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Twin Soul Ascension report .... Solstice Gateway, attunements for Blue rays

Namaste brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now at this highly fortuitous time with a message of great celebration and jubilation for all of you, especially those identified as the Frontline crew, who so diligently show up consistently on this challenging yet rewarding ascension trajectory.

Please know dearest ones that these are highly auspicious times that we are living in, and it is our greatest wish that you could for one moment see what we see, that the victory of light is inevitable and that the timeline of Victory has already anchored onto gaias planes.

What we are experiencing collectively now dearest ones is the final clean up operation of the old ways and old timelines, whereby humanity was controlled by lower frequency forces. Please know that all of those timelines have now completed brothers and sisters and the moment of this shift occurred precisely on the 11:11 portal date.

It is imperative now going forward dear lightworker starseeds, that you use wisely, these coming days ahead of you leading up to solstice. We from the higher realms encourage you to go very inward into your own spiritual practice, connecting with your breath, and connecting with your body through stretching your body, going for walks, dancing, and moving your body. This is crucial in this coming gateway as our bodies need to be primed and ready to receive the next influx of Potent light frequencies that are imminently aligning on the Horizon, and Set to burst forth on the highly potent solstice portal Gateway.

We would like to take a moment to discuss the energetics of this particular solstice gateway dearest ones. Please know that this particular portal point Aligns with the Mayan calendar which ended on the 21st of December 2012. This year of 2018 comes six Cycles after that opportune time, and therefore marks the fact that we as a collective Consciousness have come so far since that monumental shift date of 21:12:12, and are thus aligning with those transformational frequencies of that date...

For eons there here has been a timeline which has ensured ultimate victory to the light, and please know that this planet has always been so fondly viewed upon by all of our galactic star brothers and sisters, and we as human beings are renowned for being extraordinarily precious, potently Powerful, and filled with unlimited potential.

For eons this potential has been laying dormant in what has been previously referred to as our junk DNA however it is far far from junk…...This junk DNA refers to our galactic DNA and when released from its dormant state, activates our full Remembrance and emergence as multidimensional galactic Avatar beings.

Humans have been granted extraordinary powers such as the ability to materialize and dematerialize with simply a thought, instant manifestation, instant healing, telepathy, time travel, and so so so much more and it is these powers, along with many many others that are stored in our previously dormant DNA.

Please know brothers and sisters, that for all of the souls who are vibrationally drawn to these words it is highly likely that this DNA is no longer dormant within you, due to the fact that we have fully unified as a multidimensionally Awakened galactic Earth ground crew.

This knowing that we are all now unified spiritually has empowered all of us exponentially and has activated the coming online of this previously so called dormant DNA.

This DNA holds memories of our true crystalline nature as Kristic divine beings, as beings who embody the hieros gamos, the inner alchemical Marriage of the Divine masculine and feminine energies within.

The human Avatar being has been created to fully hold the frequencies of the Christ/Sophia divine sacred Union, and due to this high auspicious aspect of our birthright and heritage, , we as human beings have been endowed with blessings far beyond our wildest wildest and greatest imaginings.

And so, as this Potent time of solstice is upon us, may we all remember the importance of gathering together in our soul groups, on the land, at sacred sites, earth portal points, and in our online soul groups, in order to fully unify the Global starseed network, it is crucial that on dates like this Mother Gaia experiences her children unifying and chanting her Eternal song of love back into her heart.

This is the time to consolidate brothers and sisters, find your tribe, find your groups, find your ceremonies. May we all bend down on our knees with the deepest gratitude and reverence to Mother Father God - Great spirit, Wakantanka, Allah, Jehovah, Buddha, Christ+Magdalene the mother the father, the divine masculine and feminine, that which is known by many many names but which is only One.

May we all come together on this date with our right arm overspilling and our left arm receiving these highly blessing filled upgraded codes that have been uploaded and stored in our own solar logos decreed to be released on this holy auspicious portal date.

The great cycle has turned dearest hearts. The light has been victorious. Go forth with kindness in your hearts, and a smile beaming from your eyes, may you go forth offering comfort to all of your brothers and sisters who are blessed to come in to your sacred and Holy field, for this journey has been somewhat tortuous for all of us, and we are all worthy of receiving Tenderness and care in every single moment.

We look forward to Gathering with you for the solstice transmission which will take place on Saturday the 22nd of December at 4:44 p.m. UK time.

Please see below for full details

In love and eternal light

Jen and the white wolf tribe

Solstice ceremony

The solstice ceremony will take place on the 22nd of December 2018 at 4:44 p.m. UK time we are being guided to work with this date as the 22nd hold the greatest potency in regards to the Solstice gateway, as this is the day that the moon is full in the sign of cancer at 17.48 uk time on that date.

The theme of the Solstice ceremony will be adjustments and attunements for the Blu-rays many of you who are vibrationally drawn to these words are Blu rays.

Blu-rays have an extremely important role with this particular planetary ascension but life on this dimension has been extremely challenging for most Blu-rays duet to our profound levels of sensitivity and empathy.

Life on this dimension has also been somewhat depleting for the Blu-rays and so the focus of this ceremony will be on recharging the sacred chi energy within the blue rays. We will be working predominantly with the arcturian cobalt healing chamber, which is fully activated on the etheric planes, and is able to activate attunements and readjustments.

For all of us Blu rays, we will be working specifically with balancing out all of our chakra wheels, boosting our life force energy and storing it in our naval centre which is the seat of the chi energy

We are also being guided to work with the Higher self of all of the police and military personnel in positions of service on our planet…...We are being guided to work specifically with the higher selves of these personnel to assist them in joining with the rest of humanity as we unify as one collective Consciousness to fully and completely overthrow all of those who previously held humanity in Chains. We will be working with the energy of France and sending millions of Angels there to ensure a Swift transformation and Revolution so that this country can stand as the first domino to go down who has fully rejected the Cabals psychopathic global agenda.

There are other aspects to this ceremony which will be revealed in due course. please know that it is highly auspicious for you to come forth to be part of ceremonies such as this, as working in an enlightened group consciousness setting exponentially increases and enhances everybody's spiritual evolutionary capacities.

Spirit is calling us to gather together now in love as a unified ground crew, that we may Direct this powerful loving energy to areas on our Earth that are in need of this healing Energy.

please know that we very much look forward to welcoming you into our core group, and this sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis to ensure adequate commitment and preparation for this level of personal and planetary service



Greetings Lovely Jen,

So I'm finishing up my 1st week of the TF 4 Week Mastery Course. Cant even begin to explain with words to you how profound this experience has been, and its only the 1st week!!

I'm feeling the need to reach out to others who are also taking this course on on this path. Is there such a group?

Calling in the beloved 4 week course

Twin flame mastery and Ascension mastery

A four week course to learn practical tools to change your vibration and stabilise in 5d consciousness, which automatically FastTracks you to union with your twin flame on all planes of consciousness.

Dearest Beloveds This course has been created to assist you on an exceptionally deep level to align vibrationally with the frequencies of 5d Consciousness. This is an extremely powerful offering that has been bought through in divine timing to assist those of you who identify as Twin Flame star seeds, you will be given powerful tools which will assist you to rise up as the illuminated beacon that you have come here to be.

The course comes in four parts. Each part will include a darshan (which is a sacred discourse on the week's subject matter), a powerful visualisation (to assist you to crucially clear many old false beliefs,) and the course most importantly includes homework for you to carry out each week, which will train you to formulate new patterns and habits that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. You will also be added to a facebook group comprised of all the beloveds who sign up to walk this journey of deep and abiding transformation.

It is advisable to choose one day a week to receive each individual part and then work with that part for 7 days, i.e. Listen to the discourse do the visualisation and do the homework everyday for 7 days.

The whole purpose of the course is to educate you and remind you that in order to fully stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness it is absolutely imperative that you are empowered to take actions every single day that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. I invite you to open your heart and open your palms to receive this guidance, as for many of you this is what your higher selves are very much wanting to deliver to you at this particular conjecture on your evolutionary cycle, and for many of you, you will find, that following through with The teachings of this course will be the answer to your deepest prayers.

It is time now for those who promised to be the illuminated ones, the enlightened ones and the wayshowers to step forward now embodying their full spiritual mastery.

The cost was £444 now £197 for 11 days

Please know that all of the codes and vibrations contained in this sacred offering have been designed to specifically bring you into alignment with the frequency of the true living master that you have come here to be which is the fundamental prerequisite to everlasting Twin flame union.



As soon as you purchase the course please email me and I will send you the PDF with instructions about how it all works, also if you have signed up for the magdalene transmission, please contact me in order to proceed...

here is the link to purchase the course


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