Ascension report: Many divine unions being targeted -extra protection is vital for all starseeds

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you beautiful evolving humanity. As ever we have so much important information to share with you all.
The first issue that we would like to address is the apparent split that appears to be occurring between those who could be termed spiritually asleep and those who could be termed spiritually awakened.
Many many of you are experiencing huge schisms currently with beloved family members and friends.. Please know dearest ones that this time will go down in history as “The changing of the guard”. There are so many in the collective who still turn to the mainstream media for their main source of information and as we have stated over and over again the mainstream media is complicit in supporting and keeping in place the deep state Cabal network, which has been created in order to support the despicable Satanic practice of Pedo-satanism and Pedovoreism, which has caused profoundly untold unspeakably deep trauma to many many innocent children for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Therefore it must be crystal clear right now that the mainstream media is heinously targeting the forces that are seeking to destroy these child abuse networks and is using all manner of distractions which are preventing asleep humanity from truly seeing what is going on in the world right now.
What is going on in the world right now as we stated above is officially “the changing of the guard”. We are witnessing the destruction of all of the old dark powerful forces that have kept humanity enslaved and imprisoned for millennia... These forces include the royal family the Vatican, the Chinese nobility families and many of the CIA run mafia programs.
Prior to the current US administration being in power these dark fractions were given impunity to steal all of humanities wealth, as well as steal our precious children in order to rape murder and torture them for their adrenalised blood. The current administration has boldly declared “not on my watch” and has been continuously going after these horrific networks.
Every day more and more reports can be found in reliable Internet sources that many many thousands of children are being saved. And many many perpetrators of human trafficking and abuse are being caught and arrested of course none of this is being reported on mainstream media but I will post some links below for you to see yourself.
Dearest ones, it is so important that everybody digs deep into the spiritual tool kit now to stay present to not go into their wounded victim story, to stay strong and remember that we are doing this for the children. We are the voice of the stolen children who lost their voice when they were taken from in many cases their own loving families.
There is currently an unprecedented amount of cognitive dissonance occurring within the asleep fractions of humanity who refuse to do any research outside of mainstream media to find out what is truly going on, and many of these souls are projecting their own unhealed shadow aspects on members of the family who have devoted their lives to being a voice for these stolen children.
The reason for this is that the subject matter is so traumatic. Unless you have faced your own shadow self and integrated your own fragmented soul parts -the vibration of the knowledge of what is going on with the children is just too painful for people who have not done the adequate spiritual work.
It is very important to realise that those family and friends who project their deep anger onto you are doing so because they have done zero work on themselves spiritually they have not addressed their own wounded and most likely abused inner child, which therefore remains in a separate and fragmented state.
When a person has not done adequate shadow work they are very very easily manipulated by illusionary governing powers because they have not activated their own sovereignty codes that are stored within their own consciousness, and it is these people that are on the warpath at the moment.
For those who have not done the spiritual work this changing of the guards is very threatening to their sense of safety and positioning in the world and this is understandable as prior to the current US administration, nearly all governments and politicians have been aligned with the despicable agenda of the deep state and therefore it is hard for many people to wake up to the truth that the most powerful government in the world is doing everything within its political and military power to save and rescue as many trafficked children as possible.
Dearest ones we highly recommend you work with Archangel Michael to improve your spiritual protection and every morning we highly recommend putting on the armour of God. We are in the final stages of this war against humanity. The children are being saved and rescued and the perpetrators are being round up as we speak.
Many couples in Divine union are also being targeted at the moment as there is nothing more powerful on this earth than an awakened man and an awakened woman.. It is highly recommended that you all apply an extra layer of protection over your divine unions currently in order to elivate your union to a place whereby it is invisible to the old dark forces.
We really are in the thick of this spiritual transformation brothers and sisters and the dark minions are using every trick in the book at the moment... we must all put our extra attention on spiritual protection at the moment even if we feel solid I would highly recommend boosting up your spiritual protection in these unprecedented days. We are experiencing the archetype of the tower in the tarot and the tower of Babylon is spectacularly falling at the moment, what many of us are experiencing is the fallout of the destruction of the tower in the form of personal attacks, judgements, blame, criticism, and a huge amount of self-righteousness.... when we go into that stance of judging and blaming another we feed the darkness and we feed the dark entities.
The energies are now building up for the next cosmic portal date which is the 22nd of July 2020. All around the world many awakened star seeds will be Gathering to celebrate the feast day of one of the brightest Queen's in heaven Mary Magdalene.
On this date we are being called to come togethe to work with, heal and address the mother wound within all of us. Each of us has incarnated into a manipulated realm that has sought to keep everybody spiritually asleep and this has affected all of our mothers, so we will be working with activating a master healing code for all of our mothers and the Divine mother within each of us.
In this transmission we will also be resetting the paradigm which currently allows children to be stolen from the foster care system. We will be working with the Galactic Federation of Light to remove all of the old arconic fractions, to be replaced by the enlightened divine mother codes -ensuring that all children in the foster care system receive the highest vibration of mother care and love in this universe.
We will also be activating and empowering the flame of the sacred Magdalene to burn brightly in all of us reigniting the role and significance of the Divine feminine in these times of planetary transformation, and reigniting her true original role as queen of the universe..
please see below for full details on how to book onto the transmission.
We are in a collective pressure cooker at the moment with the white hats putting a huge amount of pressure on humans to activate the next wave of awakening (the second wave if you will) we must take nothing personally during these times, and Realise that if we are exuding a powerful light, like specks of dust, we are attracting pathetic remnants of darkness which are addicted to our light... this time will pass- please know that you’re not alone and everyone is experiencing this.
in love and eternal light
Jenji and the white wolf tribe
The energies are now building up for the next cosmic portal date which is the 22nd of July 2020 all around the world many awakened star seeds will be Gathering to celebrate the feast day of one of the brightest Queen's in heaven Mary Magdalene on this date we are being called to come together at 2020 pm uk time in order to unify our powerful intentions to work with. heal and address the mother wound within all of us.
Each of us has incarnated into a profoundly corrupted and manipulated realm that has sought to keep everybody spiritually comatosed, this has affected all of our mothers, so we will be working with activating a master healing code for all of our mothers and the Divine mother within each of us.
In this transmission we will also be resitting the paradigm which currently allows children to be stolen from the foster care system we will be working with the Galactic Federation of Light to remove all of these arconic fractions- to be replaced by the enlightened divine mother codes, ensuring that all children in the foster care system receive the highest vibration of mother care and love in this universe.
we will also be activating and empowering the flame of the sacred Magdalene to burn brightly in all of us reigniting the role and significance of the Divine feminine in these times of planetary transformation-reigniting her true original role as queen of the universe.. please see below for full details on how to book onto the transmission
Thanks to the many brothers and sisters who have requested I have now set up my own patreon page with very exciting offerings.
Here is the link if you feel guided to support me on the patreon platform.
Dearest brothers and sisters, I have received a very strong message from Great spirit to set up a Patreon page. As many of you are aware who have been following my work for some time - as a light warrior I have now officially gone into stealth mode and I’m spending all my time researching and delivering extremely important high-level Intel with regards to the current collapse of the old elite system that has ruled our world.
I have now stopped doing all one-to-one sessions which was the main source of my income as it has been presented very clearly to me that my time must be used 100% now to serve the collective as opposed to using up all my energy serving in my one-to-one sessions. This has had a huge effect on my income and is the reason why I am now creating this Patreon account.
Every day I receive hundreds of messages and emails from all over the world thanking me for my profound service to humanity and many people asking if I have a Patreon account as they are deeply called to support me and my work.
I will be offering a three-tier system:
The first tier is £33 a month which will give you access to once a month zoom meeting with me whereby I will be sharing on the most pertinent topics pertaining to our personal and collective evolution of that month...the topics will range from The fall of the Cabal, the white hats, the alliance ,the up-to-date planetary shift, Ascension, fifth dimensional consciousness, divine partnership, sacred union and deep explorations into the mysteries of the twin soul phenomenon. You will also receive some exclusive Memes!
The second tier which will be £22 will give you access to the Zoom group recording.
The third tier will be a donation of your own choosing simply because you wish to support me in doing this great work for mother father God.
this link shows all human trafficking cases currently