Twin soul ascension report: 2020 is showtime.. Disclosure is happening now

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now with a very important message for all of you who are vibrationally drawn to these words. We are on the cusp of an extremely Potent and Almighty neurological portal date and it is absolutely imperative that as many of you as possible gather together in your soul groups /Ascension groups on this date in order to unify your intentions with God's will, which is all-Mighty.
On portal dates such as the 3.3 and equinox and solstice etc, the spiritual energies are intensified due to the fact that we as a collective species have made agreements that within the zero point field of "no time" and "all-time" certain portal dates would hold a particular potency.
On this date, we are being strongly guided to work with the Potent numerological energies of 3.3. which is a master number. The 3.3 codon is correlated to the energetics of the Divine Trinity which refers to the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the divine Christ/Sophia child.
On this particular portal date of the 3rd of March, we are being guided to fully activate the Christ seal that is stored in the claustrum in the human brain.
33 is representative of the 33 vertebrae that lead from the base of the spine to the top of the spine. The Ascension of one's consciousness is intricately connected to the number 33 and the raising of one's own kundalini energy from the base of the spine, throughout all of the chakras and energy systems so that it may reach the pineal gland and the claustrum, where this sacred Christ oil is stored, awaiting the souls predestined triggers, that will activate the full release of this sacred oil.
This is extremely high-level spiritual work to be involved with, and please know that all of those who come forward to be part of this transmission will receive a profound level of assistance with regards to fully stabilizing in their full Christ consciousness avatar self frequencies. In this highly auspicious transmission, we are being guided to work on a personal and collective level with our Pleiadian elder brothers and sisters who will be assisting us to saturate the personal and collective claustrum with a new dispensation of Christ oil for this particular time in on our evolutionary trajectory.
There are no words that can adequately express how auspicious it is to receive an invitation to take part in the ceremony of this calibre and we understand implicitly that this invitation will only appeal to those who hold a stabilized high vibration and are willing and able to go to the next level.
In this transmission, we are also being invited to receive a Pleiadian facelift protocol, in order to support the ground Crews DNA that is mutating at an unprecedented rate towards it's fully activated 12 Strand DNA potential.
The Pleiadian facelift will specifically support us all personally and collectively to stabilize the age reversal codes in our DNA which is a fundamental requirement for the collective Ascension into 5th density.
We in the transmission groups have achieved unimaginable results from coming together in this particular vibration, with these particular intentions, and Please know, we will achieve miraculous results this time… really is imperative that as many beloveds come forward to take part in this important transmission as possible..
please see below for full details to book.
Deeply profound shifts are currrently taking place within the collective divine feminine consciousness. The Divine feminine is finding her voice and the goddess within her is rising like never ever before. She has realised that it is absolutely imperative that she established her boundaries of what is and isn't acceptable in her energy field.
Please know that the universe is waiting patiently for you to state clearly your boundaries and please know that your divine counterpart has been waiting diligently and patiently for you to set clear boundaries that are a reflection of your Remembrance that you are a divine sacred Avatar being, whose personal happiness must be a priority and whose needs must be placed at the top of the list.
The energies that are being sent forth from our galactic central sun are absolutely unprecedented and March 2020 promises to be the energetic game changer as was March 2018 and 2019- the month that the amazing Facebook group “The event is happening” was set up, and which was actually created on the 8th of March by Jen McCarty on international women's day.
Being part of this group has been life-changing for all the members myself included, and this is due to the fact that we have created a 5th dimensional Bliss grid. Please know that this is sending out powerful cohesive frequencies to our galactic brethren, informing them that we as a collective consciousness are maturing at a rapid rate, and READY for the solar flash event.
The more of us that can stabilize in 5th-dimensional consciousness the quicker the solar flash event will align, and the more of us that come together in our soul groups/ Ascension groups on portal date such as the 33, the swifter that day will arrive.
Dearest ones always remember to be kind, be loving, be gentle and set extremely clear boundaries, and you will align proficiency with the frequencies of the new earth which is your birthright
In love and Eternal Light Jenji and white wolf tribe
3.3 Christ Seal transmission
The 3.3 Christ Seal activation transmission will take place on the 3rd of March at 8.08 pm.UK time. On this date, we are being called to gather together to work with the Potent numerological energies of the 3.3 which is a master number. The 3.3 codon is correlated to the energetics of the Divine Trinity which refers to the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the divine Christ/Sophia child.
On this particular portal date of the 3rd of March, we are being guided to fully activate the Christ seal that is stored in the claustrum in the human brain. 33 is representative of the 33 vertebrae that lead from the base of the spine to the top of the spine. The Ascension of one's consciousness is intricately connected to the number 33 and the raising of one's own kundalini energy from the base of the spine, throughout all of the chakras and energy systems so that it may reach the pineal gland and the claustrum, where this sacred oil is stored, awaiting the souls predestined triggers, that will activate the full release of the sacred oil that is stored within our brains.
In this highly auspicious transmission, we are being guided to work on a personal and collective level with our Pleiadian elder brothers and sisters who will be assisting us to saturate the personal and collective claustrum with a new intensified dispensation of Christ oil for this particular time on our collective evolutionary trajectory.
There are no words that can adequately express how auspicious it is to receive an invitation to take part in the ceremony of this calibre and we understand implicitly that this invitation will only appeal to those who hold an extremely high vibration and are willing and able to go to the next level.
In this transmission, we are also being invited to receive a Pleiadian facelift protocol, in order to support the ground Crews DNA that is mutating at an unprecedented rate towards it's fully activated 12 Strand DNA potential.
The Pleiadian facelift will specifically support us all personally and collectively to stabilize the age reversal codes in our DNA which is a fundamental requirement for the collective Ascension into 5th density.
This is extremely high-level spiritual work to be involved with, and please know that all of those who come forward to be part of this transmission will receive a profound level of assistance with regards to fully stabilizing in their full Christ consciousness avatar self.
We in the transmission groups have achieved unimaginable results from coming together in this particular vibration, with these particular intentions.
Please know, it really is imperative that as many beloveds come forward to take part in this extremely important transmission as possible.
This sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis
If you are reading this on a mobile device please scroll down to the end to book onto the transmission or use this link to book directly.
This information is being shared with you in order to highlight the Potency and power of the work that we are called to do in the transmission groups, and therefore it is my deepest honour to send out this message to your soul consciousness that you may receive this message and come forward to be part of this extremely important
Earth ceremony.
Dearest brothers and sisters,
It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to come and join me and one of my best soul sisters Katie Brockhurst on a live 3 hr zoom call that will be taking place on Saturday the 14th of March at 5 p.m. UK time (9am -12 midday pacific time) till 8 pm uk time.
Please check your time zone for the exact time (
in this group myself and Kate will be sharing with you our vast knowledge and skill-set around setting up and maintaining a fifth Dimensional business. We both have a huge amount of experience in this area, and we have
both pioneered and trail blazed the reality of using a 5D business model to run our highly successful businesses…..
I am so excited to be sharing this information with all of you as it is a subject matter very close to my heart and something which I have been able to master very intuitively.
from taking part in this zoom group, I Jen will personally be sharing
•How to miraculously Call in your tribe/ clients whom you have made a soul contract to work with in this lifetime.
•How to ensure your vibration is magnetic to your potential client's
•guidance and clarity that will assist you to know your true soul work,
•I will share with you about Abundance codes and how to activate abundance codes
•we will talk about Pricing strategies. And which platform to focus on
•I will also share in detail some phenomenal secrets that have led to the event group being so extremely successful and engaging.
Katie will be able to assist you in…..
*Shifting any overwhelm or frustrations you feel about social media that block you from using this amazing tool.
*Understanding the algorithms and how your content gets seen learning how you can create organic reach without “playing the game”.
*Moving through any visibility vulnerabilities you may feel about sharing yourself and your message.
*Discovering playful and fun ways to tap into your creativity for content creation and create consistency.
*Learning the power of intention for your platforms and content and how much your energy matters.
*Creating a “strategy of love” for you to grow a connected community for marketing your products and services in the new paradigm so that you call in the right clients and connections.
We are offering places on a first-come-first-served basis
The cost to take part is £33
we both very forward to welcoming you on the call
Here is the link to book