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Twin Soul Energy Report.. Solstice portal, ascension symptoms, Great news For Twins

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time as the new moon is settling in the constellation of Gemini. Many many of you are feeling the intense light waves that are pouring into Gaia from the central sun in our galaxy, as Gaia evermore Aligns with the stream of photonic light particles that are blasting out from our galactic central sun.

As we have stated over and over again in these written transmissions, these energy waves will continue to increase in intensity, in order to assist all beings on a personal level and a collective level to go through the complete metamorphosis and ascension from a 3rd dimensional consciousness to a 5th dimensional consciousness and beyond.

Many many of you are experiencing extreme thirst at the moment and this is due very much to the intense energies that are aligning with the Solstice portal on the 21st of June. The reason for this extreme thirst dear ones is that the photonic light is working now at an accelerated rate in the shifting of the carbon body into the crystalline body.

There is a reason that those of you who are vibrationally drawn to these words are referred to as trailblazers, wayshowers and Ascension pioneers, and this is because it is you beloveds who have made a soul contract to do a phenomenal amount of energetic work in this lifetime, not only for your selves but for the entire collective consciousness of humanity, that you may entirely clear your vessels in order to become shimmering conduits of the highest celestial etheric light in the Omniverse.

The Ascension of Gaia, also known as “The event” is very much connected to the twin soul unions that are predestined to manifest on the physical plane In Waves. And as we have stated previously the gateway from the 5:5 portal to the Summer Solstice portal in the Northern Hemisphere is bearing witness to an unprecedented number of genuine bonafide twin soul reunions.

Please know dear ones that it is the extraordinary Unconditional Love vibrations that are activated within a genuine Twin soul pairing which is truly the most powerful force in the entire existence, and it is this vibration that is lifting Gaia out of her 3D prison matrix into her 5d ascended state.

Our beloved channel is now receiving information from a huge number of twins that these physical unions are currently aligning in this Gateway, and please know that this is in absolute accordance with the Divine plan, and as we reach this peak in the solstice portal, we will then move on to the next Wave which will peak at the 8:8 Lions Gate portal, and this will bear witness to an even greater number of genuine bonafide twin soul unions coming into physical reunion.

We would like to inform you that the reason why many of you are experiencing rather intense Ascension symptoms at the moment is largely due to the mutation of light particles or one could say the evolution of the light particles geometric shape and patterning, which are now bombarding the earthly plane, and will peak at the time of the Solstice Gateway. These light particles are diamond light frequencies and have a potency that is able to work on a highly proficient level with your own personal DNA and have been designed to assist your DNA in its evolution and mutation from being a highly controlled and manipulated two strands to its full potential as 12 strands and beyond.

Once this mutation is finalised your spiritual heritage and birthright will become easily accessible to you, all and this will all occur at a vibration that is manageable for you and your physical vessel.

We have instructed our beloved channel to facilitate the highly auspicious solstice transmission on Thursday the 21st of June at 6:06 p.m. UK time in order to assist you all on an extremely deep level to open up your channels to be the conduit for these powerful diamond light frequencies to enter into your physical and etheric vessels.

Although it is extremely Potent for you to do this work on an individual level we cannot stress how exponentially powerful it is to come together in your soul groups to activate and empower this instruction.

So therefore we wish to inform you that the Solstice transmission will assist in the facilitation of the entire earth plane being absolutely entirely subsumed by these diamond light particles.

This work is part of the Ascension prophecy for Gaia and is connected to the acceleration of the timeline of the shift on a personal and collective level from humanity being housed in carbon based vessels into crystalline light body vessels.

The work that we do in the transmission groups is absolutely crucial in assisting the Earth timeline to stay in alignment with the highest potential timeline for Earth's 5D ascension, as we are being called to set forth an energetic presidence within the collective psyche of the Earth, through the empowering of Gaias previous dormant ascension codes, that eventually will assist the entire human consciousness to Ascend into its exquisite and long prophesied 5th dimensional potential.

In this transmission we will also be focused on bridging the gap between the vast powerhouse of one's subconscious mind with one's conscious mind, and we will be working very deeply with the source energy of each individual who takes part in this important ceremony. Mother Father God created us all to be able to instantly heal ourselves of any disease or ailment, and we have also been granted as part of our birthright to be able to instantly heal each other.

These gifts are stored within our subconscious mind, and in this transmission we will be activating and empowering the Rainbow Bridge, in order to assist all of you who come forward to be part of this ceremony, to have access to the vast powers of one subconscious mind without the necessity to enter into a hypnotic state.

Beloveds, We cannot stress how powerful this work is for all of you on an individual level in terms of aligning you with the true potential of your higher self.

Please know it is our deepest honour to show up in service in this way and we will continue to do so until every soul on the earth plane is entirely liberated from the shackles of 3-D identification.

It is imperative that as many of you who read these words come forward to be part of the Solstice transmission. The more of us that gather on these highly auspicious portal dates the swifter the Earth playing aligns with the timeline of that which is known as “The event”

Huge shifts are currently taking place behind the scenes beloved's, and as yet this has not made its way into the mainstream Media. But we can assure you that the handover is in its final stages. Victory to the light is absolutely inevitable, and has already taken place on a particular timeline. We know that if all of you look into your heart, you will also know this to be true.

Please know, it is our deepest honour to come forward in this manner, to offer theses sacred words, that you may receive the comfort and reassurance that your higher self is perpetually aspiring to send forth to you. We wish that you could glimpse for one moment what we are perceiving with regards to the huge transformations that are taking place in all areas of the earthly plane.

This is truly the most Spectacular time to ever be alive and please know that there are literally millions of spaceships that are hovering in the Earth's atmosphere due to their desire to want to have a front view seat in observing the profound shifts that will now be taking place in earnest on the earth plane.

All is well dearest beloveds, remember how powerful you are. Remember that your words cast spells and what you speak is what you create. Be mindful about what you speak. Remember your creative powers. You are all powerful, each and everyone of you are all powerful. All power lies in your subconscious mind. All knowledge lies in your subconscious mind. These are the times that will observe humanity's pineal gland expanding again to the size it was at the time of Atlantis.

Your heart knows the way to Unity consciousness. Place a microphone on your heart,and we encourage you to listen attentively and take actions accordingly.

All is well.

in eternal love and light Matahari-ji and the white wolf tribe

Solstice transmission

The highly auspicious solstice transmission will take place on Thursday the 21st of June at 6:06 p.m. UK time.

In this transmission we are being guided to open up our channels to be the conduit for the powerful diamond light frequencies that are now pouring into Gaia, and thus into our physical and etheric vessels.

The Solstice transmission will assist in the facilitation of the entire earth plane being absolutely entirely subsumed by these diamond light particles.

This work is part of the Ascension prophecy for Gaia and is connected to the acceleration of the timeline of the shift on a personal and collective level from humanity being housed in carbon based vessels into crystalline light body vessels, and in this transmission with the assistance of our pleiadian star family we will be fully instructing our higher self to activate this process.

We will also be focused on bridging the gap between the vast powerhouse of one's subconscious mind with one's conscious mind, and we will be working very deeply with the source energy of each individual who takes part in this important ceremony. Mother Father God created us all to be able to instantly heal ourselves of any dis-ease or ailment, and we have also been granted as part of our birthright to be able to instantly heal each other. These gifts are stored within our subconscious mind and in this transmission we will be activating and empowering the Rainbow Bridge from the subconscious to the conscious mind in order to assist all of you come forward to be part of this ceremony, to have free unhindered access to the vast powers of one subconscious mind without the necessity to enter into a hypnotic state.

There are more aspects to the Solstice transmission which will be shared in due time


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