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Twin Flame energy report... Samhain is nigh..Ancestors are calling you

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now on the Eve of samhain in the northern hemisphere. Samhain pronounced Sow-aine is an extremely important celebration on the pagan calendar and is also celebrated in many of our indigenous cultures as the Day of the dead. This day also marks the beginning of the Celtic New Year. On this auspicious date it is known that our ancestors/relatives who have passed over to the other side come forward and make their presence known, as it is understood that the time of Samhain is the time when the veil is thinnest between the higher dimensional realms.

In our ancient cultures traditionally we would have gathered together with our tribe at times like this and we would sit in front of our family altar that had been created to honour the souls of our loved ones who have passed over back to spirit, and we would acknowledge their eternal presence through lighting candles and offering them food on the altar. These ceremonies have been an essential part of our heritage as a species for millennia, But for many of us in the west we have en masse made light of this date through the sole focus being on the superficial aspects of the day such as outfits/what one looks like, as opposed to acknowledging the the deep spiritual healing potential that lies at the root of this occasion.

And this is why we must find a way to re-establish theses important ceremonial dates in the ways that we can in this modern day, and as such this is the reason we have requested our channel Matahariji to facilitate this samhain ceremony on this date, as this is so crucial for the soul consciousness to have this experience of gathering with tribal members on dates such as this.

As with all of the transmissions that we offer, each one is overseen by an ascended master and in this transmission the ascended master overseeing will be the deeply honoured, revered and now beloved ancestor Louise Hay.

Louise Hay has been visiting our beloved channel frequently since a week before her passing and she has communicated very clearly that she will be the soul who will usher in all of the ancestors from the other side to take part in this new earth paradigm ceremony. She will also be overseeing the healing potential and actuality that this ceremony promises to deliver particularly for those beloveds who have been carrying the burden of sexual trauma.

Dear ones, for those of you who sign up and commit to showing up for this level of personal and planetary service, please know our appreciation in the higher realms is beyond measure.

The energy is building in earnest now for the powerful twin flame portal date of 11:11 which we will bring through more information about in our next written transmission suffice to say our beloved channel will be facilitating her next twin flame transmission on this date

Thank you for showing up for this level of personal and planetary service all is well dear ones all is very very well

In love and light matahari-ji and the white wolf tribe

Please see below for full details of the Samhain transmission and the details to book

Details of the Samhain Transmission

Dear Ones Please come forward to add your powerful energy to the Samhain transmission that will take place at 3.33pm uk time on the31.10.17 transmission, It is imperative that as many light workers as possible come forward to anchor their energy on their sacred grid points on this day.

In this transmission we are being directed to facilitate a ceremony whereby we will be honouring all of our ancestors who have walked before us and who have now crossed over home to the other side. For those of you on the twin flame Ascension Path, it is crucial that you come together to activate and revive the old ancient ceremonial ways of gathering together with your soul kin on these auspicious dates.

We will be facilitating a healing and forgiveness ceremony for all those souls who have crossed which is destined to open up a timeline to enable the activation of a Maha forgiveness ceremony towards all those beings who are still alive who have hurt or harmed you in any way.

Taking part in a ceremony like this on your own on this date is powerful beyond your human comprehension, and so dear ones please take a moment to grasp how extraordinarily potent it is to do these ceremonies in your large ascension groups. When this happens, the purity of the energy transmitted actually opens up vital portal points on Gaia where there has been a large degree of stuck or dark energy.

For those of you who resonate with this message you will know this work is part of your unique soul contract.

Please come forward beloveds to receive the assistance you need to finally and completely forgive those who have hurt you in some way, with the loving guidance and support of our precious and beloved brothers and sisters who have now returned on all levels on a first class ticket back to living in the eternal heart of our divine creator.

Please know that when we gather in this way we are actually blueprinting on the etheric plane (the plane of imagination and ideas which is the blueprint for all 3D manifestations) new ways of being, that are 100% in alignment with the vibrational frequency of the golden age.

Dear ones if you resonate with any of these issues please come forward to add your energy into this extremely important transmission. It is imperative that as many light workers as possible sign up to be part of this powerful group and initiate this level of transformation on their particular grid points.

It is all of our responsibility to co-create the paradise we wish to Inhabit. And for all of you who sign up and come forward to be part of the equinox transmission please know that the Devic/elemental kingdom wishes to shower you with many many blessings in the form of an acceleration in one's evolutionary pathway.

There are other important aspects of the Samhain transmission that will be revealed in due course, suffice to say that for those who come forward now, will receive the most almighty soul support from the earth ascension crew, and of course from the high angelic crew that are overseeing the personal and collective ascension of humanity. We very much look forward to welcoming you into our core soul group This will be an extremely powerful mark on your own evolutionary journey, and the evolutionary journey of the collective consciousness.The cost to take part in this transmission is £22 please click this link to book directly onto the transmission please cut and paste the link below to signup and receive full instructions to join the transmission or press buy now to pay and then you will be emailed full instructions to join.......

Please know that there is a bursary fund in place for all those who genuinely are unable to pay, please email me at and You will be offered the opportunity to join at a discounted rate

Calling in the beloved 4 week course

Twin flame mastery and Ascension mastery

A four week course to learn practical tools to change your vibration and stabilise in 5d consciousness, which automatically FastTracks you to union with your twin flame on all planes of consciousness.

Dearest Beloveds This course has been created to assist you on an exceptionally deep level to align vibrationally with the frequencies of 5d Consciousness. This is an extremely powerful offering that has been bought through in divine timing to assist those of you who identify as Twin Flame star seeds, you will be given powerful tools which will assist you to rise up as the illuminated beacon that you have come here to be.

The course comes in four parts. Each part will include a darshan (which is a sacred discourse on the week's subject matter), a powerful visualisation (to assist you to crucially clear many old false beliefs,) and the course most importantly includes homework for you to carry out each week, which will train you to formulate new patterns and habits that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. You will also be added to a facebook group comprised of all the beloveds who sign up to walk this journey of deep and abiding transformation.

It is advisable to choose one day a week to receive each individual part and then work with that part for 7 days, i.e. Listen to the discourse do the visualisation and do the homework everyday for 7 days.

The whole purpose of the course is to educate you and remind you that in order to fully stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness it is absolutely imperative that you are empowered to take actions every single day that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. I invite you to open your heart and open your palms to receive this guidance, as for many of you this is what your higher selves are very much wanting to deliver to you at this particular conjecture on your evolutionary cycle, and for many of you, you will find, that following through with The teachings of this course will be the answer to your deepest prayers.

It is time now for those who promised to be the illuminated ones, the enlightened ones and the wayshowers to step forward now embodying their full spiritual mastery.

The cost is £444

Please know that all of the codes and vibrations contained in this sacred offering have been designed to specifically bring you into alignment with the frequency of the true living master that you have come here to be which is the fundamental prerequisite to everlasting Twin flame union.



As soon as you purchase the course please email me and I will send you the PDF with instructions about how it all works, also if you have signed up for the magdalene transmission, please contact me in order to proceed...

Mp3 Activations

Dear Ones I have bought through a series of extremely powerful Mp3 activations that are encoded with vibrations that align you very very swiftly with 5th-dimensional consciousness. Many of the beloveds in the twin flame group I facilitate Are working regularly with the mp3s and are experiencing profound miracles in their twin flame unions... These mp3s are such a sacred gift that are available to all on the twin flame path, I am truly humbled to be the conduit of these activations.. please see below for feedback. the cost for the mp3s is £11.11 each

The activations I have Available are. the 5d aspect of your twin flame.

2. Meet and merge in the zero point field with your twin flame.

3. Anchoring the yeshua and magdalene template onto the earth and yr grid point.

4. Healing and restoring the Atlantis timeline.

5. Very deep inner child healing.

6. Violet waterfall purification

7. Abundance meditation

8. Self worth activation

9. Heal shame and guilt template

10. Heal your relationship with your physical body

11. Light language activation

12. Rebalancing receiving with giving.

13. high angelic immune system white blood cell activation

please cut and paste this link to immediately purchase and download the mp3s

Some feed back from beloveds who have done the mp3s...

Today was super awesome. I meditated for 2 hours or more. I have done the violet waterfall meditation first, then the abundance meditation, following by the atlantis meditation and the transformation we did on the 12.12

It was the best feeling in the world. When I did the atlantis meditation I wasn't sad anymore, but happy for what is going to happen next. I saw us as a couple before the first separation. We were living in LeMUria and were both healers, dressed in white and so divine ️

I am looking forward for what is coming next

Thx Jen ️️️

OK so update I purchased the Abundance activation earlier today. And just in the short amount of time after listening to it, I went into a bowling alley to bowl and to the quick stop, each cashier discounted my purchases without me asking!

Needless to say, I am excited to see what abundance I shall receive next!

It works peeps it works lol. Thank you bad Mama Jama Jen!

Beloveds I am receiving the most awe inspiring feedback from all those who have done the abundance meditation... if u are having any issues with your abundance flow on any level I cannot highly recommend this transmission enough... spirit has informed me that the symbols in the meditation literally decode the limited thought patterns that have created the circumstances of lack consciousness... (i'm getting goosebumps as i write this) I have been working with this mediation for 6 weeks now and my abundance levels are 5x higher than they have ever been... it works beloveds... it truly works.. I love u all... I see you... I love you... there is support available for you, please open your hearts and hands to receive it.... om shanti star family....

So the past few days have had a lot of taking in and integrating inside.

I had a session with Jen and her energy is so powerful! She gave me all

The guidance I needed to hear.

Most importantly helped me determine my twin is my twin, phew hahaha no more confusion thank god.

She is so divinely guided and powerful, it is beautiful to meet her and a blessing to have her help us.

I also wanted to tell I have been guided yesterday to give out free reiki sessions in my neighborhood so people could experience reiki since most people here don't know much about it. I did one on my mom's friends yesterday. When we started she was coughing really badly but I followed Jen s advice to have faith above everything. And almost instantaneously as I went through her neck and chest her lungs cleared and by the end she was feelings really good after felling crushed for the past few days and her voice was back to normal and her coughing was completely gone. She was so happy she wanted to have me again next week and pay for both sessions. Told her friends because she was so excite by the rapid healing that took place. I feel the abundance blocks are slowly fading away.

Thank you Jen for everything you are doing and all the help. I am so deeply grateful for you guiding us to fast forward our ascension and evolution.

Love you dear sister.

Faith is what we all need to move mountains.


"A true healer does not heal you; she simply reflects back to you your innate capacity to heal. She is a reflector, or a loving transparency.

A true teacher does not teach you; she does not see you as inherently separate from her, or less than her. She simply reflects back your own inner knowing, and reminds you of the vastness of your being. She is a mirror, a signpost.

And love is the space in which all of this is possible; love heals, and we learn best in a loving field, no threat of failure, no punishment."

~ Jeff Foster

To book a personal one to one session with me please send an email please use the payment below and send me an email to to let me know you have done so

To book a personal one to one session with me please copy and paste this link

or send an email to the cost is £111 per hr or £55 for 30 mins...



I now offer soul Dharma sessions, I have been granted access to the akashic fields, and thus am able to bring forth extremely powerful guidance from your higher self pertaining to the highest work you have returned to the earth plane to share, and which will align you most swiftly with your greatest Abundance, These are very powerful sessions, and so far it has been my honour to serve many brothers and sisters in shining a light on this very important area.. The cost is £111 for 1 hr, and £55 for 30 mins... please reach out to me for a session if you are seeking guidance in taking your life's destiny fulfillment and abundance to the next level. There is currently a 3 week waiting list for theses sessions, and the spaces fill up very fast


As a highly-experienced channel, I will connect to give you information, messages and wisdom from the Higher, multi-dimensional realms of Spirit.

What can I expect from an Intuitive reading?

Each session is totally unique, as I tune into your Higher Self in order to open you up to high frequencies of universal love and support. Sacred guardians such as angels and archangels, ascended masters and goddesses frequently make contact in order to deliver Divine messages and energy healing – everything is tailored to your precise needs for personal transformation at the time of healing.

My intuitive Twin flame and ascension consultations are rooted in supporting your personal empowerment, personal & spiritual growth and fostering conscious awareness of how you are the creative force in your life.

Very often i am guided to work with the extremely potent tools of Matrix energetics and optimal EFT as well as my own uniquely channelled 5d healing and alignment modalities.....


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