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Twin flame ascension report: end of an era Pluto completing in Capricorn

Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters, greetings of the Most High

We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity.

We have just come out of the extremely paradigm shifting period of Mercury retrograde and we are in the final moments of Pluto in Capricorn.

These energies are creating an intense pressure cooker of finality and resolution in many, many areas of our life.

Many of us will be finding that old relationships, old patterns, old ways of thinking and being are coming to a head now, as we face the final showdown of Pluto in Capricorn.

This is giving us a profound opportunity to gracefully let go of all of the old world energies pertaining to control and authority that is coming from an egoic place.

We can apply this to our relationships with our friends, our family, and our now outdated thought forms.

It would serve you well to make an inventory of old beliefs that you will not be taking into the next cycle, as symbolized by the upcoming 99 Gateway which is deeply connected to letting go of any last residues of the old Earth energies.

This will be manifesting through information coming through via the dream time.

Your spirit team are working overtime to help you clear deep ancestral blocks and thought forms that you as the rainbow sheep of the family, agreed to take on and transmute for the collective.

Please know that your ancestors are deeply supporting you and are shining a light on you from the highest spiritual realms, enabling you to identify expired relationships, expired thought forms, expired ways of being, expired jobs, et cetera.

Please know that the energies are deeply supporting you at the moment to go of anything in your life that is not serving you and that is not a vibrational match to the new Earth energies.

This is particularly connected to the first wave of twin flames who are on the precipice of coming into union in this upcoming gateway leading up to the Equinox.

in this energetic gateway these frequencies are simply not supporting old, toxic, karmic limited connections any longer, particularly if they are being experienced by genuine bonafide twin flames.

The fail safe mechanism is truly kicking in now for many on the twin flame path particularly for the divine masculines, who are unwilling to let go of their karmic feminines.

A third party will now be entering the picture for many of the karmic feminines. This will be a much higher energetic match for the karmics and will magnetize them proficiently out of their toxic karmic relationships and into a brand new timeline.

This will be difficult initially for many of the divine masculines, but they will be bombarded by messages from their higher self informing them of the blessings that will come from this great shift in their life.

If you are a divine feminine reading these words, it's very important that you script your new timeline with your divine masculine in the present tense, and once you have scripted your sacred union, you have to lock it into your consciousness.

You have to know that this is it, and you have to convince yourself that this is the reality. This is how the law of magnetism and vibration works. Everything begins in the imagination.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting a powerful 99 ceremony on the 9th of September at 9:09 PM UK time.

In this powerful transmission, we will be coming together to deeply support the next wave of Twin Flame unions. We will be working with the Galactic Federation of Light to support humanity with this huge shift that is about to take place as Pluto finally moves into Aquarius.

We are being asked to assist in the supporting of humanity's unconscious field to enable this transit to be implemented in the smoothest way.

As soon as Pluto goes into Aquarius, we are going to be witnessing radical shifts in our world, radical shifts in all areas of society, from politics to education, to the media down to our interpersonal relationships.

These energies are no longer supporting old world karmic contracts and therefore, we are going to be dedicating the transmission to be fully releasing these old world contracts pertaining to mission, sacred relationship and family programs and dynamics.

It would be such an auspicious blessing for you to attend this ceremony.

As the ancestor who most likely is carrying the most light within your lineage, you will be supporting all of your ancestors past, present, and concurrent to finally let go of these unconscious beliefs that have been keeping them stuck in the old world energies.

There are many other very exciting elements to the 99 transmission, which will be revealed in due course.

Please see below to book onto the transmission.

This is such a powerful time and I'm so grateful to all of my community.

I have just lost my Auntie Caroline, who brought me up with my mum from when I was born.

She's my first immediate family member to go back to Spirit, and it has been extraordinary bearing witness to her journey back home to the spiritual realms.

I look forward to sharing in greater detail with everyone in the transmission group, some of the profound miracles that have been coming through from my Auntie Caroline in the high spiritual realms.

I deeply, deeply look forward to being with the ground crew for the 99 online ceremony

in Love and Eternal Light, Jen and the White Wolf Tribe

The 99 Ceremony.

The 99 ceremony will take place at 9:09 PM UK time on the 9th of September, 2024.

In this online ceremony, we will be working with the Galactic Federation of Light to support in the implementation of the brand new transit of Pluto in Aquarius.

We will be letting go of all of the old energies that Pluto in Capricorn represented and we will be heralding in the new timeline of Pluto in Aquarius.

This is such an important ceremony that the ground crew are being asked to hold space for, which is going to assist the collective consciousness to implement the transformation of Pluto finally stabilizing itself in the constellation of Aquarius.

There is more information that will come through about the 99 transmission, which will be revealed in due course.

This promises to be the most powerful and important ceremony of the year so far, and I absolutely cannot wait to be with the ground crew, and has been designed to fully support the next wave of twin soul unions that are incoming in this next wave.

in love and eternal like Jen and the White Wolf tribe.

Here are the links to book if you are viewing this on a mobile device

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The Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle deck is now available. It is a truly exceptional Oracle deck that is in accordance with the new earth codes and frequencies.

Here is the link to purchase this amazing Oracle deck


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