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Dearest beloveds,

We come through now in this hour of your time to offer you some loving guidance regarding the intense energetics many of you are currently experiencing in this potent ascension gateway.

Much has been spoken about by various physicists and channels regarding the vast changes that are occurring within the electromagnetic biosphere of Gaia, indeed mother earth is aligning now rapidly with the living heart of galactic central which is activating an intense dispensation of gamma light particles into the atmosphere.

These light particles are being received by certain ascension portal stations within the physical body, the main ones at this time being the crown chakra and the thymus gland also known as the higher heart centre. The human vessel in its divine creation was designed with dormant codes which are stored in one's human DNA specifically to be activated by these gamma ray photonic light particles. You have come very far now beloveds on your journey home back to the present moment, and we come forth to share with you from this point now the integration of these light particles shall ease profusely. The month of August was very much energetically a month of clearing. however the month of September truly is the harvest time where the fruits of all that deep healing and cleansing will be reaped. The energies of September paradoxically along with being paradigm transforming are also actually extremely soothing and nurturing and stabilising. Expect to feel great shifts now beloveds. As a monumental amount of collective shadow energy has been returned and transformed by divine love.

Believe us when we say you are all doing so well, and exceeding all of our expectations in the higher realms with regards to the efficacy and Grace you are displaying as you integrate these potent ascension frequencies.

Breathe deeply beloveds.

Breath in these golden God particles as Golden shimmering powder filling up and infusing your crown chakra, and dispersing throughout your whole physical and energetic system.

If you feel your solar plexus centre is highly activated repeat the word Calm ........

I am calm .....until you feel an actual shift in the solar plexus centre.

Walk barefoot on the earth every day...... the benefits of this are far too prolific to share here, suffice to say this is the number one divine assistance tool at your disposal to keep your energy stable and grounded at this time.

With regards to the illumined blue Ray twin flame reunion trajectories vast changes are occurring for both twins at the moment.

The female counterparts have just come through a monumental upgrade recently, and we are overjoyed to report that after the temporary unplugging from your higher self matrix (which was deemed necessary in order to bring you to a state of deep surrender and also to facilitate the next stage of the Ascension process)............ there has been a full reinstatement to the diamond Christed 12 strand DNA matrix patterning.

These last few weeks have left many of you feeling somewhat lost in the Maya of this never-ending path towards full earthly reunion with your beloved twin flame, but this time period is serving many of you very well as it is orchestrating a deep and abiding sense of surrender and let go with regards to the decreed divine timing of your twin flame reunion.

Beloveds this love story that exist in your higher heart consciousness is by no means random and is far far closer than it seems right now. the great mystery is seducing you to step out in your full power now, into the unknown,not knowing what's around the next corner yet remaining upbeat and positive at every turn.

we love you so much and wish you could comprehend how truly adored you are by Us your guides.

If you look outside of yourself you will never ever find, yet if you make a U-turn you will find that you have the keys to the kingdom of heaven and have possessed them all along. When you are truly home within yourself attending the sacred fire at the holy altar of your I am presence, when you are on track to Fully actualising your mission, and when you are shining like the beacon that you truly are Your beloved twin flame will find you on the earthly plane.

For they resonate at the frequency within you that is home, therefore when you are truly home that's when they will find you.

The old illusionary 3-D model of relationship deems it somewhat necessary to seek outside of yourself your connection to source, beloveds that is the Royal road away from alignment your twin flame.

Beloveds shine....

shine because you can.

shine because it's who you are

We understand the pain many of you have been experiencing in these last few weeks and we would like to say that this is all in accordance with the Divine plan as this has been a time of huge clearing of old false energetic templates.

so many of you have demonstrated impeccable mastery in this time period as we have witnessed you diligently call on the violet flame to assist you in transforming and transmuting these old dense vibrations.

We say to you Stellar work has been achieved by a vast number of a illumined twin flames.

We hope you have gained some comfort from these words that have come directly from our living heart to yours we adore you and are so excited about this coming months as mother Gaia fully adorns her ascension Garms for the first time in humanities newstory.

We cannot reiterate enough that everything you seek is within your very own being. if you look outside of yourself, you lose your connection with source energy which inevitably creates an unfillable void.

Stop this now beloveds... awaken to the divine truth that the love you seek is within your very own divine I am presence.

in the place beyond all thoughts end emotions there is a timeless still calm lake, resting and observing all phenomena as it passes by.

This is where you will find your beloved twin flame, not out there in the marketplace but inside the stillness of your very own being, and when u are truly resting there then he will find u.... in the market place......

We love you and we pray this transmission has been deeply received ever reminding you of the great power your higher Godself has always granted you.

Enlightenment is easier than you think.

it simply is

in loving service

White Wolf Tribe.

Twin flame energy report...NEW MOON PARTIAL ECLIPSE

Dearest beloveds,

We come through now in this hour of your time to offer you some higher perspective with regards to the recent energetics that are particularly affecting the illumined blue Ray twin flames.

Many of you have been feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the intensity of the waves of gamma light rays that have been bombarding mother Gaia recently.... indeed these light rays hold within them the almighty force of Kali Ma and Lord Shiva…….energetics that have been sent forth to eradicate all that is not fully in alignment with who you truly are.

For many of you who are on the frontline of this Ascension trajectory, not only have you been cleaning your own ancestral pain and darkness... in earnest, you have also been acting as conduits to release much of the darkness of humanity which has been stored in the unconscious fields of humanity's collective consciousness.

This is why it has felt so extraordinarily intense these last few weeks, as you will agree there is much within the third dimensional matrix template that requires cleaning and cleansing.

A word about the actuality of ascension. Within one's ascended consciousness energy field, the third dimension will still be very much alive and functioning, however one who has experienced an ascension of their consciousness and a hitherto stabilising in this, understands that the present moment holds within it all dimensional realities, which at Will, much Like a radio dial.... you can choose which frequency band to tune into.

One whose consciousness has ascended is thus able to experience a profound dimensional fluidity, with an awakened memory code of the power to change their frequency dial at will.

Beloveds with regards to the trajectory of the reunion of the illumined blue Ray twin flames... as we have mentioned before, there is still a monumental amount of orchestration taking place behind the scenes right now with regards to aligning the twin flames on their grid points for the 28 September 2015,

However within this divine orchestration of each other's physical whereabouts for this particular energetic gateway, there is also an ensuring that many of the illumined twin flames will be actually together at the time period beyond the collective Ascension date of 28 September 2015.

Far-fetched as this may seem to many of you now who seem to be in the same place as you were this time last year. we again reiterate that the divine union of twin flames is not something that your ego is invoking. indeed it is the will of our Divine mother father God which has been decreed to occur In order to ensure the complete restoration of vibrational equilibrium to Gaia and all her children.

Beloveds the mind can be the greatest enemy on this path to fully stabilising in ascended 5D consciousness and that is because it truly has no comprehension of the scale of love and support that is available to it, nor is it equipped to be at the helm with regards to your full and complete spiritual awakening.

Indeed the mind has been designed to be a humble servant of the higher self..... what does this mean?

The mind has been designed to act as the implementer of the divine will, one way for this to be actualised is by the practice of training yourself to stop thinking whenever you naturally remember to do so. you must each train yourself to practice the art of stopping your train of thoughts and returning your full attention back to present moment consciousness when ever in the day you naturally remember to do so.

This one act, is the single most potent action you can take for your full salvation and ensuing liberation of the divine consciousness that dwells within.

When the mind is trained to stop its addiction to analysis and scrutiny and when one begins to prioritise emphasising awareness of the space from which all thoughts arise, one aligns profusely with that which could be termed the super consciousness field.....this is where all solutions and all miracles are abound.

Beloveds we cannot stress enough the importance of this daily spiritual practice whereby you train yourself to get the mind out of the way. these energies are extremely intense and we are offering you a solution that will assist you to surf gracefully this exciting new wave of energy that is rapidly and exponentially sweeping over mother Gaia.

twin flames are now aligning on their grid points as they promised they would in their pre-birth state.

Many twin flames are on the verge of full recognition and full reunion in this energetic gateway.

the secret now is to stay calm. deeply calm and trusting………….

Although from our higher perspective the ascension of gaia's 1st wave of ascension pioneers has already taken place, from your 3rd dimensional perspective there are still some actions that need to take place, here we are referring to the responsibility you all hold as TFs to usher in the actualisation of the collective TF reunion template to Gaia, this means that within your meditations it is wholly appropriate, and in divine alignment to visualise all 144,000 TF pairs reuniting in the great pyramids of giza, overlooked at this auspicious moment in blisstory by the great Lord Ganesha, who has been sent forth now in his violet robes to assist all TFs remove all of the final obstacles to their full earthly reunion…….beloveds we encourage you to call upon lord Ganesh at these times, as he has been granted vast powers by our supreme creator self, to assist humanity in fully and completely implementing the divine will….the more you all do this and work together as a group/ collective consciousness, the more rapidly your TF unions will come into physical actuality

Beloveds you are being called now to trust in the darkness, the feminine, the unconscious, the womb of creation....

for you are all truly safe

Twin flame energy report pre equinox

Dearest beloveds,

We come through now in this hour of your time to offer you some comfort and reassurance as we ride these profound higher dimensional waves that are sweeping over mother Gaia now.

Please understand lightworkers that you are all aligning now with your highest timelines which will see the first wave of illumined twin flames cross over the ascension threshold as a collective consciousness into 5d.

The most important task that is before you now is to truly be the living masters of divine love that you have come here to be, that this template may be fully and completely implemented into the consciousness of Gaia. as we have stated many times before, vast changes are occurring now on a DNA and cellular level with regards to the illumined twin flame trajectory, and in earnest the diamond christed 12 strand DNA matrix template has now been fully and completely implemented into your human vessels. This time period / energetic gateway has successfully removed vast amounts of dark thought forms from within your own psyche and thus from within the psyche of the collective consciousness.

Indeed These intense gamma waves have been serving your higher self very well as these light rays which have been ordained and sent forth from galactic central have held and infused within them, the potent frequencies of the Silver/Violet Flame, overlooked at these times by the great Lord Ganesha remover of all obstacles......As the Gamma rays are sent forth from Galactic central they usher forward as spirals of golden light codes, that have been designed to be received fully by the human DNA...these God particles are bringing forth the living template of the fully crystallised being, one whose energetic frequency is attuned to higher sensory powers and miracle consciousness…….

Therefore we say unto you that humanity is very much on track to aligning with this mass collective Ascension gateway of 28 September 2015. This particular date has been spoken about by various different channels in the last few months and we come forward to reiterate that there will be a clear and dynamic shift in the collective consciousness of Gaia peeking at the time of the blood moon eclipse. Many of you who we speak to today will experience this as a full and complete stabilising in 5D consciousness which will manifest as a tribe of beings whose hearts are overspilling in tears of profound gratitude and a deep willingness to be in service.

Stabilising in 5D consciousness brings with in it many many gifts far too numerous to mention here suffice it to say your ESP powers are collectively about to exponentially increase. we are so excited to report that all is on track for aligning with this extremely revolutionary timeline, and without all you frontline Ascension pioneers we would not be at this point where we truly are now. The tide has well and truly turned and the quota of positive energy upon this sacred holy planet far far exceeds the last residues of dark energy that is being faced now and loved back to the light. Mother Gaia is firmly on her ascension trajectory and within this dynamic and exciting wave of energy this will bring forth many illumined twin flames to be together again as one living soul within the third dimension.

This is a timeline which has been decreed by the highest overlords of time and manifestation, and we are all but the empty vessels who have been primed and prepared to actualise this master plan. Within the stabilizing in higher fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness, there will be the wholehearted and complete realisation that time as you have understood it does not exist….. all there is is this now moment whereby your multidimensional avatar self can navigate past, future, parallel, or concurrent, timelines at will….. this now moment is the Alpha and omega of all that is, and those who have made it home to the 5d are already abiding in this frequency band, awaiting the arrival of all the other souls who made a predestined soul agreement to meet there.

This is it beloveds, there's no turning back….. all these light gamma Rays are serving you very well…. they are deeply clearing you out and bringing your frequency home to this here now moment…..

We meet you here, and we give great thanks that you made it , and that you have fully realised time is an illusion, and death is an illusion….. that emptiness is the greatest preference of your higher self, that you may be open to receive the blessings that are being lined up for you and set to manifest in exquisite grace during and throughout this energetic gateway.

Beloveds we remind you of your God-given powers to speak to your body…. to your DNA, and communicate to lovingly upgrade frequency that you may easily acclimatise to these new energies that are currently bombarding Gaia….. this is the medicine of the future….. cell regeneration……. DNA communication……. sound and colour healing……. your body is the most intelligent manifestation in the whole of creation, and it is 100% equipped to be its own healer, its own vibrational modifier, and atuner... reclaim this essential vital remembrance now... that you are more powerful than you could ever possibly comprehend, You are God made manifest upon the physical plane and all matter was designed to bend before your mighty will.

The greatest obstacle on the path to twin flame union is the false belief that you are not worthy to receive this mate whom God herself has moulded to match you perfectly, that somehow somewhere along the line you did something that warranted this idea of undeservingness...this false belief in your unworthiness…... of this, we urge you as a collective consciousness to clear now….please call upon the mighty violet flame to assist you in removing this dangerous and destructive false idea.

Beloveds you are more worthy to receive this grand and holy love than you will ever know….. in truth you are all precious instruments who have been created, that Gods divine sacred melody, maybe birthed through you...... We pray these words have bought you great comfort and reassurance on this sacred day….. theses are profoundly transitioning and transformative times we are in and we are here for you in divine service…

White wolf tribe

Twin flame energy report Sep Equinox 2015

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high on this auspicious day whereby the earth makes her transition into her equalised axis. Indeed this day portends of a profound alignment mother Gaia has moved into with regards to her alignment with her ascension trajectory and alignment with galactic central, indeed these equinox energies Herald the full dispensation of the upgraded Christ and magdalene divine union template back into the vast recesses of humanity's collective consciousness.

The wave of transformational energetics that is upon humanity now is related to the rebalancing of the sacred masculine and feminine energies within and without, for this imbalance is that which has caused the vast majority of atrocities upon the earthly plane, therefore the restoration of the divine plan is to see the full implementation of the divine union template back into the Gaia’s earthly Grid.

This is the actualisation of the sacred alchemical marriage of the inner masculine and feminine energy within as well as the sacred marriage of spirit and matter.

The belief in separation from all that is is the false matrix template that has now been successfully removed from humanity's collective consciousness field.

Since the 888 gateway the earth has been lovingly watched over largely by Lord Shiva, Kali Ma and Ganesha. They have been overseeing the full clearing of all false dark templates from humanity's consciousness. This has manifested as a time of profound Paradigm shifting changes that have taken place within many of your psychic and etheric Fields.

Throughout this gateway and now with the concentrated energies of equinox, the earth takes her predestined place in alignment with the heart of galactic central, here she is now in direct receivership to the dispensation of photonic gamma rays that are being sent forth at these times to assist the collective consciousness of humanity to ascend to higher dimensional consciousness ~ the 5th dimension and beyond.

Beloveds this is a great day of celebration for us in the higher realms of consciousness as we witness now mother Gaia adorning her upgraded ascension costume.

The sight before us is a wonder to behold, illuminated, luminescent awakened beings we see, tirelessly offering all that is not in alignment with divine love back to the great void from whence all things were borne.

Beloveds with regards to the current illumined blue Ray twin flames, many are now coming together in unprecedented ways and throughout this portal this channel can now affirm that she has begun to hear of many instances of twin flames miraculously uniting…….synchronicity is guiding twin flames back onto each others hearts at these times, this is an actual reality that is taking place.

A word to those of you who have heard no word from your twin flame in the last two weeks, and have had a reduced 5d connection, and decrease in synchronistic activity with your twin, expect that to miraculously transform from now until September 28th. This is a monumental portal that mother father God herself has opened to ensure the successful ushering in of the the illumined twin flame divine union template to Gaia.

This is occurring now, and if you have heard no word or have had little psychic connection with your twin in the last two weeks this is very much in alignment with the current energetics, as this non communication period is orchestrating the dynamics of the next stage of the meeting and recognition that is being very much organised by your higher self at these times.

Beloveds we understand that you are being pushed now to have more faith thing you have ever had and we come forth to remind you that your faith is the almighty key that unlocks miracles into the third dimension.

Time as you are aware time does not exist on the higher dimensions, therefore the actualised union of you and your twin flame forever is, and it is this connection on the higher dimensions that ensures its actuality upon the physical plane.

This is perhaps the greatest test in the the twin flame connection…….. to believe in that which you know is real on the higher dimensions whilst seeing little evidence of it upon the 3rd dimension.

Beloveds we understand how challenging this is for you but we come forth now to remind you that each and everyone of you stepped forward and signed up to do this……. to take on this challenge……. of knowing that that which exists beyond the Veil is more real than anything that exists in this temporary dimension.

Hold yourself deeply at these times dear ones, get the healing and the hugs and the Massages that you need. Spend as much time in nature as possible, say yes to all your feelings and experiences, give thanks for your reality exactly as it is, understanding that your higher self knows impeccably how to deliver your hearts desires to you in perfect divine timing.

Trust and faith in the unseen realms, in the higher dimensional realms of consciousness is required now, remembering that when you were created you were created intrinsically whole and complete……. and whole and complete you shall forever be, whether you are physically with your twin flame or not. Your umbilical connection to source energy safely resides Within your own consciousness, insuring you always have a direct link to the stillness and silence of your eternal being.

Happiness does not come from uniting with your twin flame, happiness is a choice you make in each and every moment to co create and generate the positive frequency that you have come here to share.

True happiness is never dependent on external factors,if it is then it is not true happiness. happiness is the frequency state that is forever available to all……. it is your responcibility to remember that it is always a ‘choice’ to generate this vibration……. irrespective of what is occurring within your 3d experience,

Empowered beings you are you are……..

We Bow to you most luminous beings of light that we see before us.

If only you could see what we see…….. (we are taking notes from some of you whom are exemplifying the path of spiritual multidimensional mastery)

Please remember that all the vast tools and insights you are acquiring here are set to serve you most well on the continuation of your soul's evolutionary journey within this realm and beyond.

Relaxed now beloveds all is well.

Mother Father God hears all your Prayers.

As the seasons turn now, we recommend you tune into bear medicine….mama and papa bear can hold you now as you ride these life changing evolutionary waves.

Call forth the medicine of the bear clan, and lean on them, and allow yourself to receive their healing frequencies that they carry, let there love sooth your weary heart at these times,

We wish to let you know that you are all doing so well and we are so overjoyed with the amount of clearing and alignment that has taken place in the last few weeks months and indeed years……..

Beloveds you are most loved.

There is nothing to fear.

Breathe into the calmness that exists at the core of your being.

Your higher angelic team and guides have got you now.


Only love is real.

In loving service


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