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Ascension report. 144: 9:9 gateway, virgo season, and how to navigate these energies

Dearest brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. The energies are now rapidly moving towards the 9:9 gateway. This is an extremely powerful, potent, and important gateway for our collective ascension, and I will be dedicating this ascencion report to explaining the significance of this specific portal.

The 9:9 energies are symbolic of completion. This is referencing completion on an individual level and also completion on a collective level.

Many of us have come through extraordinary cycles of evolution, particularly in the last few months. We have profoundly shifted and exponentially shifted our vibration, and it has now stabilized at an unprecedentedly high level.

This is due to the enormous amounts of shadow integration work that many of us on this ascending path have been avidly committing to for many, many years. And this year of 2022 has seen extraordinary breakthroughs for many in the ascending community, particularly the divine feminines.

We are now currently in the Virgo moon, moon gateway, and many of us are experiencing profound shifts on a physical practical level.

Many of us will be feeling the call to arrange our cupboards, get rid of clutter and clear space for new energies that are going to be coming into our lives in the upcoming months.

This is an extremely important and potent time for us to work with the energies of Virgo - remembering that the energy of Virgo is deeply connected to one's physical body and one's physical wellbeing. In the 9:9 transmission, we are being guided to do extremely deep work with the divine feminines menstruation cycle.

The divine feminines menstruation cycle was profoundly manipulated at the time of Atlantis.

At the time of Atlantis, we were all connected to our etheric womb. As higher dimensional beings, we were able to reside in these vessels for as long as our souls desired.

However, due to all the nefarious actions that were allowed to take place at the time of Atlantis, this activated a shift from the crystalline womb to the carbon third dimensional womb.

When we were calibrated to our crystalline wombs, we could produce crystalline eggs, ad infinitum, and it would not be unusual for a woman aged 550 years old to give birth. This is our true divine blueprint that mother, father God has designed for us.

At the time of Atlantis, when the consciousness of humanity dropped out of it's higher dimensional density into a lower third dimensional dualistic paradigm, this hugely effected women's cycles. And indeed, women's cycles were targeted.

The divine feminine is extraordinarily powerful physically and spiritually. And so therefore, part of the dumbing down of our frequency was deeply connected to curses that were placed upon the divine feminines womb, which took us out of our crystalline alignment, into physical density and also introduced the concept of pain, trauma and struggle with regards to our human carbon menstrual cycles.

It is time now for this curse and all the nefarious intentions that were set forth towards the divine feminine, to be 100% removed.

This has had huge implications on women's womb health, and is largely connected to the prolific number of women that suffer from endometriosis and extremely painful periods.

This is not the way God designed us to live. This is an attack on humanity and an attack on the divine feminine.

We were devote the potent collective energies of the nine, nine transmission to 100% clear these curses forever, so that we can reestablish our crystalline womb and remove all painful symptoms associated with menstruation and child re-production.

The nine, nine gateway is also very deeply connected to supporting the divine masculine, as he finds the bravery now to truly, truly say yes to his God mate, the one that mother, father God designed perfectly for him to mate within this lifetime.

Many, many spiritual men are choosing young women who have not done the shadow integrative work, enabling them to activate their wild woman codes.

If a man is mated with a woman who has not activated her wild woman codes, it will keep him extremely small. And in a state whereby she's just simply stroking his ego, preventing any form of spiritual evolution.

We will be devoting the nine, nine transmission to deeply supporting the divine masculine, to find his bravery now, and to complete this timeline of divine masculines being mated with lower vibrational feminines who are not their true God mates.

This is such a powerful and potent time that we are all in, brothers and sisters, and your presence is deeply required to participate in the transmissions.

Please see below for all the full details on how to join the transmission.

This is an exceptionally powerful twin flame gateway. Every day, I'm waking up to a minimum of three to four emails from long term members of the community who are now coming into divine recognition and reunion with their divine counterparts.

Many, many people who are receiving contact and the next wave of twin flame unions is very, very much underway.

Very important now that you all carry on doing the inner work, loving yourself, standing underneath your shadow aspects, validating your inner child, parenting your inner child in the way that your earthly parents were simply unable to.

This will ensure your potent magnatism towards your divine counterpart.

There is so much to say, and I cannot wait to be with you all in the 9.9 transmission.

In love and eternal light.

Jen and the White Wolf tribe.

9.9 transmission

The 9.9 transmission will take place on the 9th of September at 7:17 PM, UK time. In this transmission, we will be working to entirely align the divine crystalline womb with our earthly vessels.

We will be activating all our crystalline eggs.

This is deeply connected to the age regeneration timeline, and please know, we will be deeply empowering the age regeneration timeline.

We will also be sending a huge boost of spiritual support to the divide masculine, who has not been brave enough to mate with his true divine counterpart.

We are going to be assisting in the collapsing of these lower timelines, which are enabling these masculines to do that.

We are going to be sending them a whole load of spiritual support.

This work is offered on an energetic exchange basis and no one has ever been turned away.

There is a bursary fund available. If you are unable to make any contribution,

please contact my team and you will be sent a link to make a donation.

Love Jen.

psychic consultation SESSIONS I'm currently offering one spot for a psychic consultation session with me I can also apply this to working with twin flames… What you will get from having A business psychic consultation with Jen McCarty is:

  • People who work with me experience an upgrade on a spiritual level and Report feelings of aligning with their higher self and becoming one with their higher self…

  • We will explore the Akashic records and pull through information about your specific dharma and The optimum moves you can make in your business from a higher spiritual perspective

  • We will pull through information about the next moves that the soul of your business wishes to take.

  • Having a session with me will bring extraordinary clarity, miracles, and blessings to your business.

  • We will focus on clearing energetic blocks and working on mindset, and I will assist you on an exponentially deep level to master the law of attraction/ the law of actualization, in order to achieve all of your business goals.

  • A Psychic business consultation with me will bring you deep and abiding clarity, which you will be able to apply for, either one year or five years of your business, depending on the information that is brought through.

  • A session with me will give you a tremendous boost for your business and will give you the energy and impetus to drive your business to the next income level.

  • This type of consultation is calibrated towards start-up businesses, mid-level businesses, and very well-established businesses.

  • I am able to access all aspects of the spiritual side of a business and bring through pertinent life-changing information that will assist you to take your business to a much higher level. As well as bring through extremely pertinent 3D strategy information that will assist you to achieve your income goals with ease and Grace.

  • After you have a session with me you will feel a profound sense of empowerment and clarity and you will have Direct actions to take that will move you forward towards your phenomenal success

  • Working with me will assist you on a spiritual level to come home to yourself and to feel deep and abiding peace that will assist you to make business decisions from a place of abundance and alignment as opposed to fear and lack

My twin flame readings are very very powerful and we are able to clear extraordinary deep Blocks and blindspots to be to enable the union to manifest very quickly and swiftly love jen

ASCENSION ACCELERATION CLUB I am going to be creating an exclusive membership site for people in the community that really really deeply want to grow on a spiritual level, who want to be part of the Ascension conversation and want to deeply transform into the crystalline Light-body. I don’t have time anymore for people that just want to dip into spirituality and dip back out of it back into their 3-D journalistic reality and I think that what is going on with my social media is pointing me in this direction, I really need to focus now with people truly absolutely want to do the deep spiritual work to fully stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness - to become the embodied lighthouse that they promised their soulmates they would be. So for that reason I am going to be creating an exclusive membership site The benefits of the membership will be: access to me and my teachings First invitation to all my retreats workshops and containers Special discounted prices for people in the membership program The ability to exponentially expand your spiritual vibration and attain spiritual mastery It will give everyone close proximity to me and I will offer the opportunity to ask questions Benefits are coming home to a spiritual community feeling the love and connection of all the members of the community who are unified in our commitment to be part of the ground crew Being part of the membership will assist you to stabilise in fifth-dimensional consciousness We will have guest speakers and teachers who will come and share their teachings. You will be surrounded by people that are very deeply committed to their spiritual work and stabilising their spiritual vibration we will lose many people who are not committed to their Ascension and just want to dip their toes in spirituality, whilst remaining fully anchored in 3-D. this group membership will not be a vibrational match to people like that There are so many valuable things that will come out of being part of this membership I can’t wait to launch it Ascension school starts on sep 5th Align with your high ticket soul mate clients Have you ever wondered why you are not aligning with your soulmate clients have you considered that maybe you are not charging enough money for them to take you seriously and find you so many people make the mistake of not charging enough money so that their soulmate clients can never find them if this is you I highly recommend my powerful 21 day protocol to attract premium clients this will help you move through all spiritual and emotional blocks and will also help remove impostor syndrome so that you can attract your soulmate clients this is a phenomenal offering and it's on sale currently at 50% discount….. Rose age regeneration ascension essence I would like to share with you all ways to work with this very, very powerful sacred mother essence. This is a very special mother essence, which means that following the simple practices of creating flower essences, you could make other bottles of this remedy. All you need to do to make another bottle of tincture is add 10 drops from the mother tincture and mix it with 2/3 water and 1/3 brandy or cider vinegar depending on whether you want to be able to use it topically the product must be kept in the fridge and expires after 3 months…. You mustn't sell these, but with my permission, they can be given away with a link to me and my work. These are very powerful, sacred elixirs that are programmed to assist us in stabilising the age regeneration process and activating our crystalline light body. The essence is infused with deep unconditional love energy, which works directly with the central core of our DNA to awaken us to the truth of who we are. The flower essence can be used internally or externally, and it is best to keep it in the fridge. And the mother essence bottle will last three months in the fridge, or you can freeze it indefinitely. When you start working with the essence, I highly recommend taking before and after pictures. And when you work with the essence, repeat affirmations such as, "I am actively age-regenerating. I have activated the fountain of eternal youth. My body is transforming from carbon to crystalline. I have fully transformed from carbon to crystalline." You can work with these affirmations or create any ones that resonate with you. On an external level, you can place it on wrinkles. It is specifically programmed to regenerate skin cells and improve skin elasticity. Remember that ageing is an archonic program injected into our divine reality by forces that wish to control and profit from asleep humanity. Those days are over now; we are our own doctors, physicists, and healers. And we are working with our DNA patterning and the great gifts of our plant kingdom and queendom to bring through these powerful, sacred elixirs and essences and medicines that are simply ascension tools on the journey of self-actualization and self-realization. Bearing in mind that these tools are only ever required on a temporary level as truly our consciousness is the trump frequency and can manifest without the use of external ascension tools. However, our journey on this earth means that working with tools gives us great pleasure, fun, joy, and many of the earthly things we seek in our day-to-day life. So here you have it, this powerful, beautiful, sacred essence that is made with my heart to yours, where we all transform the ageing program and remember the truth that we are God's children, and we can reside in these vessels for as long as our souls desire. Usa Europe 🔥INSTAGRAM: 🌟TWITTER: 💎WEBSITE: 🔮FACEBOOK: TWIN FLAMES AND THE EVENT BOOK: TWIN FLAMES AND THE EVENT AUDIO: NO MORE CRUMBS NO MORE CRUMBS AUDIO : Manifestation mastery


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