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Ascension report 144: Sagittarius gateway life-changing breakthrough now for many twins....

Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. It's been a little moment since I sent out my ascension report, but I'm being very strongly guided in this moment to connect with everyone in my community.

As you may or may not have gathered, I have just come through and been going through one of the most extraordinary enlightenment portals of my journey thus far.

I am experiencing the balancing out of my left and right brain hemispheres, and I am deeply understanding the esoteric science behind the spirituality that I've been sharing and transmitting the last few years.

All of the dots are coming together in a way that they have never ever come together before, and I'm sure that many of you in my community will be extremely aware of what's been going on.

In this report, I would like to share with you some unpublished downloads that I have received, which hopefully will enable you to put many, many dots together and help you understand who you are as a source being and what the entire purpose of being incarnated into this planetary system is all about.

As we understand with the journey of twin souls where the atom is broken down to its most basic form of the red shift blue shift blue shift, the feminine is all that is magnetic, all that is intuitive right-brained at one with God in devotional service- the mother pouring forth eternal blessings for gods creations, and we have the redshift masculine who has bought into the left brain ideology of separation compartmentalisation, denial of the heart consciousness, mental illness, normalisation of mental illness and desperate, desperate loneliness

This dynamic has been playing out for a specific quota of twin flames that are on the verge of the next wave of reunions within the winter solstice gateway 2022

On behalf of this particular wave, many of these masculines have been trapped in a frequency of the normalisation of extreme torture. Torture of one’s emotional, spiritual self through being calibrated and wedded into the vibration of situations that have reached their sell-by date quite some time ago.

Very often when we stay in these kind of situations, everything goes very mouldy and very off very quickly, and this is what is being experienced by a number of these divine masculine‘s.

Their intuition told them to leave- they ignored it, and now the loaf is going mouldy, it is going green, it is giving off a bad smell, and everyone is suffering the consequences of this fear-based choice that the divine masculine has made to stay in a situation that had expired, when he had received all of the clear guidance from his Higher Self that the time was up -through dreams, through his higher self spelling it out to him over and over again but yet many of these divine masculines still ignored them and now the situation has gone Very bad.

this is a momentary look at a particular wave of twin flames at the redshift divine masculines and exactly what has been happening with this polarity.

This is why it is very important for the awakened magnetic Divine feminine to connect with the heart because the heart is the meeting point of both of the twin flames, and even though the redshift is in a state of forgetfulness and has been in a state of forgetfulness, he is still at one with his heart, and so the awakened divine feminine can fill up their unified heart grid with untold love roses songs devotion prayers fires candles the works to stoke the fire of the divine masculines heart - sending him telepathic messages and love letters of gratitude appreciating him for all the wonderful, amazing things that he truly does do. This is the way to fill up the heart chakra, which is the melting point of the electron, and the proton, as we have established, the heart is where the twins are one and connected

We are the frontline ground crew, and we are leading the way in this ascension in many, many ways, and therefore, everything that we actualize, achieve and activate within our own consciousness is automatically filtered down into the rest of humanity.

There are a number of extremely important and essential protocols that we will complete on a spiritual level in the 12:12 transmission that will enable everyone to have a monumental breakthrough on their spiritual path, to the point that this will activate a shift in the collective consciousness.

But for now, I would like to say that we are in an extraordinary time within our astrological cycle, and there are many planetary configurations at the moment that are deeply supporting the anchoring of many brothers and sisters into their higher consciousness source field.

We have just moved through the extraordinarily intense eclipse gateways, and they have been very, very challenging for many of us.

But as we rapidly move into the Sagittarius energies, there is a significant energetic shift that many of us will be experiencing in the days and coming weeks as some long-held dreams will be coming true for many of us as we approach the 12:12 portal and the very, very highly auspicious winter solstice portal in the sign of Capricorn.

12 is an extremely important number within our evolutionary experience, and there are many systems within the body that are connected to the number 12.for example:

“The human body is made of 12 systems, and those systems are : skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine excretory, immune, dermal , lymphatic reproductive, respiratory. There are 12 cranial nerves. In your solar plexus there are 12 nerve endings. The body is a whole system of 12. The body is an alchemical laboratory and if you keep it pure with good habits you can restore it to perfect health” SB

12 is a master number, and we will be working with the energy of mastery up to and around this portal date.

I've been guided to host a very, very powerful and significant 12:12 transmission, and in this transmission, everyone will experience a profound upgrade of their entire spiritual light body. We are going to enter into the ascension chambers of the highest order, which will allow us to clear any hooks that have been preventing our expansion, and we will be able to bathe in frequencies that will bring us to the singular point of magnetism within our vibrational field.

In the 1212 transmission, we will also be working with the collective ascension timeline, and we will be activating a huge influx of spiritual light into Planet Earth.

This will help many, many souls that have incarnated at this time to become one with their source field.

In the 12:12 transmission, we will also do a planetary protocol to cleanse our planetary system of many of these low-frequency karmic trauma bonds that are holding up the next level of Ascension for many in the ascending community. This will be an extraordinarily divinely orchestrated angelic intervention that will send codes of profound support to many of the souls in these relationships, truly giving them the courage to take heed of the messages that their higher self-soul consciousness is relentlessly sending forth to them…..

Please see below for the full details on how to book onto the 12:12 transmission.

The 11:11 transmission was very, very powerful and many people wrote to me saying that they did the transmission seven or eight, even nine times. Because of the nature of the work, you will always hear something different each time you do it, and you will always understand what is being spoken about in a different way.

The work that we are doing in the transmission groups is so important and so pivotal to the planetary ascension, and I am in awe of all of you that hear the call to be part of the ground crew.

This shows me who you are on a spiritual level, that you are a very, very old soul and a very, very high-level source being to have been vibrationally drawn to this work. Of course, this work will not be attractive to younger souls. It is only really going to register to extraordinarily old souls' consciousness.

I have been receiving a lot of information about what it means to be an old soul, and I will share that piece of writing with people in my community in the next few days.

Please know I deeply look forward to welcoming you into the core group

in love and eternal light, Jen and the White Wolf Tribe.

12:12 karmic correction transmission

The 12:12 transmission will take place at 8:08 p.m. UK time on 12th of December.

in this transmission, everyone will experience a profound upgrade of their entire spiritual light body.

We are going to enter into the ascension chambers of the highest order, which will allow us to clear any hooks that have been preventing our expansion, and we will be able to bathe in frequencies that will bring us to the singular point of magnetism within our vibrational field.

In the 12:12 transmission, we will also be working with the collective ascension timeline, and we will be activating a huge influx of spiritual light into Planet Earth.

This will help many, many souls that have incarnated at this time to become one with their source field.

In the 12:12 transmission, we will also do a planetary protocol to cleanse our planetary system of many of these low-frequency karmic trauma bonds that are holding up the next level of Ascension for many in the ascending community. This will be an extraordinarily divinely orchestrated angelic intervention that will send codes of profound support to many of the souls in these relationships, truly giving them the courage to take heed of the messages that their higher self-soul consciousness is relentlessly sending forth to them…..

There are more Wanderers and exciting aspects to the 12 12 transmission which will be revealed in due course and I completely Trust at the ground crew take their positions on their grid points to complete this great great planetary work….

Please know that this powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis and there is a bursary fund available for those that wish to do the work and are not able to pay the full price…

I really cannot wait to be with you all see you on the 12:12 transmission brothers and sisters

Would you like to join my street team read the first five chapters of my upcoming book the untended alter

if so please email me

all jens links

💕 here is the link to the miracle Amazon Oil..

here is the link to join the ascension club






💕TWIN FLAMES AND THE EVENT BOOK:♥️twin-flames-the-event-a-message-for-the-144000-lightworkers-audiobook



❤️Divine actor I am universal link

💕twin flame work book



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