritual blessing
I have created a bursary fund for people that are unable to pay the full price to join the transmission please contact my assistant at if you truly have no means whatsoever to participate in this ceremony and are feeling the call
This powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis.
After the phenomenal success of my first and second Wealth Mastermind container I will be hosting my third container in the beginning of November
I already have a huge waiting list of brothers and sisters that have expressed a desire to go on the pre-book list for this container
if you wish to go on the pre-book list please email me at and you'll be the 1st to receive the pre-book sale price

I have a very special invitation for you.
But before I share it with you, let me ask
Do you feel you’ve plateaued in your life and are calling in your next transformational upgrade?
Do you feel you often give more than you receive?
Are you feeling stuck in survival mode? Have you been there for a loooong time?
Are you at a crossroads and not sure of your next best step?
Are you ready to Upgrade your wealth consciousness and step into your divine feminine power?
Or do you feel you’re on the right path and you want to exponentially multiple your wealth and your impact?
If you said yes to any of these questions, then this is an invitation for you to step forward and claim your inheritance.
You are invited to come and join me for a FREE 3 day quantum wealth and spirituality masterclass
In this masterclass you will learn
The deep connection between wealth consciousness and spirituality and why it’s so important at this time
My most profound insights and secrets on working in the quantum world and how you can harness these gifts for results in your own life
What is your hearts desire and how to bring it forth into the physical world
My manifestation secrets and how you can use them in your own life
How to Fast track upgrading your spiritual frequency
How to step into your divine feminine to receive miracles and wealth with ease
This is a very special masterclass where you will get to work very closely and intimately with me to enable you to very quickly transform and up level your own spiritual vibration, and step into alignment with your highest self allowing you to open up and receive all the great wealth that is part of your birthright for being God's daughter.
It is my greatest pleasure to be able to be of service to you in this way.
The masterclass will take place on 1st - 3rd October
You can register here for the FREE Quantum Wealth Master Class
You won’t want to miss this!
I look forward to sharing this sacred space with you
Jen McCarty x
P.S. We have limited spots so register now to reserve your space
Full and new moon manifestation masterclasses
I am also being strongly guided by spirit to host regular full and new moon manifestation masterclasses in these master classes we will all be given the opportunity to massively transform and up level our relationship with our manifestation powers and we will be using the potency of the group container to empower all of our hearts intentions this will be extremely life changing work for all of us....
Please email me at if you would like to go on the pre-book list to receive information about the full and new moon manifestation masterclasses

Here are all of my links
Here is the link to book onto the ceremony
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