Twin Ascension report: Equinox Gateway, Eclipse season...hold onto your hats beloveds
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Twin Ascension report: Equinox Gateway, Eclipse season...hold onto your hats beloveds

Dearest, beautiful brothers and sisters, greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this highly auspicious moment of your time to deliver a deep, heartfelt soul-based message that will profoundly assist you on your evolutionary path. 

We are currently in the exalted, beautiful Virgoan energies. 

The energy of Virgo is deeply supporting us to purge out all thought forms that are not in alignment with our highest destiny 

thought forms that suggest that we are unworthy or unlucky or simply not vibrationally aligned to our hearts deepest prayers. 

The energies of Virgo are deeply supporting us to get our mental house in order and review these negative thought forms that are quite frankly blocking the timeline of our spiritual destiny. 

It would serve you well to every day during the month of Virgo to wake up in the morning and write out a list or an inventory of all unhelpful thoughts that are going through your brain at this time. 

I would then suggest writing counter antidote thoughts on a separate sheet of paper, and I highly recommend burning the old purged thoughts. 

This will send a very clear and concise message to your subconscious mind that you are no longer willing to believe The lies that your monkey minds is telling you. 

remember at the mark of an enlightened person is they know that their thoughts are lying to them. 

The energies of Virgo are deeply supporting us now to reach very high level state of enlightenment through the mental faculties. 

We have just come through the nine nine portal and we are currently experiencing the most profound rainbows coming into our dimensional octave. 

Recently, many of us have also been having very high level dreams of the heavenly realms descending into the physical earthy realm. 

All of these are markers and indicators that the solar flash /point of compression is fast approaching whereby we will see the absolute complete saturation of the heavenly codes pouring into the third dimensional realm. 

This is precisely what the prophecy of revelations is all about, and we are indeed living in this prophecy. 

The energies are now massively building up towards the Equinox portal. 

This is the time in our ecliptic calendar, which is most celebrated by religions such as Judaism, Islam, and Paganism. 

That is because our ancient ancestors knew about the auspicious potency of the sun reaching its perfect midway point in the constellation of Libra marking the autumn equinox. 

This is an essential point in our ecliptic cycle whereby we are now moving into the longer, colder winter months in the northern hemisphere.

This is symbolic of the soul's journey towards integration, particularly around ones shadow consciousness

When we embark on this powerful shadow integration journey this invariably takes us to the next stabilised level of enlightenment.

As with all energetic portals, these are deeply connected to the awakening of twin flames


We are currently in a gateway that is massively working with the asleep divine masculine collective consciousness, particularly those masculine's that have settled for very toxic, low vibrational karmic mates.

These energies are no longer supporting these soul contracts, and if the divine masculine has not taken heed of his own intuitive knowing and hunches through the dream time, then the messages from the universe are now going to get louder.

There is simply no choice. The divine masculine was given the choice to take direct action based upon his intuition, but for many, he simply hasn't.

Expect Contact from your twin flame divine feminines.

Know that he's dreaming about you constantly.

He's getting so many signs and synchronicities that are pointing him to your heart.

Your only job now is to celebrate the truth of God's eternal love and eternal grace.

It is my deepest pleasure to announce that I will be hosting a powerful Equinox ceremony two days after the burial of my most beloved Auntie Caroline. I feel that her passing is deeply connected to the power and potency of this Equinox gateway.

In this extremely important ceremony, we are going to be coming together to clear any collective roadblocks between the divine, masculine and divine feminine.

We are going to be activating an enlightenment portal that will enable you to fully stabilize in enlightened consciousness.

I will be sharing codes, downloads, wisdom, and homework that will absolutely take you to the next level of your enlightenment journey.

There are more aspects to the eox transmission which will be revealed in due course. However, suffice to say, this is the date that our ancient ancestors revered the most highly, and it is absolutely appropriate for the village, a k, a, the ground crew to come forward and gather on their grid points for this most important ceremony,

lets attempt to break all records in the amount of manifesters meditating on that day. 

Please see below for the full details on how to book onto the auspicious equinox transmission.

Thank you everyone so much for all deep love and beautiful kind messages you have sent me.

I am still massively processing my auntie's passing, and I think that things are most likely going to get quite real for me and my family after her funeral.

When we lose a very close relative. It is so important that we don't disconnect from each other because what the grieving heart needs is to know that they are loved, know that they are held, know that they are cherished, and it is so healing to offer our condolences to souls who have lost close relatives,

I absolutely cannot wait to be with everyone for the Equinox transmission

in love and eternal light

Jen and the White Wolf tribe.

equinox ceremony

Dearest beautiful brothers and  sisters it gives me great pleasure to know that I will be hosting a very powerful and auspicious equinox ceremony on zoom at 7:07 pm on the 22nd of September 2024.

In this powerful ceremony, we are being called to clear all Road blocks between the divine masculine and divine feminine twin flames.

We will be activating an extremely powerful magnetism protocol that will be assist the next wave of unions. 

We will also be coming together to work with the energies of our solar logos and prepare  for the eclipse gateway. 

The eclipse Gateway energies are encouraging us to let go of all traumatised patterns and thoughts that are keeping us stuck in outdated timelines

In the equinox ceremony we will be experiencing a profound purging of limited beliefs and thought forms and I will be asking everyone to bring a pen and paper with them to the ceremony.

Please know I will also be giving everyone homework to complete which will assist you to  to navigate the eclipse energies masterfully, 

There will also be other elements to this important ceremony which will be revealed in due course 

Please know that I have a very exciting announcement for everyone who participates in this online ceremony..

Here are the links to book if you are viewing this on a mobile device

Waged option

pay it forward option

The Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle deck

The Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle deck is now available. It is a truly exceptional Oracle deck that is in accordance with the new earth codes and frequencies.

Here is the link to purchase this amazing Oracle deck

Jens links

I have also released Lingam Worship, which is now available to

Buy as a paperback ebook or as a audio.

Please see all the links below.

Lingam worship, a sacred sexuality guidebook for the new earth 

This book is a seed that many, many souls will receive. And each soul who reads this book will experience the flowering of their own recognition and remembrance of the divine masculine.


As a divine feminine the remembrance will come with a deep compulsion to honour and revere the divine masculines sacred phallus member, 

Everyone reading these words will collectively orchestrate a great turning of the wheel of human consciousness, moving us back towards the sacred and out of the secular. 

Quite simply we worship the lingham because the lingham is worthy of receiving devotion.

In this deep heart felt guide book Jen mccarty takes you into the heart of sacred, tantric wisdom and information that has been locked away in the tantric temples of India for millennia, and has been hidden away in stuffy academic books with no real connection with how to apply these powerful sacred sexuality teachings.

This book is an odyssey into and ancient remembrance of the role of the Holy Phallus member that has been granted to the divine masculine consciousness.

Lingam worship

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