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Twin Soul Ascension report... Imbolc, 2.2 portal, and the activation of Abundance Codes for twins

Dearest beloveds,

greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time on the wings of the great full moon lunar eclipse in 0 degrees of Leo.

This time period that we are all currently in is exponentially intensified due to the fact that we are in eclipse season and as many on the ascending path will be aware, the eclipse season very often will highlight the unconscious shadow Aspects in our psyche, in order to bring them home to the light of truth and awareness.

Many many of you are experiencing somewhat intensified physical symptoms at the moment, as your physical vessels are working overtime to not only assimilate the new energy, but also to adjust to the new upgraded gamma frequencies that are currently pouring into the Earth's atmosphere via the heart of our Galactic central sun.

As ever dearest ones, we advise you to get your symptoms checked out allopathically (if your intuition guides you to) in order to assist you in assessing whether your diagnosis is physical or energetic. For the most part, many of you who do decide to go down the route of being tested, many many of you will find that there are no physical anomalies reported, and it is simply light frequencies interacting with your physical vessels which is creating the sensation of Pain and discomfort.

As we have stated over and over, the year of 2019 promises to be the year of en-masse twin soul reunion, and the next Wave of unions will be culminating around the time of spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. From now until late March, many of the Divine masculines who are in karmic relationships will no longer be able to tolerate ignoring their intuition any longer, which is very loudly expressing the truth that these karmic relationships are truly unsustainable and not built for the long-term.

Many many of the Divine masculines are in their Awakening process, and are being bombarded with intense signs and synchronicities from the Universe, ever pointing them home to the realisation that you the Divine feminine are their eternal beloved.

Dearest ones please know that the universe is currently orchestrating behind-the-scenes at the moment, meetings and alignments to take place between genuine twin Souls who are soul contracted to merge and unite in this next upcoming Ascension cycle, so do not be surprised if out the blue you receive a text or email from your twin soul inviting you to participate in something with them.

Please know divine feminines, that your divine masculine is thinking about you more and more as the days go by. All of the old 3D timelines are dissolving as we speak, and those divine masculines who are trying to cobble together a life out of the old expired 3D timelines, please know that the universe and their higher self is in no way going to be supporting this illusion any longer.

Going forward, it is imperative that you the Divine feminine stand unwavering in the knowing that Mother Father God has your back, and your True love story is written in the Stars.

In order to assist in the rapid manifestation of your True Love-Story it is imperative that you hold fast to the faith codes that are stored in your heart and in your DNA. These faith codes will align you with the timeline of your spiritual and eternal Union with your divine counterpart very rapidly, but please know that every time you choose to believe in a thought of doubt or you begin to question the validity of your soul connection with your counterpart, please know that you will automatically come out of that high timeline and you will drop into a lower fear based timeline.

At this stage in the proceedings it is necessary for us to remind you that going forward if you indulge and engage in thoughts of doubt and fear, you are making that choice.

As a divine sovereign being, no one is forcing you to doubt in your heart knowing, you are choosing this yourself, due most likely to the indoctrination of the third dimensional matrix whereby everybody has been conditioned to believe in only that which they can see.

May we remind you that in 5th dimensional consciousness you are a master manifester, and you are able to manifest out of thin air literally anything and everything you wish through the power of your focused intention, and herein lies the key to becoming a master manifester.

“focused intention” is required, this means becoming unwavering in your faith, and in knowing that that which you wish to manifest is rapidly making its way to you, and will align in Gods perfect timing.

The intense energies are again building up to the next significant numerological portal date which is the 2:2 which Falls on the pagan celebration of imbolc in the northern hemisphere. Imbolc is a most exquisite time in the pagan cycle as it marks the first stirrings of the Divine Earth mother goddess, who has been deeply hibernating Underground during the deepest depths of winter. Imbolc marks the time whereby the earth mother initially stirs from her long winter slumber…... much like that initial moment when you are waking from a deep sleep, and you gently rub the sticky sleep from your eyes. This sums up the energy of imbolc. It is very soft and gentle, but yet very powerful, as underground all of the roots and all of the seeds are beginning to germinate and coalesce that they may, in perfect time produce their leaves and fruit in the height of the summer.

This time of year is overseen by the goddess Bridget and we will be working with the goddess Bridget in our next transmission which will be held on the 2nd of February and will fall in the pagan celebration of imbolc.

In this ceremony we are being guided to activate the codes of abundance for all starseeds lightworkers and twin flames. many Souls in the lightworker-twin flame community have had life times in Great poverty and chastity, which is now incompatible energetically with the energy of the new Earth.

Therefore we will be using some of our time together in the 2.2 ceremony to clear these Old vows and activate fully within our own consciousness the codes of abundance that are our true birthright.

this is extremely powerful work to participate in and all those that have been struggling with their finances and financial flow will definitely receive auspicious blessings from taking part in this ceremony.

We are also being guided to work with the oversoul of animals already in Extinction and animals that are threatened with extinction. We will also be addressing this important issue in the 2.2 transmission. We are being guided to etherically superimpose the group oversoul of all the animals threatened by extinction and already extinguished back into the earthly grids.

We will Empower their collective oversoul imprints into the sacred sites on the earth, in order to miraculously align with timelines whereby they are all eternally protected and flourishing in their natural environment.....

remember 2019 is the year of miracles.

It is Our greatest privilege to come forward in this manner to share this sacred information, and we look forward to Gathering with many many of you on the highly auspicious to 2.2 imbolc abundance ceremony.

Please see full below details on how to book.

in love and Eternal Light Jen and the white wolf tribe

2.2 Imbolc abundance ceremony

The next transmission will take place on the 2nd of February at 11:11 a.m. Pacific Time 7:11 p.m. UK time on that date. This date marks the pagan celebration of imbolc in the northern hemisphere. Imbolc is a most exquisite time in the pagan cycle as it marks the first stirrings of the Divine Earth mother goddess, who has been deeply hibernating Underground during the deepest depths of winter. Imbolc marks the time whereby the earth mother initially stirs from her long winter slumber…..

This time of year is overseen by the goddess Bridget and we will be working with the goddess Bridget in our next transmission.

In this ceremony we are being strongly guided to activate the codes of abundance for all starseeds lightworkers and twin flames.

Many Souls in the lightworker-twin flame community have had life times in Great poverty and chastity, which is now incompatible energetically, with the energy of the new Earth.

Therefore we will be using our time together in the 2.2 ceremony to clear these Old vows and activate fully within our own consciousness, the codes of abundance that are our true birthright.

This is extremely powerful work to participate in and all those that have been struggling with their finances and financial flow will definitely receive auspicious blessings from taking part in this ceremony.

We are also being guided to work with the oversoul of animals already in Extinction and animals that are threatened with extinction. We will also be addressing this important issue in the 2.2 transmission. We are being guided to etherically superimposing the group oversoul of all the animals threatened by extinction and already extinguished back into the earthly grids.

We will Empower their collective oversoul imprints into the sacred sites on the earth, in order to miraculously align with timelines whereby they are all eternally protected and flourishing in their natural environment.....

remember 2019 is the year of miracles.

This work is offered on an energetic exchange basis

If you are reading this on a mobile device please scroll down to the end to book onto the 2.2 transmission


Greetings Lovely Jen,

So I'm finishing up my 1st week of the TF 4 Week Mastery Course. Can't even begin to explain with words to you how profound this experience has been, and it's only the 1st week!!

I'm feeling the need to reach out to others who are also taking this course on on this path. Is there such a group?

Calling in the beloved 4 week course

Twin flame mastery and Ascension mastery

A four week course to learn practical tools to change your vibration and stabilise in 5d consciousness, which automatically Fast Tracks you to union with your twin flame on all planes of consciousness.

Dearest Beloveds This course has been created to assist you on an exceptionally deep level to align vibrationally with the frequencies of 5d Consciousness. This is an extremely powerful offering that has been bought through in divine timing to assist those of you who identify as Twin Flame starseeds, you will be given powerful tools which will assist you to rise up as the illuminated beacon that you have come here to be.

The course comes in four parts. Each part will include a darshan (which is a sacred discourse on the week's subject matter), a powerful visualisation (to assist you to crucially clear many old false beliefs,) and the course most importantly includes homework for you to carry out each week, which will train you to formulate new patterns and habits that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. You will also be added to a facebook group comprised of all the beloveds who sign up to walk this journey of deep and abiding transformation.

It is advisable to choose one day a week to receive each individual part and then work with that part for 7 days, i.e. Listen to the discourse do the visualisation and do the homework everyday for 7 days.

The whole purpose of the course is to educate you and remind you that in order to fully stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness it is absolutely imperative that you are empowered to take actions every single day that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. I invite you to open your heart and open your palms to receive this guidance, as for many of you this is what your higher selves are very much wanting to deliver to you at this particular conjecture on your evolutionary cycle, and for many of you, you will find, that following through with The teachings of this course will be the answer to your deepest prayers.

It is time now for those who promised to be the illuminated ones, the enlightened ones and the wayshowers to step forward now embodying their full spiritual mastery.

The cost was £444 now £197 for 11 days

Please know that all of the codes and vibrations contained in this sacred offering have been designed to specifically bring you into alignment with the frequency of the true living master that you have come here to be which is the fundamental prerequisite to everlasting Twin flame union.



As soon as you purchase the course please email me and I will send you the PDF with instructions about how it all works, also if you have signed up for the magdalene transmission, please contact me in order to proceed...

here is the link to purchase the course


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