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Twin flame Ascension report: black Sun, 144k codon, message for the twin flame collective

Dearest, beautiful brothers and sisters, greetings of the most high. 

We come forward now with an extremely pertinent and exciting message for the ground crew/ those in the ascension community. 

We have just come through the extremely powerful and life-changing solar eclipse portal. 

I have spent a lot of time diving deep into understanding specifically what is a solar and a lunar eclipse, and it has been downloaded into my consciousness that the eclipse is not the moon covering the sun. It is actually the black sun. 

Last night when I went to sleep, I received very, very powerful visions and downloads about the black sun, and I was shown that the black sun resides at the core of inner earth and it has a coil path trajectory, and whenever we experience a Lunar or solar eclipse, this is a direct alignment and conjunction between the black sun and that specific celestial body. 

Last night I was shown that the black sun is the source of God energy that resides in our universal system, and the black sun is the mother of all power in our solar system. 

I was shown that the black sun is the true source of electromagnetic energy, which is also known as die-electricity, and it acts as a projector.

The energy that is projected out of the black sun actually becomes the white sun and the moon. 

This means that the sun and the moon are projections and as such are not celestial light forms on their own ie existing within their own creation. They are actually a by product of the laser beam force that is the projected lens of the black sun. 

This means that the black sun is the true source of spiritual power that exists within our universal system. 

When we experience an eclipse, it is my deepest understanding that this represents a complete reset and recalibration of the solar trajectory, and how this manifests in our own personal lives is: each eclipse offers us the opportunity to absolutely, truly let go of relationships, energies, situations and beliefs that are no longer serving us. 

When the Black Sun interfaces and causes an eclipse with the white sun, we are truly given an opportunity to reset our path and move to the next level energetically and spiritually. 

The ramifications of the eclipse are not necessarily instant per se, although many in the ascending community are experiencing very, very intense symptoms due to the energies of the solar eclipse, particularly headaches, sinus pressure, fatigue, and a deep need to rest. 

It's very important that everyone honours their bodily needs and rest when they need to. 

Please note that this eclipse cycle is having a huge effect on the twin flame ascension community and is supporting the collapse of many expired karmic connections that have run their natural course. 

We are going to be witnessing many divine masculines stepping out of their secular relationships into their sacred soul contracts. 

I have been guided to share a powerful meditation for the 144 energetic portal on the 14th of April, and this is connected to the illumination of the 144,000 nadis in our energetic and celestial body. 

The more that we can activate and turn on these 144,000 nadis, the more we can embody more of our individual light quota. 

The benefits of doing this are: enlightenment, greater levels of awareness, trauma eradication, alignment with synchronicities and relationships of destiny. Health issues can be cleared up through this protocol as well as the activation of the longevity codons within our DNA strands. 

It is very important that we all understand that the ground crew are the vanguards of this ascension process. iE, we go through the transformation first. Therefore, as we connect with the 144,000 Nadis in our light body, we are opening up the potential for all of humanity to connect with their deeper spiritual nature and activate their longevity codes. 

This is a very, very powerful meditation, and I highly recommend everyone in my community to gift themselves this extremely beautiful and auspicious experience/ upgrade. 

We are all doing so well, it is very important that we all listen to our body at these times of planetary intensity. 

May we all remember that the present moment is the ultimate destination that we are all seeking. 

I'm so delighted to receive so many emails about so many of you having major breakthroughs on your twin flame journey at the moment. 

Please know that someone has just dropped out of my Avalon retreat and I therefore have one more spot for my Avalon retreat.

I will be going to Egypt on the 19th of April for a week, and the grid work that I'm being called to do in Egypt is deeply connected to the work that we are going to be doing in Avalon. 

If you know that you are meant to be there, please email me and I'll send you the link to book your place on the amazing Avalon retreat.

I'm also currently looking for a venue to host a retreat in Sedona, potentially around September time. 

I will let everyone know as soon as the venue is aligned with

in love and eternal light, Jen and the White Wolf Tribe, 

Please know that, with regards to the information that I am sharing about the black sun, I by no means have worked out every element of it. I am simply offering some significant dots which will make up the picture of truth that we all deserve.

With regards to everything I share please use your intuition when assessing whether this information resonates with you or not.

The 144 ceremony. 

Please click the link below to gift yourself the experience of this powerful meditation that will light up the 144,000 nadIs within your sacred energetic system. 

The benefits of connecting with your 144000 Nadis is deeply connected to the solid structuring of your light body.

We are all on this ascension trajectory and we are all transforming from our third dimensional carbon based structure to our fifth dimensional crystallized structure. 

This meditation is specifically designed to support in the nurturing and sealing of the crystalline light body. 

Many of you may start noticing crystaline particles on your skin through doing this meditation 

Avalon retreat. 

There is still one spot left on my Avalon retreat. This is deeply connected to the work that I'm going to be doing in Egypt. There are many souls that are being called to Egypt currently, and this is connected to a soul contract that many of us have made to reset the energy along the lay lines connecting Egypt to Avalon. 

This grid work is deeply connected to the energetic support of the next wave of twin flame unions that are destined to anchor on the earth plane between now and summer solstice.

 If you know that you have made a sole contract prior to incarnation to participate in this very important grid work, please email me at and I will send you the link to book your place onto the Avalon retreat. 

There is only one spot available 


Due to issues with my Spotify. I have had to reload all my music to Spotify. It would mean the world to me. If you could follow me on Spotify and listen to my beautiful new music that was created and written by me and produced by Charlie Roscoe


I'm so excited that I will be publishing my first official book with Muse Oracle Press in May. I am so excited about the little book of Neville Godard quotes.

Neville Godard's Wisdom has completely changed my life and it is my deepest honor to share his teachings in a digestible bite-sized way with as many people as possible. Thus, introducing a brand new generation of people to the great, great works of Neville Godard.

here is the link to pre purchase the book at 10% DISCOUNT



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