Twin soul Ascension report: 2.2 imbolc gateway.....4d angelic take over of moon

Dearest beloveds,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time in the aftermath of the most extraordinarily powerful portal the Earth plane has ever known - the 11:1:11 portal.
Dear ones, the instructions and transformations which were activated and sent out on that fateful day assisted many many closed energetic portal points to open on Gaia.
The English language does little to adequately convey the extent of what we are speaking about here, suffice to say it’s all systems go now for the 140 000 first wave twin soul collective, who have incarnated specifically to be the living actualised embodiments of the highest relationship template on Earth.
Indeed the Dragon lines have shifted and aligned on their Meridian points now, activating a full upgrade, particularly in the heart chakra portal of Avalon.
The deepest mysteries of the holy grail are being actualised on the sacred shores of Avalon at this time of en masse planetary alignment in the constellation of Capricorn.
The old cycle is well and truly complete beloveds for many many of you first wavers, and before you lay exalted timelines of bliss laughter and of course sacred union.
We are so proud of you beloveds for the way so many of you are doing with regards to your own souls personal Ascension trajectory. You really are the ones we have all been waiting for.
We would like to take this moment to offer you all an enlightened perspective….In each and every moment, you, as an awake and multidimensional being has access to an infinite number of timeline realities. However within this infinite choice there is a particular timeline that you co-created with your twin soul and Mother Father God, which was a vibrational representation of the full and complete reunion with the highest vibrational consort of your soul, and where you finally attain self-mastery within your original Christed self.
Dear ones, this is the highest Christed timeline like that we speak of, and due to the profound level of personal and enmasse clearing you have attained as a collective this has cleared many of the lower vibrational timelines to make way for this most sacred and Blessed vibrational reality.
The energies are now building up towards the 2:2 portal and Imbolc. Our beloved channel Jen McCarty is being guided to facilitate a powerful transmission in order to assist the galactic forces of light who are currently under orders to completely take back energetically the moon. The moon was originally placed in our solar system aeons ago from another planetary body and has been very vulnerable to certain nefarious energies that have not had humanity's greatest interest at heart. In this transmission, we are being called to gather a large group of star-seeds together in order to do a 4D takeover or hijack you could say of the moon in order to fully place the moon vibrationally back in the hands of the forces of light.
We are also being guided to send our potent Awakened divine frequencies to the underground tunnels and bases that have been created underneath the Earth's surface (All of these tunnels connect via magnetic train lines that travel at the speed of 17000 miles an hour) to every single place in and under the Earth.
The alliance is taking over these military bases that are underground, but it has been brought to our attention that angelic energetic assistance is required in order to to create highly conducive frequencies that will support the complete cleanup of the underground bases and the extremely dark nefarious activities that have been taking place in these vast underground colonies.
This is extremely high-level work that we - the awake ground crew are being called to initiate for all of our brothers and sisters on planet Earth and beyond. Please see below for the full details on how to book on the 2:2 Imbolc transmission
We will also be working with the powerful sacred energies of Bridget who is the Guardian spirit Who watches over the potent ceremonial day of IMBOLC, and all those who come forward to take part in this ceremony will receive a highly auspicious blessing from Bridget who is the lady of the lake or the lady of Avalon - she who energetically resides in and over Avalon.
This blessing will help all of us on the twin soul path and will send out necessary frequencies to our true vibrational counterparts assisting them to come into vibrational alignment in order to manifest these important sacred union's for the Earth and beyond.
There are a vast number of genuine twin soul Unions which will be anchoring and grounding onto the physical realm around the time of Beltane which is the 1st of May 2020.
Please know that I have received powerful visions of an unprecedented wave of genuine twin Souls coming into Union between Beltane on May 1st 2020 and the 8:8 lions gate 2020.
(please see below for full details on how to book)
Please know that all of the work that we are guided to do in the transmissions is energetically fast-tracking ourselves to ground and anchor these important sacred unions for the Earth and beyond.
If these words are touching you at your core, know that this is the voice of the one living eternal heart speaking through our sacred and beloved channel and we would like to remind you that simply receiving this message is akin to the sweetest nectar Caressing your own pineal gland, the aspect of your consciousness that is in full remembrance of your avatar angelic self.
Dear ones, please Know it is she/he whom we speak with tonight.
You must choose to remember that you are safe.
You must choose to remember you are held.
For it is in your choices that all power lies.
Choose wisely beloveds.
All is eternally well.
In love and eternal light
Jenji and the white wolf tribe
02.02.2020 imbolc transmission
The 2.2 imbolc transmission will take place on Sunday the 2nd of February at 8:08 p.m. UK time.
In this transmission, we are being guided to assist the galactic forces of light who are currently under orders to completely take back energetically the moon. The moon was originally placed in our solar system aeons ago from another planetary body and has been very vulnerable to certain nefarious energies that have not had humanity's greatest interest at heart. In this transmission, we are being called to gather a large group of star-seeds together in order to do a 4D takeover or hijack you could say of the moon in order to fully place the moon vibrationally back in the hands of the forces of light.
We are also being guided to send our potent Awakened divine frequencies to the underground tunnels and bases that have been created underneath the Earth's surface (All of these tunnels connect via magnetic train lines that travel at the speed of 17000 miles an hour) to every single place in and under the Earth.
The alliance is taking over these military bases that are underground, but it has been brought to our attention that angelic energetic assistance is required in order to to create highly conducive frequencies that will support the complete cleanup of the underground bases and the extremely dark nefarious activities that have been taking place in these vast underground colonies.
This is extremely high-level work that we - the awake ground crew are being called to initiate for all of our brothers and sisters on planet Earth and beyond. Please see below for the full details on how to book on the 2:2 Imbolc transmission
We will also be working with the powerful sacred energies of Bridget who is the Guardian spirit Who watches over this potent ceremonial day, and all those who come forward to take part in this ceremony will receive a highly auspicious blessing from Bridget who is the lady of the lake or the lady of Avalon - she who energetically resides in and over Avalon.
This blessing will help all of us on the twin soul path and will send out necessary frequencies to our true vibrational counterparts assisting them to come into vibrational alignment in order to manifest these important sacred union's for the Earth and beyond.
This powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis. Please ensure that you read the PDF file that gives you full instructions to join the secret group on Facebook where the transmission will take place. Please know that it is just as powerful to tune into the transmission after the live event and I will be happy to send it to you if you drop me an email requesting this.