Divine masculine awakening imminent
24. Apr, 2017
Twin Flame Energy report.....When God chooses to bring twin flames together it will happen

Dearest beloveds
Greetings of the most high. We come forward in this hour of your time with much to share with you dear ones. For the sensitive among you, you will be aware that there has been vast changes occurring in the electromagnetic grid that surrounds Gaia and this is even being measured by your crude 3D instruments. What is known as the Schumann resonance has now spiked at 90 Hz which is unprecedented. Please note that your planet is aligning with the frequency that it was vibrating at before the great fall of Atlantis and this is crucial for you all to know as there is a huge connection with that timeline and what is occurring for many of the 144,000 illumined twin flame soul group.
The changes in the electromagnetic field are being measured via the density of the shield that surrounds Gaia, which is currently becoming thinner and thinner. All of this is activated by the bombardment of photonic light particles that are relentlessly making their way into the earthly plane straight from the heart of the galaxy. All of this is due to the precession of the equinoxes that occurs every 26,000 years and it is this which governs the evolution of the collective consciousness of humanity. This bombardment of photonic light particles has increased in intensity and has reached unprecedented levels and for many of you this is manifesting as certain issues with your health, with either brand-new health issues arising, or old health issues flaring up at this time. For those on the Ascension path many of these health issues are in fact an extremely positive sign as it means very old stagnant energy is being stimulated to be finally cleared and purged from your physical and emotional body, if you were not experiencing the symptoms and this energy remained stagnant, it is this which then manifests as far more serious illnesses along the lines such as cancer and neurological imbalances.
So please dear ones, take care of yourself and your physical bodies,
support your vessels by taking the appropriate rest, supplements and organic diet that your body requires, also if your intuition is guiding you to go for tests via the allopathic route please take heed, and then look into addressing any imbalances with supplements, vitamins and correcting your diet and hydration.
Please know dear ones that these issues are occurring for many illumined ones at the moment and is precipitating a another huge rise in your vibration so stay calm, follow your intuition, and trust in your bodies innate wisdom to align itself with perfect health and well-being.
Dear ones, as we have mentioned before in this written transmission, there is a huge influx of light that is currently bombarding Gaia, and this light is particularly working with the divine masculine consciousness at the moment. For many in the illumined twin flame community there is still what appears to be separation between you and your twin flame on the physical plane but from the higher perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. At this conjecture it is imperative that we remind you dearest Divine feminine consciousness that your higher self has orchestrated these periods of physical separation from your twin in order to assist you to reach full illumination and alignment in your own divine essence. If this were not the case and you had not stabilised in your illumination frequency, it is quite likely that if your divine masculine twin flame came back you prematurely this would encourage a very old template of codependency to be activated as well as a soul destroying dimming of your light frequency.
However as we have stated over and over again in all of our written transmissions, this is not acceptable by the higher self in a twin flame soul contract. One is permitted to get away with these disempowered timelines in soulmates contracts, but these old patterns are simply not permissible in the twin flame divine union template.
It is imperative divine feminine that you stand strong in gratitude and in your full radiance unconditionally regardless of whether you are in physical union with your twin flame or not and it is imperative that you wholeheartedly surrender and fully commit to resting in present moment awareness whenever you naturally remember to do so throughout your day. This is the most potent tool available to you, to align with the codes of your full living mastery, and believe us when we say, that it is this which you promised your beloved twin flame you would do.
Your higher, self Mother Father God has a meticulous plan in place to bring you into union with your genuine bona fide divine counterpart. For many of you this is dependent on releasing all hooks and attachments that you have with your catalyst twin……. if you are involved with someone who you feel unhealthily attached to, and who is offering you no hope what so ever of resolution and is causing you far more suffering than joy and awakened knowing, then the chances are that this is a catalyst twin scenario.
As was explained in the last written transmission this gateway will witness the shedding of many of these connections simply because the current energetics cannot support illusions anymore.
Dear ones if you find yourself in connection with those whom you do not define as your twin flame yet these connections are harmonious and deeply soul nourishing to you you are advised to remain committed to these connections as these positive emotions are indicators from your higher self that you are where you are meant to be, So please trust that in truth the soul has no interest whatsoever in labels it is only ever about the love connection and union, and if you are experiencing this beloveds keep saying yes.
Dear ones we would like to inform you that our beloved channel will be facilitating the third part of the transmission series that began at equinox and the second one was on the 4:4 Gateway and the final one will be at Beltane. This is extremely important work that this soul group has been called to oversee, and the equinox and 4.4 transmissions were preparing the way for this gathering. It was imperative that the Divine feminine reclaimed all lost and stolen codes of self worth during the 4.4 gateway in order to vibrationally support the divine masculine as it makes a monumental timeline jump into full spiritual awakening.
During this transmission we are being guided to reunite Osiris the divine masculine with his lost 14th piece which is in fact his phallus, this is a monumental ritual that we will be overseeing which is set to radically transform the divine masculine consciousness en masse.
We will be focusing on clearing much shame and guilt and dark programming that the masculine has been subjected to and please know our divine assistance is profoundly required at this time. This is a highly ordained initiation that we are being called to co-create with the highest angelic masters overseeing this particular ascension gateway.
The Beltane transmission will also bear witness to an anointment ceremony of the Christ self within, again this is crucial that this takes place at this time in order to send out cohesive christ self energetics into all of humanity, to assist the collective consciousness to align with their own Christ self template.
This is the greatest act of empowerment that a soul consciousness can experience and you are wholeheartedly invited to come forward to be part of this initiation ceremony. For those who come forward to add their energy to this ceremony there will be many powerful shifts that will be activated in your own personal timelines and a profound alignment with joy bliss service and fall self-mastery.
This is the journey of all souls on the 3rd dimension, to align with this, and by being part of this gathering, this will profoundly fast track you with regards to your own evolutionary destiny. It is imperative that the soul consciousness participate in this level of ceremony and initiation as it is only within these conjectures of the timespace continuum that transformation and significant upgrades can be fully actualised by the self…. the eye am presence within.
In love and light and eternal service
Jenji and the White Wolf tribe
Dear ones.
We would like to inform you that our beloved channel will be hosting a webinar transmission at the auspicious time of Beltane the 1st may at 5:55 PM UK time. This is the third part of this transmission series which was anchored during the powerful gateway of equinox 2017 and then on the 4.4.17.
in this transmission we are being guided to activate a profound level of healing and support to the divine masculine collective consciousness through working specifically with the powerful soul myth of Isis and Osiris, whereby legend informs us that thus far only 13 pieces of Osiris has been retreived by his beloved consort Isis (The collective feminine consciousness) In this transmission we are being guided to reunite Osiris with his 14th missing piece which of course is his divine phallus. This is an extremely highly ordained soul contract that we are fulfilling which will bare witness to a monumental timeline jump in the divine masculine consciousness, and please know that all those who sign up to be part of this restoration will have made a soul contract prior to incarnation to be the conduits for this huge personal and planetary service. This part of the transmission will also witness a profound level of galactic intervention being activated with the patriarchal dominance template that has reached endemic proportions in the region of gaia known as the middle east.
We are also being guided to work together as an awakened consciousness to transform the false archetype of man as being predominantly identified as the beast to the transformation to the truth that in fact man is the embodiment of God himself.
This transmission will be different to all the other ones thus far as there will also be an extremely powerful Christ-self anointment ceremony. The soul consciousness requires these moments of ceremonial initiation to complete its evolutionary destiny and in this secular world collectively we have all been starved of these initiation ceremonies.
This ceremony will be noted by the soul essence which in turn will activate quantum shifts in ones evolutionary capacity, profoundly fast tracking one's full pineal gland awakening to their multidimensional self.
Please know these ceremonies usher forth codes which are stored in the higher self that profoundly assist in the anchoring in of brand-new timelines, and deep cosmic assistance is activated as the self empowers the self through the powerful act of self-anointing, which takes place in an awakened illumined community setting.
This will be a two hour transmission and Christ-self Anointing ceremony and the cost to take part is £33 please use the PayPal link below to send forth your payment and be added to the list.
For you to take part in the ceremony it is required that you wear white and you collect some sacred spring water and charge it up on your altar three days before the ceremony takes place.
Blessed be…
We are truly the ones we have been waiting for.
Please know that as soon as you sign up to take part in this soul gathering your higher self will begin the process of energetic preparation, ensuring you are in the optimum vibrational frequency to allow this process to reach far down deep in your etheric and cellular being…...
To book your place please send £33 in GBP to this PayPal link and please email me from the address you wish all communication to be directed to.
Please know it is not necessary for you to be live on the call... the transmission will anchor at 5.55pm UK time but it is equally powerful to listen later in the day once it has been anchored into the 3d field. Please know that when you sign up to be part of this ceremonial-transmission you also receive membership to the extremely high vibrational twin flame ascension group on facebook that I facilitate, whereby there are a core 144 souls who are committed to exemplifying the way of living self-mastery, I play a highly active role in the group, offering guidance support and inspiration on a daily basis.
The activations I have Available are.
1.meet the 5d aspect of yr twin flame. 2. Meet and merge in the zero point field with yr twin flame. 3. Anchoring the yeshua and magdalene template onto the earth and yr grid point. 4. Healing and restoring the Atlantis timeline. 5. Very deep inner child healing. 6. Violet waterfall purification 7. Abundance meditation 8. Self worth activation 9. Heal shame and guilt template 10. Heal your relationship with your physical body 11. Light language activation 12. Rebalancing receiving with giving. 13. high angelic immune system white blood cell activation
please use this paypal link to send £11:11 in GBP via paypal, and as soon as i receive the payment I will send u the MP3
Namaste Jen
Stating clearly your email address and which activations you would like.
The activations are extremely powerful and many are experiencing huge enerergetic upgrades and breakthroughs... The cost is £11.11 per activation
Love Jen.
Please email me when you have sent the payment to let me know it is from you
Here is some sacred feedback from the 12.12 transmission and the 2.2 transmission
Wow, it with much gratitude and humility I offer this testimonial. This latest 2:2 transmission was truly remarkable it was such deeply profound work on the etheric and 5D levels. I felt so many subtle and immediate shifts in my energy field, especially around the womb healing that was offered. All of these transmissions have built upon each other and assisted in opening up deep spaces within me so that the light and love can enter. I have partaken in Jen's White Wolf group transmissions now since early July and am also one of 12 beloveds in her Zoom Focus Group and enjoy the immense gift of her personal sessions which have been truly transformational and life changing, Each gathering leads to deeper revelations of my Soul and Purpose and this high-level group of tribesmen and women is extremely potent and powerful in every way. We are all holding space for one another and completing significant service for the planet with Jen's guidance. Jen holds a tremendous space of Nurturing Love and Acceptance and Gratitude in all her work, One is deeply seen and loved in her presence. She has been a precious part of my journey and I am so grateful to have discovered the gem that she IS, she is truly a divine blessing to all who have the pleasure of her presence in their life. Lynnette Duncan
My twin contacted me via email during the meditation. 😊 Fiona
Just finished listening now! So beautiful and powerful! After the first activation I was in tears and started to freeze almost like my body was in chock! But when we finished I was warm and cozy again, feeling great! Jan
Thank you wonderful Jen Mccarty!❤️ And Thank you all! ❤️ Love Caroline ❤️
Thank you I have no words really... It's been so powerful and magical at all levels 🙏💖✨ blessed be .....Rachel
that amazing visualization for the Missouri river with children laughing and elders celebrating was amazing!!! <3 Kim
Truth Oliver
I feel I am certainly finding myself, thank you from the bottom of my heart jen :) Ursula
Lower half warm, upper cold. A xxx. Such Bliss and Love and happy tears. A xxx. <3 Peter
That was beyond powerful! Wow John
radiating feeling so much lighter, as i have beeen in pain for weeks!! Kelly
deep and mighty Iisa
lots of vibration and tingling in lower back Harry
just speechless Janette
My twin messaged me! 😃✨ Laura
Peacefully cleansed Joan
Yes such a release.. Most powerful frequency by far Love.. Straight from the Highest ✨💎✨ katie
OMG! In tears... but still Kerry
I actually felt that n my third eye...this stuff works. Graham
Haven't cried so much I think in my life.. So powerful.. Full shivers all the time.. Mary
ha! came out of this to see twin has just tried to contact me in 3D. also, very powerful heat while wiping her third eye! Fiona
Tears flowing...Lisa
Tears streaming down my face ....Jan
I am crying as i found out who my twin is ...........Penny ❤️❤️❤️A
Tingling all over Yasmin
Tingling. Tears. Calmness Greg
Goosebumps all over too ❤❤❤ #amazing Fab
Feeling goosebumps allover! <3 Rachel
The reason I love this group so much is because Jen Mccarty leads with such integrity and impeccability. She brings her own enlightened mind to the discussion as she really understands that this is a personal journey and it is not about the "other". Not all groups display this high level of awareness. I completely credit her guidance, activation and my sessions with her for my awareness and insight. Helen
Very intense activations Jen! Thank you! I think these were even more powerful than the 11 11 ones and boy did those do a number on me....in a good way of course 💖 Btw..saw a shooting star on 11/11. Saw another last night. Last night it was as if it was falling right into my lap. I only remember seeing 3 in my life and the first was 2 months into realizing I was on a twin flame journey ☄🌟🦄☄🌟🦄 Olivia
I have listened to the transmission it entirety twice now, the last time I fell into a deep trance/dream state and had intense lucid type dreams about my deepest soul connections. I feel the old energy falling away. I am going to listen to the Atlantis clearing again before I go out into the world. I feel very connected to this work. A physical symptom that came about is that my vision is clearer and brighter. My eyes are very bright. Fiona
Thank you! I listened in bed this morning and I will listen again later. I got a beautiful text from my TF yesterday that made my heart swell! He described a gorgeous pink and purple sunrise along with the huge moon while driving to work and that he want to text me but didn't since it was so early in the am. They are thinking of us!! 😍 Haryr
Of course! In addition to my twin's sweet text yesterday, after listening to the Atlantis meditation this morning, clients have been calling all day to book appointments! Not sure what shifted, but this week is BIG. Abundance in love, finances and health. I'm open and ready to receive. xoo Lisa
Jen, I wish to express my infinite gratitude to you. For being in my life and for this 12/12 webinar we did, as it was one of the most sacred experiences of my life. Such a completion for me, on many layers. This year has been the most intense of my life, yet I am so grateful for where it has led, and the way it is culminating, in a divine way, with divine support. Thank you for being there, and for your great service of truely cosmic proportions, brilliant sister...... Norma
When we were in the circle together, all of us, in the pyramid, I felt myself so deeply connected to my highest purpose, and it was such a coming home for me, I cannot even put it into words, how much all of it means to me. Rachel