The Magdalene transmission will take place at 7:07 PM on the 22nd of July 2022.
In this transmission we will deeply honour the sacred divine feminine and hold a ceremony whereby she, the Queen of Heaven, is fully honoured for all the amazing gifts that she brings to us on an internal level and an external level.
We will be working with the energies of Mary Magdalene and the sacred Magdalene flame that burns within all of us, men, women, and children. And we will be working to empower, stimulate, and stabilise that flame at its highest, most optimum level. In the Magdalene Feast Day ceremony, we will ensure that the divine feminine energy is anchored into all of the sacred sites on the Earth and that the true divine feminine codes can be experienced, released, and activated within all divine feminines incarnated alive.
deeply honour the sacred divine feminine and to hold a ceremony whereby she, the Queen of Heaven, is fully honoured for all the amazing gifts that she brings to us on an internal level and an external level.
Everyone that signs up to the Magdalene feast a transmission will receive a profound upgrade of their Divine feminine core vibration and will receive a profound activation of the Magdalene flame burns within.
Once this Flame is activated we become one with our higher self, we experience greater levels of synchronicity, more fortuitous meetings, being at the right place at the right time, we experience an alignment with soulmates of our destiny and attract greater levels of abundance and so much more
There are many other wondrous aspects to the Magdalene transmission, which will be revealed in due course.
Please know that this powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis, there is a bursary fund, and no one is ever turned away.
As soon as you sign up you will receive a PDF document in your inbox please check spam and promotion as well if you cannot access the PDF file please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk
here is the link to book onto the magdalene feast day transmission
Sometimes on wix the pay now buttons do not work if that is the case please use this PayPal link and email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and request the PDF with the zoom link
7/7 gateway to heaven transmission
The 7/7 gateway to heaven transmission will take place on the 7th of July at 7:07 PM UK time. In this transmission, we will address the horrific barbaric practices that have been inflicted upon us by modern dentistry. We shall activate an etheric re-correction and a complete atonement on the dentistry level. And we will also be doing huge work to expand, heal, and transform our throat chakra.
It is absolutely imperative that the ground crew show up on their grid points to do this sacred spiritual work. We do this work not only for us. We do that for all our brothers and sisters that are incarnated alive, and we do it on a multidimensional quantum level, as the work that we do reverberates into our past timelines and into all future timelines.
This work is offered on an energetic exchange basis. Please see below for how to book.
There is a bursary fund available for all those that are in financial hardship please write to info at jen mccarty.co.uk to apply
I have notoriously had quite a lot of problems with the buttons on this Wix site if there are any issues please use this PayPal link below and send the energy exchange and email me and I will let you know please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk requesting the PDF
PayPal link
solstice transmission
Dearest brothers and sisters dearest brothers and sisters the solstice transmission will take place on the 21st of June at 7:07 pm UK time
in this transmission we will be working with the Golden dragons who are overseeing this energetic portal and are the gatekeepers of many divine unions
we will be working with the golden dragons to open up the golden gate so that an unprecedented number of twin flame unions can anchor on the physical plane, and thus we can easily anchor the timeline of the Golden age.
This is highly recommended to all of those on the spiritual path who wish to come into physical union with their twin flame.
Attending a transmission is much like going to a spiritual gym,
they help you very quickly become a spiritual heavyweight as they work on a holistic level transforming your vibration from your core base level.
In the transmission we will also be doing some energetic clearing with big tech and opening up some angelic portals to correct the algorithms that have been created to work against ascending humanity
we will be correcting these algorithms once and for all...
I have notoriously had quite a lot of problems with the buttons on this Wix site if there are any issues please use this PayPal link below and send the energy exchange and email me and I will let you know please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk requesting the PDF
PayPal link
The 6/6 transmission
if the buy now button does not work please use this PayPal link and pay for the transmission
The 6/6 transmission will take place at 6:56 PM on the 6th of June.
In this transmission, we will be working with extremely high level ascended beings and galactics to completely re-correct the divine feminine blueprint that has been heavily distorted by the energies of sacrifice, martyrdom and putting oneself last.
This will have a huge effect on all the future generations to come, and we will activate an essential ripple in the quantum field, which will affect all timelines past, present, and concurrent. This is an extremely important ceremony that I've been ordained to host.
And this, please know it is an extremely auspicious blessing to be invited to participate in a ceremony of this spiritual calibre. There are so many blessings and gifts that will come for all of the beautiful souls that sign up to do this transmission.
Please know I have been guided to set two price points for this transmission therefore if you are on a low income and not working please choose the price point of £11.11 if you are in employment and working please pay in full
I am also creating a pay It Forward option for those of you that are seeking ways to tythe your community and make this work accessible for people on zero income…
Beltane 55 ceremony
Beltane 55 ceremony will take place on the 5th of May at 8:08 p.m. UK time I'mAnd in the Beltane ceremony, we will be working with the Green Man and the Goddess. We will be activating a profound divine love dispensation throughout the planetary grid. And we will be ensuring that the hieros gamos, which is essentially God's stamp, is implemented and grounded deeply into the sacred sites, and indeed within our own ancestral lineages.
We will also be working to entirely collapse the new world order agenda at its root. And we will be working to empower the angelic realm that is deeply supporting humanity at the moment.
There are other aspects to the transmission which will be revealed in due course.
Please know there is a bursery fund available
if you would like to apply please email my assistant at info@jennymccarty.co.uk telling her that you would like to apply for the bursary fund
Easter transmission
The Easter transmission will take place on Sunday the 17th of April at 8 p.m. UK time in this transmission we will be activating and empowering the Chrstic seal and the Christic flame that resides within our spiritual core.
This flame has been compromised due to the distortions of the third dimension and it is absolutely imperative that as many souls as possible align and stabilise in Christ consciousness
This transmission will be an extremely auspicious opportunity for a number of souls to fully stabilise in Christ consciousness
in the transmission I will be sharing a very powerful activation that will assist you on an eternal level to be your fully in bodied Christed self
in the transmission I will be sharing some very important information about Christ consciousness and what it truly means to be in Christ consciousness
there are other aspects to the transmission which will be revealed in due course
please know this powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis……
4.4 divine masculine upgrade transmission
Dearest Brothers and Sisters the 4:4 transmission will take place on the 4th of April at 8:08 p.m. UK time.
In this transmission we will be extending a profoundly auspicious blessing to the Divine masculine collective
the Divine masculine has been struggling recently and it has been requested from the galactics that we send forth a powerful blessing of divine love and power to the Divine masculine collective on this portal date.
This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone in the community to activate an extraordinary blessing for their beloveds's.
We will also be activating an extremely powerful twin flame blessing in the 4.4 transmission as well as collapsing the nefarious agenda that wishes to implement the digital identity system
This is an attack on humanity and must be dispelled at the root level
Participating in the transmission is an extremely powerful way to stabilise in higher-dimensional consciousness. it is an opportunity to work closely and intimately with the ground crew and to fulfil your spiritual mission to be part of the anchors of the new earth…
please know that I will also be hosting an after party which will be an opportunity for us all to go deeper into the codes and to have intimate time with me after the transmission.
The transmission after parties are very powerful and deep and I highly recommend participating in them…..
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Equinox transmission
It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting a transmission at 8:08 PM UK time on the 20th of March. I will be transmitting from Roslyn in Scotland, where I will be hosting my Roslyn Chapel retreat. In this transmission, we will be working to establish vibrational equilibrium with our own energetic field. We will be working to establish vibrational equilibrium internally and externally with our divine unions. We will also be doing a protocol to clear any shame and guilt as this is a huge block that prevents many twin flames from coming into physical union. We will also do a piece on earth protocol, ensuring that angelics surround the area of Europe whereby the unsettled energies are dominating.
There will be more to the equinox transmission that will be revealed in due course.
In the 3:3 transmission, I will be honoring the passing of my beautiful soul brother, Liam, who I found out passed last year on the three, three.
This will be an opportunity for us to connect deeply with our spirits and spirit brothers and sisters in the higher realms of consciousness.
We will create a rainbow bridge, a new Earth bridge that will deeply enable us to fast track the actualization of heaven and earth.
In the three, three transmission. We will also be working with the galactics to open up all international borders.
It is absolutely imperative that all international borders are opened immediately and we all need to stand in the vibrational actualization of that. So this is something that we will be covering in the three, three transmission.
I look forward to gathering with you my beautiful brothers and sisters and serving you in love and light….
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
I look forward to Gathering with you my beautiful brothers and sisters and serving you in love and light….
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
In love and eternal light, Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
In love and eternal light, Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
Valentine's Day transmission
The Valentine's Day transmission will take place at 6.06 PM UK time, on the 14th of February. In this transmission, we will detach ourselves from the Archonic ageing program and activate the fountain of eternal youth.
I will be sharing the most extraordinary downloads and codes that will enable you to free yourself entirely from the ageing matrix. And I will share with you protocols that you can apply to your daily life to ensure that you stay on the path of age regeneration.
There will also be an extremely powerful Twin Flame blessing for all the 144,000 Twin Flames. Please know this powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis. Here is the link to book.
I look forward to Gathering with you my beautiful brothers and sisters and serving you in love and light….
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
In love and eternal light, Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
The 2/2 Imbolc transmission will take place at seven minutes past 7:00 PM on the 2nd of February, which will be the 2/2 portal. In this ceremony, we will work with the goddess Brigid and we will participate in a very beautiful Imbolc ceremony.
We will be activating the hieros gamos codes of the Green Man and the Goddess and we will be experiencing a profound twin flame blessing working with the sacred energies of Bridie and the sacred Isle of Avalon.
In this transmission, we will also be ensuring that all treasonous puppets are brought to account and we will be aligning with that timeline of retribution and karmic payment for all puppets that have caused harm to humanity.
It's my deepest honour to serve you, my beautiful brothers and sisters, and I cannot wait to be with you on the 2/2 transmission.
Please know the other aspects to the 2.2 transmission will be revealed in due course
Please know, I will be hosting an after party after the transmission, which will be a sacred opportunity for us to go even deeper into the codes and spend intimate time together.
Please know it is my deepest honour to show up and serve you, my brothers and sisters.
I look forward to Gathering with you my beautiful brothers and sisters and serving you in love and light….
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
In love and eternal light, jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
The 11:1 transmission will take place on the 11th of January at 7.07 PM UK time. In this transmission, we will be working directly and specifically with The White Hat Operation to transform all of the vials of poison into vials of saline /placebo.
It's very important that as many of us come forward to be part of this transmission as possible. We'll also be working to dismantle the 5G network, ensuring that the towers are used to send out 432 Hertz, which is the angelic resonant Hertz for the planet.
We will also be experiencing a profound, personal blessing for each individual twin flame coupling that comes to be part of this powerful transmission,
Nervous system recalibration transmission
It is my deepest honor to invite you to participate in a nervous system recalibration masterclass that will take place at 6.06 PM on the 1st of January 2022.
This is an opportunity for you to come and work very closely and intimately with me, as we discuss all aspects of the nervous system and what it truly means to have a recalibrated nervous system.
Our nervous system is deeply connected to our feeling of safety and belonging in the world. When we calibrate our nervous system to the God source code within, we truly arrive home on all spiritual levels throughout all multidimensional timelines.
Everyone thinks that they're searching for their twin flame or a spiritual teacher, but what we are all really searching for is a calm and settled nervous system.
Our nervous system is our key to magnetism and success in life and everything. All good things are connected to having a recalibrated nervous system.
The cost to take part in this nervous system masterclass is £33. There are five scholarship places available. Please contact my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk to apply for the scholarship.
This offering is valued at over £333, but I am sharing it with my community for practically nothing because so many of us need to address the elephant in the room, which is the uncalibrated nervous system.
nervous system recalibration transmission
It is my deepest honor to invite you to participate in a nervous system recalibration masterclass that will take place at 6.06 PM on the 1st of January 2022.
This is an opportunity for you to come and work very closely and intimately with me, as we discuss all aspects of the nervous system and what it truly means to have a recalibrated nervous system.
Our nervous system is deeply connected to our feeling of safety and belonging in the world. When we calibrate our nervous system to the God source code within, we truly arrive home on all spiritual levels throughout all multidimensional timelines.
Everyone thinks that they're searching for their twin flame or a spiritual teacher, but what we are all really searching for is a calm and settled nervous system.
Our nervous system is our key to magnetism and success in life and everything. All good things are connected to having a recalibrated nervous system.
The cost to take part in this nervous system masterclass is £33. There are five scholarship places available. Please contact my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk to apply for the scholarship.
This offering is valued at over £333, but I am sharing it with my community for practically nothing because so many of us need to address the elephant in the room, which is the uncalibrated nervous system.
Solstice transmission
The Solstice transmission will take place at 8:08 p.m. UK time on the 21st of December 2021.
This is an opportunity for all the ground crew to take their places on the most Potent spiritual day of the year.
In this transmission we will be working with Uluru and the Guardians of Uluru…
We will be working very deeply with the Elders of Uluru and the galactics that will be working with us on this Potent day.
we will be anchoring into the Planetary grid the vibration of Unity. This is the glue that binds humanity together as one and is the very thing that the old controllers are trying to interfere with…
This will be an extremely powerful and life-changing transmission for all of us and we will be working specifically with healing our fractured family relationships at this time.
Please expect miraculous shifts in time for Christmas with many of your family relationships.
In this transmission we will also be activating a planetary liberation protocol with all of the galactics and angelica.
This ceremony has been written in the stars for aeons and we the ground crew are showing up in service to fulfil the promises that we made aeons ago.
There are other aspects to the Solstice transmission which will be revealed in due course and as ever I will be hosting the Solstice transmission after party.
This is an opportunity for you to come and spend Close and deeply intimate time with me as we go even deeper into sharing the downloads and the transformations that we will all be experiencing on this powerful and significant portal date….
Nervous system recalibration container
Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,
There is so much interest from so many of you about this container that I will be hosting.
It is very important for so many beloveds in our community that we address the elephant in the room which is the unstabilised nervous system.
This is affecting all of us and our ability to manifest our hearts desires as it is deeply connected to our root chakra and our sacral chakra and the vibration of belonging in the world.
Many of us have experienced Heinious amounts of psychological sexual and physical abuse and this has activated a dislodge in the base chakra which means that the nervous system is not operating in its optimum capacity.
This can be corrected through quantum timeline recorrection and connecting with the God source code within.
This is going to be the theme of the container and it is specifically for coaches and people that are working in facilitator roles
You can only take your clients as far and as deep as you have gone on a personal level.
Activating this re-correction within the nervous system will be an absolute game changer for you and all the people that you work with
I am currently collecting everyone's email who would like to go on the pre-book list and be invited to participate in the 21 day container for a vastly reduced discount.
please make sure that you send your email to me in 24 hours as I will be sending out the invitation in 24 hours time and if you are not on the prebook list you will not be given the opportunity to receive the extraordinary discount that I am offering.
So please email me at cosmicgypsy33@gmail.com and I will put your name on the pre-book list and you will be the 1st to be invited to this life changing container.
Please know that I will have payment plans available and if you feel that you are aligned with this I recommend you start commanding the quantum field to align you with the abundance to make this a reality...
I love you all so much love jen
The 12 :12 spiritual mastery transmission will take place at 12:12 p.m. on the 12th of December 2021…….
In the 1212 transmission, we will also be working with the 12th-dimensional oversoul aspect of your soul consciousness. This is an extremely powerful and potent aspect of one's multidimensional avatar self. And there are so many mysteries that are held within the twelfth dimension, which will be revealed to all of us who participate in the 12:12 transmission.
We will also be working with our 12 strand DNA, which, as mentioned previously, is the gateway to our 144 strand multidimensional DNA.
This transmission is being brought forth particularly for the 144,000 illumined twin flames.
Taking part in this transmission will assist you to stabilize in butterfly consciousness, fifth dimensional consciousness, Christ consciousness.
The transmissions are getting more and more potent and powerful as we move along this ascension corridor. And the reviews that I have received from the 11:11 transmission are virtually impossible for me to process.
In this transmission we will also be working with our galactic brothers and sisters too assure planetary liberation for all the sacred children of the Earth this is a very powerful and Potent ceremony that you are being personally invited to participate in for the greater good of all the generations to come please no I will also be hosting a transmission after party which will give us all an opportunity to dive deeper into the understanding of the spiritual codes that have been shared so generously in the transmission please see the link below to book onto the transmission after party.
I look forward to Gathering with you my beautiful brothers and sisters and serving you in love and light….
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
As with each ceremony, I will now be hosting an after-transmission party.
This is an opportunity for us to dive deeper into the codes that we have embodied in the transmission. And this is a chance for you to spend some very deep intimate time with me.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
The 11:11 transmission
The 1111 transmission will take place at 9:09 p.m. UK time on the 11th of November 2021 in this transmission we will be working with our Octavian soul Family 2 and the timeline whereby all off planet technologies are finally released to humanity. We will be working with the Arcturians to ground the new technologies into the earthly grid. This is referencing med beds and celestial chambers and all healing devices that have thus far been hidden and denied to humanity.
The universal powers are deeply wishing for us to work with the galactics in order to manifest these timelines, whereby humanity has access to healing modalities that absolutely truly can heal them.
In the 11/11 transmission, we will also be activating a planetary liberation protocol with the loving support of the galactics.
The galactics deeply wish to support humanity, and they especially wish to support humanity now, because so much of humanity is awakening and is rising at this time to say NO to the tyrannical globalist agenda.
There are other aspects to the 11/11 transmission, which will be revealed in due course.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will also be hosting the transmission after party this is an opportunity to come and join me on zoom to go deeper into the code and share intimate time with me and the community the after parties have been breathtaking and have lasted for many hours..
here is the link to book
It is my deepest honor to invite you to the ancestor ceremony that will take place at 8.08 PM, UK time, on the 31st of October 2021.
In this ceremony, we will connect with our seven ancestral lineages behind and seven ancestral lineages in front of us, and we will completely
Ancestor Ceremony
It is my deepest honor to invite you to the ancestor ceremony that will take place at 8.08 PM, UK time, on the 31st of October 2021.
In this ceremony, we will connect with our seven ancestral lineages behind and seven ancestral lineages in front of us, and we will completely remove our core ancestral trauma from our deepest molecular cellular structure.
This will be an opportunity to send a blast of etheric celestial light to our entire ancestral lineage, that will assist in the clearing of many spiritual distortions that have prevented our ascension.
This is extremely important work for the collective.
In this ceremony, we will also embody our ancestral gifts in an exponential way.
We will also be working with the planetary grid to encode within the matrix full liberation for all beings and the full and actualised support of the golden age timeline for all.
Please know that there will be other aspects to their ancestors ceremony that will be revealed in due course
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
As with each ceremony, I will now be hosting an after-transmission party.
This is an opportunity for us to dive deeper into the codes that we have embodied in the transmission. And this is a chance for you to spend some very deep intimate time with me.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jennymccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
here is the link to book
If the book now buttons don't work please use the following links this link is for the transmission
remove our core ancestral trauma from our deepest molecular cellular structure.
This will be an opportunity to send a blast of etheric celestial light to our entire ancestral lineage, that will assist in the clearing of many spiritual distortions that have prevented our ascension.
This is extremely important work for the collective.
In this ceremony, we will also embody our ancestral gifts in an exponential way.
We will also be working with the planetary grid to encode within the matrix full liberation for all beings and the full and actualised support of the golden age timeline for all.
Please know that there will be other aspects to their ancestors ceremony that will be revealed in due course
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
As with each ceremony, I will now be hosting an after-transmission party.
This is an opportunity for us to dive deeper into the codes that we have embodied in the transmission. And this is a chance for you to spend some very deep intimate time with me.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jennymccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
here is the link to book
If the book now buttons don't work please use the following links this link is f
The 10:10 transmission
Ancestor Ceremony
It is my deepest honor to invite you to the ancestor ceremony that will take place at 8.08 PM, UK time, on the 31st of October 2021.
In this ceremony, we will connect with our seven ancestral lineages behind and seven ancestral lineages in front of us, and we will completely remove our core ancestral trauma from our deepest molecular cellular structure.
This will be an opportunity to send a blast of etheric celestial light to our entire ancestral lineage, that will assist in the clearing of many spiritual distortions that have prevented our ascension.
This is extremely important work for the collective.
In this ceremony, we will also embody our ancestral gifts in an exponential way.
We will also be working with the planetary grid to encode within the matrix full liberation for all beings and the full and actualised support of the golden age timeline for all.
Please know that there will be other aspects to their ancestors ceremony that will be revealed in due course
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
As with each ceremony, I will now be hosting an after-transmission party.
This is an opportunity for us to dive deeper into the codes that we have embodied in the transmission. And this is a chance for you to spend some very deep intimate time with me.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at info@jennymccarty.co.uk and she will send you the link to make a donation
here is the link to book
If the book now buttons don't work please use the following links this link is for the transmission
The 10:10 transmission will take place on the 10th of October at 8.08 P.M.UK time.
In this transmission, we will do a personal individualized blessing for each of the Twin Flames that come forward to take part in this ceremony.
We will activate a personal individualized meeting alignment, which will activate profound shifts and transformations within your personal Twin Flame union trajectory.
We will also be sending out a protection protocol for all the children of the Earth who are being exposed to the heinous jabs at the moment.
There are other aspects to the 10:10 transmission, which will be revealed in due course. Please know it is my deepest honour to you into the core ground crew.
I will also be hosting the transmission after party.
This is an opportunity for us to go deeper into the codes, deeper into the transmission, and deeper into opening to receive the codes that have been shared in the transmission.
The after parties have been jaw-droppingly powerful and life changing for all of us.
I have created a bursary fund for people that are unable to pay the full price to join the transmission please contact my assistant at info@Jenmccarty.co.uk if you truly have no means whatsoever to participate in this ceremony and are feeling the call
This powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis.
If for some reason the by now button is not working please use this PayPal link to pay and please email my assistant at info@jenmccarty.co.uk with proof of your receipt and she will send you the PDF to join the transmission and or the after party
The equinox transmission
The equinox transmission will take place on the 22nd of September at 8:08 pm UK time.
In this transmission, we will be working with the Galactic‘s and the ascended beings to open the golden gate to the golden age timeline
we are all micros of the macro and in order to open the golden gate to the golden age timeline externally we have to open those golden gates internally, so in this transmission, we will be opening the internal gates to our higher Christic fifth-dimensional self, and activating an auspicious blessing for the entire collective in this vibration.
we are also being guided to work with the Higher Self of all brothers that are currently working in the mainstream media.
We will be activating an atonement ritual that will enable them to awaken from the extreme atrocities they are perpetuating within their industry. this promises to be the most powerful and important ceremony thus far and is deeply and intricately connected to the important work that we did on the 9:9 transmission.
it is imperative that the ground crew show up for this level of planetary service as we are doing this for all our brothers and sisters awakened, non awakened, and for all the future generations to come.
I’ve been guided by my spirit team to host an after-party transmission.
In the after-party transmission, we will go deeper into the teachings/ transmission and downloads enabling us to open up to fully receive the enlightenment codes that are being offered in this ceremony
the after-party transmission was so incredibly life-changing for all of us I highly recommend you gift yourself this extremely auspicious spiritual blessing
I have created a bursary fund for people that are unable to pay the full price to join the transmission please contact my assistant at info at Jenmccarty.co.uk if you truly have no means whatsoever to participate in this ceremony and are feeling the call
This powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis.
The 9.9 divine love completion ceremony will take place on the 9th of September at 9:09 p.m UK time
in this transmission we will be working specifically with the Divine masculine who are still in karmic relationships
we will be sending a boost of extremely powerful courage to enable them to awaken from their comatosed nightmare of settling for a relationship which is less than their higher selves destiny
In the 9:9 transmission we will also be working with the Galactics to fully ground and anchor the new Earth timeline we will do this through an embodiment exercise whereby we each embody the codes and frequencies of new earth
we will also be working to send our support to our brothers and sisters in Australia who are on the Frontline of this planetary globalist take over
we will be sending a huge boost of support to all of the brothers and sisters in Australia and all of the truckies and all of the people that are rising and taking a stand against tyranny
everyone who comes forward to take part in this ceremony will receive an extremely powerful and auspicious individual blessing for their own twin flame sacred Union and will have the opportunity to participate in an extremely game-changing global ceremony that will support the collective to entirely free itself of all tyrannical regimes.
Please note that there is a bursary fund for 10 people Please contact us if there is no way that you can make any contribution/energetic exchange.
please email info@Jen mccarty.co.uk and my assistant will respond.....
This powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis..
As soon as you sign up you will receive the PDF instructions to join the transmission please check your spam box under SELLFY and you will find the PDF
Dearest brothers and sisters I have been guided to create some changes with the transmissions starting from this month - the 9.9 transmission there will be an option to pay £44 to join
if you pay £44 you will be invited to take part in the after transmission party with me
this is a powerful and sacred opportunity for us to have intimate time together to go deeper into that the teachings of the transmission and for me to answer any questions that you may have
it will be an opportunity for me to share with you deeply and intimately the downloads and insights I have been receiving about the current planetary great awakening situation
It has been strongly suggested to me to do this by the mentors that I am working with as it will create a powerful opportunity for members of my community to go deeper into the work
not everyone will wants to do this and so therefore there are a limited number of places
to all of those that sign up for the £44 option, please check your inbox and you will find two invitations under SELLFY one to join the YouTube public ceremony and another invitation to join the zoom meeting
8.8 royal marriage transmission
The 8:8 Lions Gate transmission Will take place on the 8th of August at 8:08 p.m. UK time. In this transmission, we are being called to initiate the ceremony of the lion and lioness of Judah, and in doing so we will be working with activating our own feline DNA.
This is extremely auspicious work to be invited to take part in and will have a huge knock-on effect on your entire ancestral lineage.
Please see below for the full details on how to book onto the 8:8 Lion's Gate transmission. We will also be working with the higher self of all the police and the military to ensure that the military join Humanity Now in this attempted globalist takeover.
There are other aspects that will be shared in due course with regards to the Lion's Gate transmission.
In this transmission we will also be working with the higher self of all police officers and military to communicate to them on a spiritual soul consciousness level to put down their helmets and join humanity as we take our planet back from the dark despicable powers that have hijacked our planet for eons.
It is very important that the ground crew come forward to participate in this global ceremony as the more of us who gather on our grid points, the quicker we will activate the shift in the Collective……….
This is extremely important work for the collective and for all our future generations to come, and we have an extremely powerful and solid ground crew who are deeply committed to showing up continuously for this global ceremonial work. As soon as you sign up for the transmission you will receive a PDF file from sellfy this will be in your spam box or your all mailbox.
It is very important that you download this PDF file as it gives you the link to the transmission on the 21st july
This is an automatic process that happens to every single person that signs up.
if you make a donation please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and I will send you the PDF file manually
The Mary Magdalene feast day ceremony
The Mary Magdalene feast day will take place on the 21st of July at 8:08 p.m. UK time.
In this transmission, we will work deeply with the energies of the Divine feminine Christ known as Sophia also known as Magdalene.
We will all receive a powerful light language dispensation that will enable us to become full embodiments of the Magdalene.
Magdalene is the rebel she is unafraid to walk alone and she will stand in her truth in the protection of the vulnerable regardless of anyone's opinion of her.
It is very important that we empower this flame of sovereignty and Divine femininity in as many brothers and sisters as possible.
In this transmission, we will also be working with the higher self of all police officers and military to communicate to them on a spiritual soul consciousness level to put down their helmets and join humanity as we take our planet back from the dark despicable powers that have hijacked our planet for aeons.
It is very important that the ground crew come forward to participate in this global ceremony as the more of us who gather on a grid points the quicker we will activate the shift in the Collective……….
This is extremely important work for the collective and for all our future generations to come, and we have an extremely powerful and solid ground crew who are deeply committed to showing up continuously for this global ceremonial work. As soon as you sign up for the transmission you will receive a PDF file from sellfy this will be in your spam box or your all mailbox.
It is very important that you download this PDF file as it gives you the link to the transmission on the 21st July
this is an automatic process that happens to every single person that signs up.
if you make a donation please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and I will send you the PDF file manually
please note that for everyone else it is an automatic process. Please use the PayPal link below if you are having any trouble booking via the Wix website and please make sure to email me to receive the PDF file with the link to the transmission You can use this link to make a donation if The buy now button isn't working please be sure to email me at cosmicgypsy33@gmail.com if you've made a donation and I will send you the PDF file with the link to join the call http://paypal.me/cosmicgypsy33
The 7:7 transmission
The 7:7 transmission will take place on the 7th of July at 8:08 p.m. UK time.
In this transmission, we are being guided to deeply anchor the frequency of true love into the Earth plane.
We are being called to work with the white swans, the dragon swans, the butterflies, and indeed all of the elemental beings who have been given the spiritual duty of being guardians of the true love template.
We will also be working with our chakra system, sending forth a crystalline upgrade.
We will be working with the seven system chakra system for this particular transmission and we will be activating higher ascension codes to pour forth that will Support our chakras system to transform into its stabilised crystalline frequency.
This is connected to the creation of the Antahkarana bridge, which is the bridge to our higher self. As we individually activate this bridge, we activate Gaia's Bridge to her fifth-dimensional, higher self and we assist in the timeline of Gaia's alignment with 5D Paradise Earth.
This is extremely important work for the collective and for all our future generations to come, and we have an extremely powerful and solid ground crew who are deeply committed to showing up continuously for this global ceremonial work.
As soon as you sign up for the transmission you will receive a PDF file from selfie this will be in your spam box or your old mailbox it is very important that you download this PDF file as it gives you the link to the transmission on the 6th of June this is an automatic process that happens to every single person that signs up if you make a donation please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and I will send you the PDF file manually please note that for everyone else it is an automatic process. Please use the PayPal link below if you are having any trouble booking via the Wix website and please make sure to email me to receive the PDF file with the link to the transmission
You can use this link to make a donation if The buy now button isn't working please be sure to email me at cosmicgypsy33@gmail.com if you've made a donation and I will send you the PDF file with the link to join the call
solstice transmission
The solstice transmission will take place on the 22nd of June at 8:08 PM, UK time. In this transmission, we will be working with the Golden Kundalini Dragons and we will be activating an extremely powerful hieros gamos ceremony. The ceremony is very important for all those on the twin-flame path, and will hugely accelerate your path to sacred reunion with your divine twin soul. It is very important in these powerful transformative times that the 144000 come forward to take part in these global ceremonies and initiate their sacred in a reunion with their divine counterpart this is deeply connected to our Makarbic fields and the upkeep of our Merkabah’s. There are other aspects that will be revealed in due course with regards to the solstice transmission.
I deeply look forward to serving you, my brothers and sisters, in love and eternal light, Jenji, and the White Wolf tribe.
Due to the unprecedented amount of technical glitches that took place on zoom in the last transmission my team have guided me to do this transmission on YouTube but I will make it unlisted for now…... that may change if my Guides direct me to change it…
As soon as you sign up for the transmission you will receive a PDF file from selfie this will be in your spam box or your old mailbox it is very important that you download this PDF file as it gives you the link to the transmission on the 6th of June this is an automatic process that happens to every single person that signs up if you make a donation please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and I will send you the PDF file manually
please note that for everyone else it is an automatic process. Please use the PayPal link below if you are having any trouble booking via the Wix website and please make sure to email me to receive the PDF file with the link to the transmission
Jens links
Audio link
You can use this link to make a donation if The buy now button isn't working please be sure to email me at cosmicgypsy33@gmail.com if you've made a donation and I will send you the PDF file with the link to join the call
here is the link to sign up for my subscription list
Amazon book link
ere is my linktree with all of my links
6:6 restoration transmission
The 6.6 transmission will take place on the 6th of June at 9:09 p.m. UK time I'm.
In the transmission, we will be collapsing the timeline pertaining to whether manipulation. It is now time for the ground crew to intervene and completely eradicate the timeline whereby the despicable powers that “were” had access to manipulate our weather.
We will be working with extremely high level galactics to fully restore our weather template back to its original pristine divine glory.
We will be also working specifically with sending a boost of replenishment and nourishment to the Divine feminine particularly single mothers who are having to navigate these extraordinarily challenging energies whilst looking after tiny small people...
In the 6:6 transmission, we will also be focusing on planetary liberation as a whole and working with the higher over soul of every country on the planet to ensure a swift evolution towards planetary freedom and liberation.
For everyone that shows up to be part of this transmission, please know that it is highly auspicious, as you will be activating your own country's grid point and therefore sending forth the liberation codes deeply into the electromagnetic grid of your particular country.
Please note that this will have a powerful and knock-on effect and will assist in the awakening of many of your brothers and sisters.
Due to the unprecedented amount of technical glitches that took place on zoom in the last transmission my team have guided me to do this transmission on YouTube but I will make it unlisted for now…... that may change if my Guides direct me to change it…
As soon as you sign up for the transmission you will receive a PDF file from selfie this will be in your spam box or your old mailbox it is very important that you download this PDF file as it gives you the link to the transmission on the 6th of June this is an automatic process that happens to every single person that signs up if you make a donation please email me at info@jenmccarty.co.uk and I will send you the PDF file manually
please note that for everyone else it is an automatic process.
Please use the PayPal link below if you are having any trouble booking via the Wix website and please make sure to email me to receive the PDF file with the link to the transmission
The 5.5 transmission will take place on the 5th of May at 8.08 p.m. UK time.
In this transmission, we will work with the dismantling of the 5G grid, which the nefarious powers that were, are seeking to implement. We will be working with the collective consciousness and indeed all of the ascended beings to transform these 5G grids into 432 hertz Tesla towers. Indeed, this is a momentum that has already kick-started, but we are being called in as the ground crew to deeply empower and solidify this timeline actualization.
In the transmission, we will also be working with the golden dolphins to clean and transmute the energy of the oceans. This is connected to the patriarchal energies, and it's very much connected to many divine masculines and the pollution within their emotional body.
So therefore in this transmission, we will be working on deeply cleansing all the oceans of the world and deeply cleansing our emotional psyche and emotional worlds in order to align with the higher dimensional codes and frequencies that are our true birthright.
I will no longer be hosting the meditations on YouTube. From now on, I will be creating a much more exclusive event on Zoom. Please see below for full details on how to book onto the transmission.

please use this link to pay in full. £22
pay it forward option
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