Twin Soul Energy Report... 7.17 portal...healing the Mother wound..... Dm is preparing for union

Dearest beloveds,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with great tidings to share with all of you. Currently there are unprecedented shifts taking place now within the collective consciousness of humanity and that is primarily due to the stabilized frequency that is being currently held by the 144000 starseed illumined twin flames.
Huge monumental shifts are taking place in the Divine masculine collective Consciousness right now as we speak, and many of the Divine masculine twins are in a gateway of profound Remembrance and recalibration with their higher self.
For many of the Divine feminine, experiences on the third dimension have been somewhat challenging, particularly in terms of having to navigate the 5D Ascension timeline with a sleeping counterpart, however this has changed now beloveds for many of you who are vibrationally drawn to these words.
Dearest divine feminine, expect monumental shifts to be taking place in your divine unions in this gateway, and please know that a huge number of bonafide unions will be coming into full fruition from now leading up to the 8.8 Lions Gate portal.
Dear ones we wish to inform you that this 8.8 lionsgate that is aligning now in this year of 2018 will be phenomenally remarkable in terms of the shifts that will be obvious for all to see.
Divine feminines many of your counterparts will be getting in touch with you on the 3D level in these coming few weeks, please know that they are receiving an overwhelming amount of signs and synchronicities from their higher self currently which are unequivocally pointing them home to their hearts knowing, the place where you permanently reside. We understand that for many it may appear as though the 3D situations are fairly stuck but nothing could be further from the truth.
Please remember that when your divine masculine is aligned with their ascension timeline the potency of their rising kundalini is sufficient to obliterate all attachments to their current 3D holographic reality that they the Divine masculines are currently residing in. On the surface these imminent changes could appear harsh, but please know the soul always knows exactly what it is doing, and it is currently redirecting many of the Divine masculines now to their path of reunion with their eternal true love.
As we have stated over and over again in these written transmissions, the timeline of the outer solar flash cosmic event is intricately and intimately intertwined with the reunification process of the 144000 starseeds twin flames, as the unconditional love frequency that is activated within these unions is the most powerful force in the entire creation, and hold geometric patterning that has been granted the power to overwrite all lower distorted timelines.
It is imperative now that the Divine feminine divorce doubt entirely, and become wedded to Faith for eternity, regardless of what is currently being played out on the rapidly collapsing 3d timeline…
Faith is our greatest superpower brothers and sisters and ensures the Swift alignment of our hearts destiny. You will never arrive to the destination of faith via the faculty of the 3D rational mind. Faith is a choice that stems from the knowing that is anchored in the heart, the knowing that Mother Father God has never ever abandoned you and has created this vast realm of paradise for you and your eternal beloved to play blissfully for eternity.
It is time to wipe the 3D sleep from your eyes brothers and sisters. This realm is a fairytale realm of the highest order, a 13th dimensional Stargate that is overseen by the mother arc energies, whereby our DNA was seeded to come into full alignment with its full christed potential.
Now is the time all of the great ancient prophecies speak of, whereby humanity as a collective species will rise and ascend to their full potential and glory as Christed illuminated beings of the light.
in order for this prophecy to stay on it's accelerated timeline. we would like to now take this opportunity to invite those of you who feel called to come forward for the 7:17 Magdalene transmission. In this transmission we will be dealing specifically with the Mother wound.
It is imperative to realise that all of our relationships whether they are flowing harmoniously or riddled with conflict and distortions, are by virtue of design reflected within the holographic grid of Gaia, therefore we will be using our time together in this upcoming powerful transmission to activate the miracle of harmony on a collective level and heal where appropriate our relationships with our own mothers and With Mother Gaia, in order to assist with this new patterning of harmony to be reflected in the electromagnetic grid of Gaia.
We will also be working with healing deep issues within the Sisterhood, and this is a very powerful opportunity to come forward to receive galactic support in ironing out any bumps or issues that exist with you and your women friends.
It is extremely important work from a galactic perspective that we are being called to facilitate on this highly auspicious Gathering. The 7:17 numerological gate is also a highly auspicious twin flame reunion Portal date, and as such the veil between the interdimensional realms will be much thinner on this activation date.
We are being called too re-establish in the collective consciousness that the Divine mother is the creatrix of all matter. We are being called to be reminded of her unending Unconditional Love for every single one of her children, and we are being called to remember that we are each holographic versions of the holy divine mother, and it is our natural inclination to serve all to nurture all and to Cherish all.
For those of you who come forward to be part of this transmission you will receive a highly auspicious upgrade within your divine feminine energetic frequency this energetic aspect will enhance your ability to receive all of the great gifts that your higher self has aligned for you and will support you to become truly and deeply receptive in your relationships particularly with your divine masculine.
There are other aspects to this transmission which will be revealed in due course suffice to say it is imperative that as many beLoveds In This Sacred group come forward to be the Frontline Ascension crew that our galactic brothers and sisters so desperately need, that we may all work together as a unified consciousness field to activate and implement the Swift transformation that is Gaia and all of ours specific destiny.
please see below for full details to book on to the transmission.
As ever it is our greatest honour to come forward in this manner and share with you these Ascension upgrades codes that will assist all of you to swiftly come into alignment with your own personal higher self frequency.
Please know that we look forward to welcoming many many of you onto the 7:17 Magdalen transmission
In love and eternal light Matahariji and the white wolf tribe
we would like to now take this opportunity to invite those of you who feel called to come forward for the 7:17 Magdalene transmission THAT WILL TAKE PLACE AT 7.17 PM UK TIME ON THE 17TH OF JULY…….
In this transmission we will be dealing specifically with the Mother wound.
It is imperative to realise that all of our relationships whether they are flowing harmoniously or riddled with conflict and distortions, are by virtue of design reflected within the holographic grid of Gaia, therefore we will be using our time together in this upcoming powerful transmission to activate the miracle of harmony on a collective level and heal where appropriate our relationships with our own mothers and With Mother Gaia, in order to assist with this new patterning of harmony to be reflected in the electromagnetic grid of Gaia.
We will also be working with healing deep issues within the Sisterhood, and this is a very powerful opportunity to come forward to receive galactic support in ironing out any bumps or issues that exist with you and your women friends.
It is extremely important work from a galactic perspective that we are being called to facilitate on this highly auspicious Gathering. The 7:17 numerological gate is also a highly auspicious twin flame reunion Portal date, and as such the veil between the interdimensional realms will be much thinner on this activation date.
For those of you who come forward to be part of this transmission you will receive a highly auspicious upgrade within your divine feminine energetic frequency this energetic aspect will enhance your ability to receive all of the great gifts that your higher self has aligned for you and will support you to become truly and deeply receptive in your relationships particularly with your divine masculine.
We are being called too re-establish in the collective consciousness that the Divine mother is the creatrix of all matter. We are being called to be reminded of her unending Unconditional Love for every single one of her children, and we are being called to remember that we are each holographic versions of the holy divine mother, and it is our natural inclination to serve all, to nurture all and to Cherish all.
This sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis
There are a couple of places left on the avalon retreat
Come and join Jen Mccarty in the sacred Isle of Avalon on the 16th 17th and 18th october 2018.
In this retreat we will be diving deep into the mystery of silence and belonging.
The retreat will include a tour of the sacred sites of Avalon. We have been granted private access to chalice garden. We will also visit the white spring, the abbey the Mary Magdalene chapel and the Tor. we will be facilitating an auspicious ceremony to reinstate the high feminine codes back into these sacred sites in order to activate the template of the hieros Gamos back into this sacred isle. we will bathe in the purified water of the white spring in Glastonbury which is molecularly and structurally the closest element we have to living light.
we will experience a deep soul healing belonging ceremony which jen channelled in her dream state which will heal on a very deep level all the traumatic memories you carry within you with regards to perceiving yourself as separate from source energy and from everyone and everything in creation.
There will also be kirtan which is an immersion into the deep chanting of the divine names of God. we will work with a powerful technique to open up your voice so that all trauma which has been stored in the throat centre can be cleared.
We will dive deep into the silence of our original nature, and experience our own personal hieros Gamos ceremony through the awakening of your own kundalini energy.
We will dive deeply into the deepest mysteries of the twins soul phenomenan and so much.
More there are 16 places available on this full residential retreat whichincludes all meals and your accommodation.
The cost is £555 all included with an extra cost if you would like your own room which will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Please also specify if you would like a single room at an extra cost of £150
love jen
A deposit of £222 is required to reserve your spot on this residential retreat
Please click here to pay £222
Dear Ones I have bought through a series of extremely powerful Mp3 activations that are encoded with vibrations that align you very very swiftly with 5th-dimensional consciousness. Many of the beloveds in the twin flame group I facilitate Are working regularly with the mp3s and are experiencing profound miracles in their twin flame unions... These mp3s are such a sacred gift that are available to all on the twin flame path, I am truly humbled to be the conduit of these activations.. please see below for feedback. the cost for the mp3s is £11.11 each
The activations I have Available are. the 5d aspect of yr twin flame.
2. Meet and merge in the zero point field with yr twin flame.
3. Anchoring the yeshua and magdalene template onto the earth and yr grid point.
4. Healing and restoring the Atlantis timeline.
5. Very deep inner child healing.
6. Violet waterfall purification
7. Abundance meditation
8. Self worth activation
9. Heal shame and guilt template
10. Heal your relationship with your physical body
11. Light language activation
12. Rebalancing receiving with giving.
13. high angelic immune system white blood cell activation
please cut and paste this link to immediately purchase and download the mp3s
Some feed back from beloveds who have done the mp3s...
Today was super awesome. I meditated for 2 hours or more. I have done the violet waterfall meditation first, then the abundance meditation, following by the atlantis meditation and the transformation we did on the 12.12
It was the best feeling in the world. When I did the atlantis meditation I wasn't sad anymore, but happy for what is going to happen next. I saw us as a couple before the first separation. We were living in LeMUria and were both healers, dressed in white and so divine ️
I am looking forward for what is coming next
Thx Jen ️️️
OK so update I purchased the Abundance activation earlier today. And just in the short amount of time after listening to it, I went into a bowling alley to bowl and to the quick stop, each cashier discounted my purchases without me asking!
Needless to say, I am excited to see what abundance I shall receive next!
It works peeps it works lol. Thank you bad Mama Jama Jen!
Beloveds I am receiving the most awe inspiring feed back from all those who have done the abundance meditation... if u are having any issues with your abundance flow on any level I cannot highly recommend this transmission enough... spirit has informed me that the symbols in the meditation literally decode the limited thought patterns that have created the circumstances of lack consciousness... (im getting goosebumps as i write this) I have been working with this mediation for 6 weeks now and my abundance levels are 5x higher than they have ever been... it works beloveds... it truly works.. I love u all... I see you... I love you... there is support available for you, please open your hearts and hands to receive it.... om shanti star family....
So the past few days have had a lot of taking in and integrating inside.
I had a session with Jen and her energy is so powerful! She gave me all
The guidance I needed to hear.
Most importantly helped me determine my twin is my twin, pheww hhaaha no more confusion thank god.
She is so divinely guided and powerful, it is beautiful to meet her and a blessing to have her help us.
I also wanted to tell I have been guided yesterday to give out free reiki sessions in my neighborhood so people could experience reiki since most people here don't know much about it. I did one on my moms friends yesterday. When we started she was coughing really badly but I followed Jen s advice to have faith above everything. And almost instantaneously as I went through her neck and chest her lungs cleared and by the end she was feelings really good after felling crushed for the past few days and her voice was back to normal and her coughing was completely gone. She was so happy she wanted to have me again next week and pay for both sessions. Told her friends because she was so excite by the rapid healing that took place. I feel the abundance blocks are slowly fading away.
Thank you Jen for everything you are doing and all the help. I am so deeply grateful for you guiding us to fastforward our ascension and evolution.
Love you dear sister.
Faith is what we all need to move mountains.
To book a personal one to one session with me please send an email the cost is £111 per hr or £55 for 30 mins...
I now offer soul Dharma sessions, I have been granted access to the akashik fields, and thus am able to bring forth extremely powerful guidance from your higher self pertaining to the highest work you have returned to the earth plane to share, and which will align you most swiftly with your greatest Abundance, These are very powerful sessions, and so far it has been my honour to serve many brothers and sisters in shining a light on this very important area.. The cost is £111 for 1 hr, and £55 for 30 mins... please reach out to me for a session if you are seeking guidance in taking your lifes destiny fulfillment and abundance to the next level. There is currently a 3 week waiting list for theses sessions, and the spaces fill up very fast
"A true healer does not heal you; she simply reflects back to you your innate capacity to heal. She is a reflector, or a loving transparency.
A true teacher does not teach you; she does not see you as inherently separate from her, or less than her. She simply reflects back your own inner knowing, and reminds you of the vastness of your being. She is a mirror, a signpost.
And love is the space in which all of this is possible; love heals, and we learn best in a loving field, no threat of failure, no punishment."
~ Jeff Foster
To book a personal one to one session with me please send an email please use the payment below and send me an email to to let me know you have done so
As a highly-experienced channel, I will connect to give you information, messages and wisdom from the Higher, multi-dimensional realms of Spirit.
What can I expect from an Intuitive reading?
Each session is totally unique, as I tune into your Higher Self in order to open you up to high frequencies of universal love and support. Sacred guardians such as angels and archangels, ascended masters and goddesses frequently make contact in order to deliver Divine messages and energy healing – everything is tailored to your precise needs for personal transformation at the time of healing.
My intuitive Twin flame and ascension consultations are rooted in supporting your personal empowerment, personal & spiritual growth and fostering conscious awareness of how you are the creative force in your life.
Very often i am guided to work with the extremely potent tools of Matrix energetics and optimal EFT as well as my own uniqielychannelled 5d healing and alignment modalities.....