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equinox ceremony


Dearest beautiful brothers and  sisters it gives me great pleasure to know that I will be hosting a very powerful and auspicious equinox ceremony on zoom at 7:07 pm on the 22nd of September 2024.


In this powerful ceremony, we are being called to clear all Road blocks between the divine masculine and divine feminine twin flames.


We will be activating an extremely powerful magnetism protocol that will be assist the next wave of unions. 


We will also be coming together to work with the energies of our solar logos and prepare  for the eclipse gateway. 


The eclipse Gateway energies are encouraging us to let go of all traumatised patterns and thoughts that are keeping us stuck in outdated timelines


In the equinox ceremony we will be experiencing a profound purging of limited beliefs and thought forms and I will be asking everyone to bring a pen and paper with them to the ceremony.


Please know I will also be giving everyone homework to complete which will assist you to  to navigate the eclipse energies masterfully, 


There will also be other elements to this important ceremony which will be revealed in due course 



equinox Ceremony

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