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Twin flame Ascension report: 717 Gateway brand-new timeline has anchored. victory to the alliance

Dearest, beautiful brothers, and sisters,

We are now in the long prophesized week of 7.17.

This is an important ascension marker, which signifies a great shift in the collective timeline.

What does this even mean?

We have been involved in a multidimensional chess game of light versus dark / black hats versus white hats for hundreds of years now. 

However, in the last period of time, there has been a huge successful coup by the White Hat Alliance to fully awaken humanity to the control structures that have been implemented into humanity's programming via the Dark Hat Reptilian Alliance. 

There are many ways to view the incidences /occurrences that we have experienced in the last few years, but the perception that I am most aligned with is that much of what we have been witnessing being played out has been orchestrated by the White Hat Alliance with the specific intention to awaken humanity to their profound levels of immaturity with regards to giving their power away to nefarious governmental structures who do not have humanities interests at heart.

The plan is working, and now many, many people are waking up to see with eyes of profound clarity the nefarious agenda that has sought to keep humanity entrapped in a two strand, DNA patterning.

With Godly humanity entrapped in a two strand, DNA patterning, this creates, it such that humans become fodder for their slave masters and are therefore acquiesce all of their sovereignty and spiritual powers to the fourth dimensional overlords, quite simply through ignorance. 

However, we are now in a very significant marker point in our collective ascension timeline and the events that we witnessed on Saturday night in my humble opinion, were staged in order to bring forth another wave of awakening to asleep America and the world. 

I absolutely believe that Mr. T is protected, and I absolutely believe that the white hats are in full control and that we are watching a well rehearsed and well staged movie. 

It is very important now that we all hold the line and remember how powerful each of us are.

If we were not powerful, the Black Hat Alliance would not have sought to disempower us through all of this dark and nefarious programming.

The reason why this has happened is because we are all so infinitely powerful as we are all fractals of God source energy. 

We are each micros of the macro, which means in a sense that we all are individual universes within our own soul matrix.

We are being called now to hold the line star beings and to know that the light has already won.

It would be very powerful for us at this time to step into a vibration of celebration that the forces of light have successfully taken back our planet.

All of this is deeply connected to the opening of the Mary Magdalene Feast Day portal, which is connected to the exoneration of the divine feminine.

Much of what the deep state has hidden from humanity is the spiritual importance of the divine feminine. This has been hidden in plain sight, yet publically she has been denied, rejected and deeply abused.

The divine feminine has been revered in darkness and silence behind closed doors, whereas on the outer levels, she has been denied, abused, rejected, and suppressed.

This has activated deep programming within the divine feminine that she is not "good enough" and therefore with the guidance of Mary Magdalene herself, it is this specific program that the ground crew are being called to fully remove from the divine feminines consciousness. 

Therefore, it is my deepest honour to be hosting the Magdalene Feast Day Transmission on the 22nd of July.

please see below for the full details on how to sign up for the Magdalene Feast Day Transmission. 

We are currently in a deeply auspicious period for the Twin Flame Collective.

So many original core trauma patterns are being dislodged from the Akashic records.

This is due to the collective raise in consciousness.

As our collective consciousness raises, many of the lower knots and nefarious programs naturally unravel as the higher frequencies get introduced into the collective consciousness grid.

All of this is happening in earnest, and the outcome of this is that many twins are now able to come together with far less interference with regards to their union timeline and trajectory. 

It is very important we hold the line now, and keep the faith. 

Remember, faith is the greatest superpower that you have.

With faith all things are possible, and please remember that you were assigned this mountain to show everyone that it can be moved. 

I cannot wait to be with the ground crew for the Magdalene feast, day transmission.

In love and eternal light

Jen and the White Wolf tribe.

The Magdalene Feast Day transmission

The Magdalene Feast Day transmission will take place on the 22nd of July, 2024 at 8:08 PM UK time.

In this transmission, we will come together and work with the deep and powerful energies of the Hathor's.

In ancient Egypt Mary Magdalene spent a lot of time in the ISIS and Hathor temples and in this transmission we will be working with the mother energies of the Hathor's to assist humanity to fully remove the "not good enough program". 

This lie has caused so much illness, death, pain, separation, breakups, and all manner of issues, particularly in the divine feminine psyche.

We will ensure that this program is removed seven generations in front and seven generations behind.

All those who come forward to participate in this ceremony will have the opportunity to receive back a very, very important gem in the crown of their eternal being.

A gem that was stolen at the time of Atlantis when our DNA was taken out of its 12 strand diamond patterning and was placed into a two strand survival patterning.

So much more will be revealed in due course.

I cannot wait to be with the ground crew for the Magdalene Feast day transmission.

Please remember that no one is ever turned away.

There is a bursary fund and donations are acceptable for those of you who genuinely are on a low income.

If you are reading this on a mobile device, please click the link below.



Here are all the links to all of my latest books and social media.

Here are the links to Jen MCcartys books in order of publication

  1. Law of attraction little instruction book







Lingham worship


1 Comment

Jul 17, 2024

Thank you so very much Jen and crew… we love and appreciate you all… much love & many blessings… thank you!…


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