Ascension report 14 4:15 minute cities and the Ascension timeline

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of time to share with you, ever-evolving humanity.
We have just come through the extremely powerful and potent 22/2 portal. This coincided with the sun moving into Pisces and the new moon being in Pisces.
This has been a very intense portal for many of us in the ascending community, as we are still very much in the baptism months of February and are just moving through the Aquarius gateway.
This has stirred up many old feelings and memories for many of us in the Starseed community, and the last few days have been very challenging.
If you can relate to this, please know that you are not alone, and this has been very testing for even the most stabilized of souls. This is because more and more photonic light is pouring forth from our central sun into our Solar Logos, and these photonic light particles are being dispensed throughout our entire stationery realm.
This means that we are in a pronounced period of rapid DNA transformation, which can create many physical symptoms in the body.
The most common symptoms are: aches and pains, headaches, extreme dehydration, salt and mineral deficiency, fatigue, exhaustion, emotional overwhelm, revisiting old thought forms, emotions of despair and overwhelm and so much more.
If you have been feeling any of these symptoms in the last few days, please know that you are not alone.
The most profound medicine your soul would benefit from is the remineralization of your salts.
I highly recommend looking into Schuessler Salts, and I highly recommend supplementing your purified water with sea salt that is from a pure source.
I would like to now speak about the twin flame community:
There are many souls at the moment that are involved in twin flame unions whereby the divine masculine counterpart is aligned with a very low vibrational karmic feminine.
It has been very challenging for many of these masculine to allow them to follow their spiritual bliss, end these karmic relationships, and align with their true divine partner. However, as we approach each of the ecliptic gateways such as the equinox solstice, Beltane, et cetera, there will be a pronounced shift in many of these divine masculines' consciousness.
The shifts will be taking place via the dream time predominantly and through a bombardment of overwhelming synchronicities that are absolutely informing them that you are their divine counterpart, and they will be able to find all of their spiritual bliss with you.
Divine feminines, it's very, very important now that you work with vibrational essences such as homeopathy, and Bach Flower remedies, et cetera, to balance out your psycho-emotional field at the moment which is experiencing some turbulence.
This will assist your divine masculine to come back to his central core, and this will make the journey towards your divine physical union much more peaceful and blissful for all of you in the long run.
Please know that I have many powerful resources that will help you find the internal peace and calm that you deserve in order to be able to navigate this most intense below for myp recommendations for this cosmic period.
We are now moving rapidly towards the 3-3 gateway. In the 3-3 transmission, we are being guided to entirely eradicate the concept of 15 minute cities. This is a World Economic Forum intention, which must be nipped in the bud immediately. We, the ground crew, have fulfilled huge missions and achieved phenomenal success in the work that we did to end and eradicate the COVID timeline, and there were many direct miraculous alignments connected to the transmissions.
It is very, very important that we come together at this time to end the atrocious concept of 15 minute cities.
We will also be polishing up our spiritual vibration in the 3-3 transmission, and everyone participating in this ceremony will have an opportunity to experience a profound spiritual upgrade and transformation in their core vibration.
Please see below for the full details regarding the 3-3 transmission.
It has been a wonderful experience returning back to the UK. My heart is deeply filled with India and it has brought forth many important shifts that I will be applying in my life in England.
One of the main ones being the need to have greater physical connection with my brothers and sisters.
I very much look forward to sharing my ongoing evolutionary journey with you all, and I'm so grateful to be connected to this beautiful and exquisite spiritual community.
It would mean the absolute world to me if you could share this powerful, sacred writing with your community and if you could send it to some people in your life whom you really love and honor and respect.
This would be an act of beautiful and exquisite generosity.
I look forward to being with the ground crew for the 3-3 transmission.
In love and eternal light,
Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
3.3 transmission
The 3.3 transmission will take place on the 3rd of March at 8.08 PM UK time.
In this transmission, we will come together to entirely neutralize all tyrannical timelines, which are vying for our attention at the moment.
And we will do an activation to empower the holy trinity within our own sacred consciousness.
The holy trinity is the triad, the expression of the one God's source energy, the father, the mother and the holy child.
The trinity is the first triad of creation, and it is extremely important that we honor this first triad within our own psychic alignment and upgrade.
Everyone that participates in this ceremony will experience an auspicious empowerment of their own spiritual frequency and will deeply intensify their source code, which is the fundamental aspect of the spiritual bank account that we have all incarnated to fill up to over spilling.
This powerful work is offered on an energetic exchange basis and there is a bursary fund, and no one is ever turned away from the sacred work.
I look forward to being with you all on the 3.3 , in love and eternal light, Jen.
I currently have two offers available at the moment for 8 people in the community there are three versions of my yoni Nidra meditation availablethis is a powerful sexuality healing and atonement meditation that has the potential to deeply recalibrate your sexuality and increase pleasure on a deep exponential level
I'm also offering my nervous system container at a 90% discounted price currently I have a few of these left we are going to be focusing a lot on completely healing and stabilising our nervous system as we move into early 2023 it is very important as this is the route and the foundation of our being if you are one of these people please click the links below
4 week spiritual enlightenment course
I am also offering my spiritual enlightenment course at 80% discount the price for two people in the community everyone that has done this course has had a profound breakthrough with the spiritual vibration and has been able to stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness 💕
here is the link to the miracle Amazon Oil..
🔶TWIN FLAMES AND THE EVENT AUDIO:💕twin flame work book\
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❤️Divine actor I am audio:
❤️MANIFESTATION MASTERY audio enlightenment course at 80% discount