Rosslyn Chapel Retreat | Teachings of Yeshua and Magdalene
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​Rosslyn Chapel retreat

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Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting my first in-person retreat in two years in Rosslyn, in Scotland.

We will be working with the energies of Rosslyn Chapel which is deeply connected to the Michael and Mary ley line that connects to Avalon and the mother portal of Egypt.

We will be gathering on the weekend of Sunday the 20th, and we will be completing our time together on Wednesday the 24th of March.

There are a limited number of places available for this retreat and the retreat is open to international participants.

We will be staying at the extraordinarily beautiful Harvieston Hall, and please know that the accommodation is extremely grand and the only options are shared room options.

Of course, there is the option to book your own Airbnb and have your own private space and come and do the retreat at the times when I will be teaching, but it's very, very healing for us to gather in this deeply intimate way and share rooms with each other and immerse ourself in the teaching and the codes.

We will be working very deeply with the Holy Grail lineage connecting to the sacred teachings of Yeshua and Magdalene.

We will be working with the sisterhood and brotherhood of the Rainbow Rose initiation, which is a profound sexuality atonement initiation.

We will be activating this innocennce ceremony for the entire collective through the energies of the Holy Grail and all of the dragon lines that meet and cross at the sacred site in Rosslyn Chapel.

This is a fully residential retreat and the cost covers all food and accommodation for the three days that the event will take place.

We will provide you with three beautiful homemade organic meals a day, and there will be vegan and gluten free options available, of course.

I have the most amazing chef who is going to be working with us.

We are so deeply blessed.

The cost to participate in this life changing retreat is £1,111. This is an extremely unprecedentedly cheap price for the experience that we will all be having. I am being guided to keep the cost at this level to make it accessible to certain people in the community.

If you choose to go for the non-residential option, the cost to participate will be £888.

There are an extremely limited number of places available on this retreat and so  if you are hearing the call, then please be sure to send your deposit ASAP.

If you decide to pay using the payment plan option, please now send a deposit of £222, which is non-refundable.

You will then be put into our system and your spot will be reserved. You will then be contacted by my assistant Gurpreet, who will arrange for you to set up a direct debit to fulfill the completion of the payment prior to the start date of the retreat.

There will be an extra payment of £222 applied to everyone that goes for the payment plan option.

There is an option to pay in full now at £1,111 with no extra costs, and this will guarantee that your spot is reserved.

This promises to be an extremely life changing trip for all of us.

This will be my first time in Rosslyn in Scotland. And as we all know, I have a very deep, powerful connection with Magdalene and the Yeshua Magdalene lineage.

It is going to be so monumental, this experience for all of us. I'm so delighted to see who in my community is hearing the call to gather for such potent in-person work.


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