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Twin flame Ascension report : Ascension symptoms and how best to deal with them

Dearest brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity.

There is so much to share with you today. It is challenging to know where to begin. First of all, I would like to say that the light has already won on the higher dimensional realms of consciousness, the fifth-dimensional new earth timeline has already anchored and the 3D paradigm is playing catch up. As mentioned in many of the previous ascension reports, the head of the hydra has been cut off.

This refers to the head of the deep state pyramid that fuels all of the lower fractions of the pyramid.

However, As many of you are able to observe there are still some lower-level minions that are playing out and attempting to harvest as much loosh as possible from asleep unsuspecting humanity.

It is very important to realize that there are no actual laws that have been created to take away anyone's freedoms. They are just simply suggestions and mandates, which require your consensus and indeed your consent.

Please know that this is a test of the highest order to see whether you are mature enough to stand in your own sovereignty. Or whether you are not at that level of maturity, and wish to be controlled and guided by slave masters.

Of course, there is no judgment on that. It is simply a choice that you make for your own soul's evolution. But please know that this really is a test that is going on, and all of those who stand up tall in their sovereignty pass the test.

Everyone who is able to stand tall in their sovereignty was born for this ascension timeline and is fully equipped to be able to harness the solar waves that are pouring forth from Galactic Central at the moment. For those that wish to be controlled, please know that another ascension timeline will align for them at a later date when they have gone through all their soul lessons and have truly come to the place of awakening.

Many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of ascension symptoms at the moment. The main ones particularly are dehydration, headaches, body aches, nausea, ear ringing, and sinus pressure. Please understand that ascension symptoms are experienced by the vessel when the solar energies interface with the physical consciousness.

The photonic light particles serve to remove heavy karmic ancestral density from the energetic system, and this is experienced as symptoms. The reason why this is so is because there is no spiritual bypassing in ascension. Everything has to go through the body.

This particular bout of ascension symptoms is massively affecting the spiritual leaders, the frontline, way-showers.

In order to navigate these challenging energies, I highly recommend resting as much as possible, filling yourself up with electrolytes and coconut water. Understanding that currently, water on its own is not able to quench this deep soul thirst that many of us are experiencing.

I highly recommend increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables, particularly high water-based fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers.

Many of us are experiencing a lot of heat in our bodies, due to the photonic light particles interfacing with our DNA.

A powerful remedy and antidote for this is to practice breathing exercises. Immersing yourself in cold water Is also an extremely powerful way to bring down your body temperature. If that is too challenging, even placing your feet in cold water is very effective for bringing your internal temperature down. Please understand that your body is shifting from carbon to crystalline, and this is a huge and momentous transformation.

In this period, many twin flames are recognizing each other. I am receiving many emails at the moment about twin flames coming into recognition and reunion at this powerful time.

Please know that the energies are now fully supporting twin flame union, and it has taken a very, very long time to get to this point energetically. The Earth plane has simply not been equipped to be able to deal with the frequencies of the true twin flames, as the Earth consciousness has been far too dense. However, with all of the transformations in the influx of photonic light, this is transforming Earth's electromagnetic frequency.

This is creating a permission field for many true twin flame unions to ground and anchor at this time. For many of you reading these words, please expect more synchronicities with your twin flames, and many of you will be contacted out of the blue spontaneously from your twin flames in this upcoming gateway.

The energies are now massively building up towards the 7:7 portal. This is always an extremely powerful and important ascension portal on the yearly ascension calendar.

In the 7.7 transmission, we are being guided to deeply anchor the frequency of true love into the Earth plane. We are being called to work with the white swans, the dragon swans, the butterflies, and indeed all of the elemental beings who have been given the spiritual duty of being guardians of the true love template.

We will also be working with our chakra system, sending forth a crystalline upgrade.

We will be working with the seven system chakra system for this particular transmission and we will be activating higher ascension codes to pour forth that will Support our chakras system to transform into its stabilised crystalline frequency.

This is connected to the creation of the Antahkarana bridge, which is the bridge to our higher self. As we individually activate this bridge, we activate Gaia's Bridge to her fifth-dimensional, higher self and we assist in the timeline of Gaia's alignment with 5D Paradise Earth.

This is extremely important work for the collective and for all our future generations to come, and we have an extremely powerful and solid ground crew who are deeply committed to showing up continuously for this global ceremonial work.

Please see below for full details on how to book onto the transmission, and please know that I look forward to welcoming you into the core ascension group.

A personal word from me, my YouTube is being heavily censored at the moment and I would appreciate everyone reading these words to please subscribe to my YouTube channel as YouTube is removing my subscribers left, right and centre.

I would also appreciate you sharing this energy report for your brothers and sisters to let them know that many of us are experiencing very intense ascension symptoms at the moment, and they are not alone.

I very much look forward to gathering with you all for the 7:7 transmission.

In love and eternal light, Jenji and the White Wolf tribe.

The 7:7 transmission

The 7:7 transmission will take place on the 7th of July at 8:08 p.m. UK time.

In this transmission, we are being guided to deeply anchor the frequency of true love into the Earth plane.

We are being called to work with the white swans, the dragon swans, the butterflies, and indeed all of the elemental beings who have been given the spiritual duty of being guardians of the true love template.

We will also be working with our chakra system, sending forth a crystalline upgrade.

We will be working with the seven system chakra system for this particular transmission and we will be activating higher ascension codes to pour forth that will Support our chakras system to transform into its stabilised crystalline frequency.

This is connected to the creation of the Antahkarana bridge, which is the bridge to our higher self. As we individually activate this bridge, we activate Gaia's Bridge to her fifth-dimensional, higher self and we assist in the timeline of Gaia's alignment with 5D Paradise Earth.

This is extremely important work for the collective and for all our future generations to come, and we have an extremely powerful and solid ground crew who are deeply committed to showing up continuously for this global ceremonial work.

As soon as you sign up for the transmission you will receive a PDF file from selfie this will be in your spam box or your old mailbox it is very important that you download this PDF file as it gives you the link to the transmission on the 6th of June this is an automatic process that happens to every single person that signs up if you make a donation please email me at and I will send you the PDF file manually please note that for everyone else it is an automatic process. Please use the PayPal link below if you are having any trouble booking via the Wix website and please make sure to email me to receive the PDF file with the link to the transmission

You can use this link to make a donation if The buy now button isn't working please be sure to email me at if you've made a donation and I will send you the PDF file with the link to join the call

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