Twin Soul Ascension Report... Congratulations Victory to the light.. 12.12 portal aligning

Namaste brothers and sisters,
It is our greatest honour to come forth in this manner to bring a message to you all from Beyond the rapidly diminishing veil.
So many profound shifts are taking place for all of you on a personal level and collective level at the moment, and here we refer you to our last Ascension report whereby we spoke in depth about all of the Pleiadian light ships that have now landed in Earth's atmosphere. This has always been a fundamentally essential part of the Divine plan dearest ones, as these ships are supporting us all in such deep and profound ways that it is impossible for our human consciousness to comprehend.
The forces of Darkness have lost their battle and what we are currently experiencing is the burning of the Ashes of the old ways of control and manipulation. Please know that our Pleiadian star brethren have been granted permission by the galactic Federation of Light to intervene in this last ditch attempt of the powers that were.
At times such as this, it is advisable for all of us in our meditations, to open our heart chakras and telepathically connect with our Pleiadian brothers and sisters. As also mentioned in our last written transmission our Pleiadian brethren predominantly operate from a 6 dimensional consciousness frequency, which means that they are able to guide us all proficiency as we transition from 3d consciousness to ultimately stabilise in fifth dimensional consciousness.
These are the long prophecised times that we have all been waiting for on some level, these are the times of the great shift of the ages, the great shift in consciousness from the age of Darkness to the age of light. These times have been long prophesied in all of ancient long count calendars whereby all of them, without fail end around this time period of 2012 to 2020.
We are now fast approaching the 12 .12 portal and the Solstice Gateway dear ones, and as mentioned before the 12 .12 portal will initiate an activation of the celebration codes that have laid dormant within our personal and collective DNA.
Humanities DNA has been compromised for quite sometime now, due to the agenda of those who wished to siphon off humanities pure connection with the Divine source. but this timeline is now over.
Indeed beloveds this is a time of Wonderous celebration for all of you lightworker, starseed, twin flames. This year has been unprecedented with regards to the level of soul family converging that is taking place, and indeed has taken place in this most prodigious year of 2019.
You have earned this victory dear ones, you have earned this right to release and activate all of the celebration codes that are in your DNA. For we are the ones that we have all been waiting for, and these are the times that we have all been praying for.
It has been a truly incredible journey for all the divine beloveds who, with our beloved channel, have attended this entire years culmination of transmissions from the 11.1 portal then the 2.2 portal, then the 3.3 portal the 4.4 fportal and so on including the 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 8.8, 9.9, 10.10, 11.11, and now the 12 12.
Significant transformation has taken place for all of the Beloveds who have heard the call to be part of these deep earth ceremonies, and we are all extremely excited to gather with you all for the 12.12 transmission ceremony - The activation of the celebration codes.
On this portal date we are also being guided to activate the 12 galactic chakra system in order to prepare us for the incoming upgraded energies that are aligning in the potent ascension year of 2019. We are so grateful to all of the beloved's who have heard the call to add their sacred energy to these important galactic ceremonies, and dear ones please know that due to the solid Foundation of this Ascension group that is "The event is happening" gon Facebook, this stabilized field is massively accelerating the timeline of the Solar flash event and is assisting many many newly Awakening brothers and sisters to proficiently stabilise in their higher consciousness potential.
During this transmission we will be activating an immense upgrade of the human chakra system in order to assist it to proficiently receive these new gamma frequencies, and thus empower the configuration of the Lightbody patterning.
As these new upgraded gamma rays lock into the DNA spiral, this sends information to the DNA to align with the soul gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, remote viewing, and telepathy. This upgrade will also manifest for many of you as a heightened degree of serendipity and synchronicity in your life, and a definite experience of divine intervention in terms of aligning you with your highest Christed timeline destiny.
These light codes are designed to communicate directly to the pineal gland, the organ in the body that governs multi dimensional awakening and knowing, and as such these powers are set to be magnified in this particular gateway.
The time for the lone wolf is no more dear ones.
In closing please know that Many many of you made deep soul agreements that you would come together in your high-frequency Ascension groups at this time to assist your outer planetary star family to be the Earthly anchors and embodiment of the brand-new 5D ascension template. You promised that you would show up in your soul groups to use and activate the power of your Almighty personal and collective intentions to assist on a profound level to anchor these brand new Christed diamond codons back into the earth's grid, and into your own energy fields…..
The 11.11 was unprecedented, and we are calling in part 2 of this online global meditation....
As ever we extend our deepest appreciation to all of you who only follow these ascension reports and we deeply appreciate all of the messages and emails we get every day thanking us for this life-changing work that we are sharing.
I Jen Matahariji look forward to welcoming you into the core group for the 12.12 transmission.
See you all there beloved's.
Please know that soon as you say yes to being part of a ceremony of this calibre, your higher self will start preparing your energetic field for the ensuing transformation, much as a gardener must initially prepare the soil for the brand new seeds to be planted free of any obstructions or interference.
In love and light matahariji and the white wolf tribe
1212 activation of celebration codes ceremony
Dearest brothers and sisters you are all invited to come forth and add your sacred energy to the extremely important ceremony that will be taking place on the 12th of December at 12.12 pm Mountain Standard Time USA (7.12pm uk time).
THE Ceremony will be a celebration of all of the Phenomenal work that we as the earthly ground crew have achieved in this last 12 month cycle. We will be focusing specifically on activating the victory and celebration codes that are stored in our DNA and have been predetermined to come very much online at this auspicious time.
Please know that we on the Frontline of this planetary Ascension have gone way beyond the Call of Duty and have deeply impressed all those in our galactic family with regards to the level of commitment we have shown to keep doing the deep inner work, in becoming the Living Masters that we were originally designed to be.
We are also being guided to work with our galactic brethren to accelerate the timeline of the accessibility of alternative healing modalities. There are technologies that have been given to us as a species by our galactic brethren that have been designed for us to be able to heal instantly based upon the correction and implementation of Sound, colour, tones and vibrations into our energy field.
This technology has been kept hidden from humanity due to the pharmaceutical companies aggressive need to prioritise profit over humanities health and well-being, but we are being directed to deeply affect this timeline and ensure that this health technology is made available for all of God's children with immediate effect.
There will be other aspects to this transmission which will be revealed in due course.
Due to the diligent work of many souls in the lightworker community, many many destined twin soul unions will manifest on the physical plane in 2019, and a huge purpose of this ceremony is to prepare our vessels to be able to be the adept conduits of this extraordinary divine love.
Please know that we very much look forward to welcoming you into our core group.
This sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis please see below for full details to book.
Greetings Lovely Jen,
So I'm finishing up my 1st week of the TF 4 Week Mastery Course. Cant even begin to explain with words to you how profound this experience has been, and its only the 1st week!!
I'm feeling the need to reach out to others who are also taking this course on on this path. Is there such a group?
Calling in the beloved 4 week course
Twin flame mastery and Ascension mastery
A four week course to learn practical tools to change your vibration and stabilise in 5d consciousness, which automatically FastTracks you to union with your twin flame on all planes of consciousness.
Dearest Beloveds This course has been created to assist you on an exceptionally deep level to align vibrationally with the frequencies of 5d Consciousness. This is an extremely powerful offering that has been bought through in divine timing to assist those of you who identify as Twin Flame star seeds, you will be given powerful tools which will assist you to rise up as the illuminated beacon that you have come here to be.
The course comes in four parts. Each part will include a darshan (which is a sacred discourse on the week's subject matter), a powerful visualisation (to assist you to crucially clear many old false beliefs,) and the course most importantly includes homework for you to carry out each week, which will train you to formulate new patterns and habits that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. You will also be added to a facebook group comprised of all the beloveds who sign up to walk this journey of deep and abiding transformation.
It is advisable to choose one day a week to receive each individual part and then work with that part for 7 days, i.e. Listen to the discourse do the visualisation and do the homework everyday for 7 days.
The whole purpose of the course is to educate you and remind you that in order to fully stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness it is absolutely imperative that you are empowered to take actions every single day that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. I invite you to open your heart and open your palms to receive this guidance, as for many of you this is what your higher selves are very much wanting to deliver to you at this particular conjecture on your evolutionary cycle, and for many of you, you will find, that following through with The teachings of this course will be the answer to your deepest prayers.
It is time now for those who promised to be the illuminated ones, the enlightened ones and the wayshowers to step forward now embodying their full spiritual mastery.
The cost was £444 now £197 for 11 days
Please know that all of the codes and vibrations contained in this sacred offering have been designed to specifically bring you into alignment with the frequency of the true living master that you have come here to be which is the fundamental prerequisite to everlasting Twin flame union.
As soon as you purchase the course please email me and I will send you the PDF with instructions about how it all works, also if you have signed up for the magdalene transmission, please contact me in order to proceed...
here is the link to purchase the course