2.2 transmission
The 2.2 transmission will take place at 4:44 PM UK time on the 2nd of February, 2024. In this transmission, we will be working with the Rishi’s who reside in the Holy Shiva mountain of Arunacharla.
We will be going into the deepest depths of the mountain and we will be activating a profound Darshan, a dispensation of holy spiritual light, which will empower you at the deepest level of your being.and accelerate the time line of physical union with you and your twin flame.
This is an extraordinarily auspicious invitation to receive, and if you know that you were meant to be part of this ceremony, please ensure that you act swiftly as there are a limited number of places in the zoom room… if there are any issues if we encounter any technical issues with the ceremony, please know that I Jen will record the ceremony live at the time and upload it as an unlisted video in YouTube. This is very unlikely to happen, but I have to have a system set up just in case…. As soon as you energetically, connect and commit to being part of the ceremony, you will connect with the energies of shivas holy Mountain and your Higher Self will start Preparing you to meet the Rishi's and receive the Darshan.
Om Namah Shivaya
The 2.2 transmission will take place at 4:44 pm UK time on the 2nd of February 2024. If there are any technical difficulties I will record the ceremony and upload it to my YouTube.
Here is the zoom link to join the call.
Please make sure that you wear white for the ceremony and you have candles lit on your altar.
Here is my YouTube link whereby the video will be posted if there are any difficulties due to the intensity of this work and hosting it in such a powerful Portal Place
my spiritual tell me that this is not going to happen,
but I feel that it is necessary to have precautions in place just in case.
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