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The Valentine's Day divine love ceremony



The Valentine's Day transmission will take place at 7.17pm - a twin flame master number on the 14th of February, 2024. In this transmission, we are going to be meeting and merging with our twin flame from the fifth dimensional frequency bandwidth. 


This is an extremely powerful and potent protocol, which I have never, ever shared in a group ceremonial setting. 


However, because of the energies of 2024 and the fact that so many twins are destined to come into recognition and reunion in this year, my spiritual team have advised me that now is the time to share publicly this extremely powerful protocol.


The benefits of participating in this ceremony are: 


  • Transformation of your spiritual vibration, 

  • Upgrade of your spiritual vibration, 

  • Increased telepathy with your twin flame,

  •  Increased healing current between you and your twin flame,

  •  And this will also deeply affect the dream time energies between you and your twin flame. 

  • There will be a group of people in our community who will actually experience contact and divine recognition of who they truly are by their twin flame. through participating in this very, very powerful spiritual protocol, 


I've been guided to offer a concession price for this transmission. However, if you are able to pay the full price, please do not take advantage of this discounted option that I'm being guided to make available for beloveds with a low income in my community. 


See you all on the 14th. Beloveds. Love Jen.


Pay it forward Valentine's Day divine love transmission

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