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Dearest brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high.

We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with all you divine truthers, star-beings, light-workers, and way-showers.

There is so much for us to speak about in this Ascension Report but the first thing that we would like to say is a great thank you to all of you light-workers who are having a huge effect on waking up many of your friends and family at the moment.

We wish that you could grasp how truly powerful it is for the collective when you share information that can be referred to as red-pilling your community, as it is obvious for the whole world to see that the mainstream media has done a profound dis-service to humanity and has worked entirely for the deep state Cabal, and in many ways has been complicit in supporting the Heneous agenda of the Cabal.

Therefore it is absolutely imperative that you truthers & starseeds go forward and carry on awakening the many, many members of your sacred communities, as the timeline of disclosure is dependent on the collective consciousness reaching a critical mass of awakened souls.

The disclosure of the UNelite's horrific crimes to humanity will be such an extremely difficult pill for many to swallow, and this is why the white hats require as many members of the public as possible to be fully awakened to the despicable crimes the deep state has inflicted upon humanity.

We would like to take a moment now to speak about the extremely powerful and important movement that is called Q. Q is the name of the globalised military alliance that is now fully mobilised under the covert operation of this planned-demic, which was created by the deep state as a last ditch attempt to lower humanities collective and personal frequency.

Q is comprised of some extremely high-level military generals, as well as members of the Kennedy family, Donald Trump and some extremely high level Pleiadian and Venetian beings.

These beings have been well aware of the deep state's plans to enslave humanity and thus; The Q operation formed at an extremely high military level in order to create a force that would ultimately take down the Pedo-Satanic deep state.

It is very important for everybody to realise that Q is a part of the actualisation of the God ordained timeline to bring in the golden age, and Q has manifested as a reflection of all awakened one's vibration who have successfully freed themselves from the 3-D hell matrix.

It is important that everybody realise that there is no saviour this time around. Our fifth dimensional higher self is our own personal individualised saviour, and it is our duty and responsibility to access this vibration through the remembrance that we are able to access all frequency bandwidths through our thoughts, choices, and intentions which are able to attune to higher and higher frequency bands.

This is something that cannot be granted to us from any external force; this is a decision that has to be made on an individual level to raise one’s own vibratory frequency.

Q has manifested as there are so many awakened star seeds that have broken through the illusionary barrier of the third dimensional matrix, and have arrived home in the eternal moment of now -the zero point - that which is also known as fifth dimensional consciousness.

It is very important to realise that what is occurring right now on the Earth is God's plan for humanity. All of the long count calendars end in this time period between 2012 and 2020, and this time period refers to the end of time as we know it.

This refers to the ending of the age of Kali, the age of challenges and destruction - making way for the age of light- the golden age -in Hinduism that which is referred to as satya Yuga

So, please dear ones, if you ever for one moment worry because the mainstream media is not reporting what is truly going on right now with regards to the demise of the deep state. Please know that what is unfolding is God's plan and God is always victorious.

We are now in the time period that will go down in memory as “The changing of the guard” indeed we are changing from the old guard of the deep state to the new guard of the White Hat earth alliance. These are the most exciting times for any soul to be alive and please know that many of us were personally chosen to return at this time to hold this enlightened, stabilised vibration - whilst all those around us are wobbling and are more vulnerable to the fear vibration.

At times like this it is absolutely imperative that we all come together in our Ascension groups on numerologically powerful dates. The next global transmission will be on the 5:5 and in this transmision we will be working with the powerful and sacred Beltane May Day energies of Avalon.

In this transmission we are being called to send a final push to the great forces of light to assist in the absolute liberation of planet Earth from the old nefarious powers that “were”.

We are being called to anchor the timeline of the “end of lockdown” and we are being called to deeply empower the timeline of disclosure; whereby all off planet technologies are rightfully restored back to every member of the human family .

These technologies will heal all ailments, all dis-ease, all imbalances, all pain and suffering, all traumatic memories, all PTSD, and all horrific memories of child abuse. These technologies will regrow amputated limbs, correct any ligament mis-alignments and completely restore all teeth back to perfection. We will also receive the releasing of all free energy technology, antigravity technology as well as replicators and access to inter-dimensional portals.

These technologies have been available to humanity for many many years but unfortunately have been stolen and hidden from us by the old powers that “were” who quickly realised they could never make any profit from a humanity which is free of all Dis-ease.. Fortunately this timeline is now complete and the deep state has been completely looted, and all the wealth that was stolen from humanity has now returned. Those evil thieves are now on a Z class ticket to Guantánamo Bay, awaiting military trials, lifetime imprisonment, and, for some horrific child abusers; execution.

Please see below for full details on how to book onto the 5:5 transmission. Please know it is extremely powerful for us to gather in our soul groups or Ascension groups on auspicious days such as this and hugely counterbalances any nefarious intentions by the old powers that were, who traditionally have used dates such as this for their own nefarious false flags agendas.

Light workers; please maintain a high frequency at this time by staying hydrated, walking barefoot on the Earth every day, meditating, and mastering becoming the observer as opposed to the identifier of each thought that you think. This is the absolute key for you to stabilise in your higher-self frequency, and please know this is the greatest service that you can offer your brothers and sisters at this time - the vibration of calm, and the vibration of one who is very confident in their overview of the current situation as it is unfolding on a global level.

Please know it is our greatest honour to come forward in this way and share these sacred and comforting words.

We very very deeply look forward to welcoming you into the 5:5 transmission group.

In love and light,

Jenji and the white wolf tribe

5.5 transmission

The 5.5 planetary liberation transmission Will take place on the 5th Of May at 20:20 UK time.

In this transmission we are being called to work with Pleiadian and Arcturian elders who will deeply assist us to anchor the timeline of full planetary liberation from the Un-elites.

In this transmission we are being called to send a final push to the great forces of light to assist in the absolute liberation of planet Earth from the old nefarious powers that “were”.

We are being called to anchor the timeline of the “end of lockdown” and we are being called to deeply empower the timeline of disclosure- whereby all off planet technologies are right fully restored Back to every member of the human family .

These technologies will heal all ailments, all dis-ease, all imbalances, all pain and suffering, all traumatic memories, all PTSD,and all horrific memories of child abuse. These technologies will regrow amputated limbs, correct any ligament mis-alignments and completely restore all teeth back to perfection.

We will also receive the releasing of all free energy technology, antigravity technology as well as replicators and access to interdimensional portals.

These technologies have been available to humanity for many many years but unfortunately have been stolen and hidden from us by the old powers that “were” who quickly realised they could never make any profit from a humanity which is free of all Dis-ease.. Fortunately this timeline is now complete and the deep state has been completely looted, and all the wealth that was stolen from humanity has now returned.

There really is no word that can adequately describe how powerful and important the work that we do in these global ceremonies is on a galactic and universal level. We are the well established ground crew team working with the white hat Alliance on The Subtle energetic planes to clear all all distortion and false timeline agendas. there will be many auspicious personal blessings for all of the Soul family who hear the call to come forward to be part of this paradigm shifting ceremony, and please know that we very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.

here is the link to book if you are viewing this on a mobile devise


Thanks to the many brothers and sisters who have requested I have now set up my own patreon page with very exciting offerings.

Here is the link if you feel guided to support me on the patreon platform.

Dearest brothers and sisters, I have received a very strong message from Great spirit to set up a Patreon page. As many of you are aware who have been following my work for some time - as a light warrior I have now officially gone into stealth mode and I’m spending all my time researching and delivering extremely important high-level Intel with regards to the current collapse of the old elite system that has ruled our world.

I have now stopped doing all one-to-one sessions which was the main source of my income as it has been presented very clearly to me that my time must be used 100% now to serve the collective as opposed to using up all my energy serving in my one-to-one sessions. This has had a huge effect on my income and is the reason why I am now creating this Patreon account.

Every day I receive hundreds of messages and emails from all over the world thanking me for my profound service to humanity and many people asking if I have a Patreon account as they are deeply called to support me and my work.

I will be offering a three-tier system:

The first tier is £33 a month which will give you access to once a month zoom meeting with me whereby I will be sharing on the most pertinent topics pertaining to our personal and collective evolution of that month...the topics will range from The fall of the Cabal, the white hats, the alliance ,the up-to-date planetary shift, Ascension, fifth dimensional consciousness, divine partnership, sacred union and deep explorations into the mysteries of the twin soul phenomenon. You will also receive some exclusive Memes!

The second tier which will be £22 will give you access to the Zoom group recording.

The third tier will be a donation of your own choosing simply because you wish to support me in doing this great work for mother father God.


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